Catholic Diocese of Orange hires former SAUSD administrator who covered up molestation

May God have mercy on the children of Orange County…

There have been ties between the local Catholic Church and the City of Santa Ana for years.  Council Members have arranged for land giveaways to the Church to benefit Catholic schools their kids go to.  City Manager Dave Ream arranged a land grab for Mater Dei and widened Bristol for them and I am told they hired his wife.

Now it appears that the Church is also in cahoots with Santa Ana Unified.  Check out what Gustavo Arellano dug up over at the OC Weekly’s Navel Gazing blog:

About two months ago, the Catholic Diocese of Orange put out a help-wanted ad for a new position: Associate Superintendent for Finance & Advancement. The job, a description stated, entails the applicant “to offer oversight, support and professional consultation to parishes/schools, high schools, Office of Faith Formation, and to other diocesan organizations on school marketing and full enrollment concepts, financial planning for schools, formal long-range planning, and fiscal management.”

True to form, sources say Orange Bishop Tod D. Brown has hired a pedophile protector to the position, but the surprising part is that His Excellency went outside his rotten grove to nab the hire: Tracy Brennan*. Yes: the same Tracy Brennan who was principal at Saddleback High School in Santa Ana last year when one Alonso Manuel Gonzalez was arrested (and later convicted) for molesting a disabled child yet never got around to alerting parents about the pervert and commanded staff to shut up about the incident. Who ignored previous warnings about said pervert. Who did virtually the exact same thing at her previous job for the Anaheim Union High School District.

Click here to read the rest of Gustavo’s post.

How very disgusting!  Once again the Catholic Church has dipped to a new low.  This is yet another story you won’t read about over at the Red County blog, which features an editor in Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham who outed the names of Catholic molestation victims while he was defending a Monsignor who facilitated molestations.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.