The GOP Latino haters are at it again…
“Activists have begun collecting signatures for a proposed ballot measure designed to block some benefits to the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants and to make it more difficult for those children to become U.S. citizens,” according to Martin Wisckol over at the Total Buzz blog.
Here we go again. Will the Republicans never learn? Scapegoating Latinos with unconstitutional ballot measures is a stupid idea.
We ought to be working on another amnesty bill instead.
Click here to see what the haters have to say about this measure.
According to Wisckol, “The lead proponent on documents filed with the state is former state Sen. Bill Morrow, whose district included a portion of south Orange County. Other supporters include Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Huntington Beach, Miller said.”
Rohrabacher? Well, that is no surprise. Morrow is a bitter termed-out legislator. Loser!
Folks, I keep telling you that there will be a backlash if the Hispanic/Latinos will infringe on the Americanism.
It is starting to happen!
Please notice that it was the previous Democratic administration which built that hideous wall between the Tijuana and San Diego.
Democrats do not need Hispanic vote!… in contrast, Republicans do.
Same like Blacks, Hispanics will vote for Democrats only to get it on the chin from them and then come for more every election.
Not smart!
Limited IQ Mr. Lomeli
We are not all same!
I do not vote for Democrats and socialists.
haaaa i knew this was coming .i found out the other and could not wait for the supporter of law breakers =pedroza to post it. of course art puts his usual if your not for the illegals your a racist , same old your a hater crap . that would be great if this passes . its years to late . si se puede ENFORCE THE LAW ..
Why not discuss real solutions ?
Inact and enforce real penalities for hiring undocumented persons, why would anyone using undocumnented persons care if you deported all of them, they do not, just hire new ones at a lower wage than a citizen or documented person would work for.
Last I checked and it may have changed but the penality was $5,000 for hiring undocumented persons. Per violation not per person. How about 1st offense is $5,000 per person per week. 2nd offense is $20,000 per person per week and 1 month in jail per person. Apply it to every business and individuals who hire people to wor k for them. Allow local law enforcement to enforce this provision and keep part of the fines.
No jobs, nobody will want to stay.
A real program to promote small business in Mexico and Latin America.
A end to the drug war and refocus on treatment. Possibly legalize some drugs, tax them nad regulate them.
Real solutions, not sound good, do not work and play on fear ideas.
You are not getting it folks!
Thanks to the affirmative action by the socialists the Hispanics are getting preferential treatment in every step of the American society and there is real reverse racism against non Hispanics.
Hispanic gangs are committing genocide against the blacks in the Los Angeles and whites are fearing that they are the next.
Eliminate all that and no one will complain about Hispanic.
Eliminate Spanish language everywhere, perform in the school and assimilate.
Interestingly no one is targeting illegal orientals…. Why? Because they are smart and do not infringe on the Americanism.
Look Nativo Lopez they will shut him down big time over nothing. Only because he is promoting this reverse racism.
Thank you Pedroza too for pissing off many non Hispanics with your crapola about enforcing the law = racism and hate.
This is the only beginning Pedroza.
This can be done only under the Democratic administration even if the republicans are behind it.
So now is the time, social and economical.
If the Republicans hate Illegal Immigrants, then explain to me why all of the OC supervisors,Caloptima, Healthy families fund with massive amounts tax payers money to non-profits and programs within their own governemental socical services for entitlements that target illegal hispanics. All of the supervisors are Republicans and most of the board commission ie Caloptima are Republicans????
I am very much against using taxpayer money to give to foregin nationalists in entitlements, when are own Citizen can barely pay for their own health insurance.
post 5 a good write up . mr benson i agree with you too ENFORCE THE LAW that also means nail any one who hires them . its a slow day so pedroza put this up to get more hits . i also read the bill will put a stop to anchor babies .. yeehaaa thats change we can belive in . man this would be great if it passes . but im sure la raza , lulac . maldeff will start suing to put a stop to this because then they would run out of clients .
post 5 i belive you can anwser your own question . this is why the democrats want to legalize them to vote . the dems are the party of entitlements the more they have the more votes they will have . that why they will vote for their agenda .
As a libertarian you should not be in favor of ANYONE getting benefits from the government.
Hi great one,
post 5 was the one and only Michelle Quinn, i don’t know why it made me Anonymous.
At least we know what the Dem’s are up to, its the Republican’s who are the sneeky bunch!
# 5. IF they did not provide the services to everyone, then all the funding for everyone for those programs would be cut off.
Gangs are a direct result of the drug trade. Legalize regulate remove the profit then they cannot buy the guns they do not have jobs, they either get a real job or go to another place. Prohibition did not work in the past it just created violence, like it is today.
It is much easier for a school child to get drugs than it is to get beer, wine or liquour. WHY ? There is not enough money involved for those who sell these things to pay for protection or buy off law enforcement.
O i am with you 100% on the drug thing! it only makes common sense. Why cant an adult take drugs if he/she so wishes. Alcohol is a far more distructive drug than Pot.
They should be cut off! This is not a socicalist country and that is why this country over all others has done so well. Santa Ana is overrun with socialist style programs and it has caused nothing but a cultural decay of drop outs,dead beat dads, teen preganancy that is one of the highest in the state,country. Look at the 2006/7 orange county grand jury report. in costa mesa 100
in Santa Ana it was over 900.
Thanks for the site Art. I just downloaded the petition and will pass it around.
Thanks you are the greatest:)
A California proposition can not change the Federal Constitution.
This is the same as trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge or Eiffel Tower. What a waste of time and money.
It is neither a waste of time or money, because it brings this issue in to the spot light!
Exactly !!!!!!!!!
Art…a tip of the hat to you. You know exactly how to push the buttons of the “haters” and make them crazy arguing against the evil, lazy, entitled, free-loading Mexicans who drive up our taxes and destroy all that is American. They take the bait oh so easily!!! funny!!
im sure the deffenders of the illegas art and the good doctor and the rest. thank you for the petition i just downloaded too and will be passing it around . now some think we wont be able to do it but if its written right it could go into CALIFORNIA law
post 16 you said it not us . haaaaa amnesty now . get in line like everyone else
“A California proposition can not change the Federal Constitution.”…… who said that California must remain a part of the federation and who said that we can’t have another amendment to the federal constitution — Cook?
The galvanization of the public is never waste of the time — Cook!
Art, knows that it will never pass our courts, because most of our courts are left wing, and who are the left. Simply “KNOW IT ALL”S”, they deem the American public as the problem and just as sotomajor stated she can make better decision’s than a white man, based on the fact of her race and her background
Just look up:
The orange county health consumer action center, which is really the Orange county legal center, which is funded in part by the INS (No really)
They have a Immigrant health fact sheet # 3 that tell’s UNDOCUMENTED immigrants how they can get medical and other state and local service’s. So if ya think the courts are going to help they are not.
It is a great way to get out information about what is really going on and why, school system’s/ local governements are giving Foregin Nationalist entitlements, when their own citizens, do not get them.
My personal experience:
” Non-English speakers make the school district more money than English speakers”, then they closed my school and i started to ask and to find out WHY???
We are not hater’s,just people who start to wonder why am i working hard for a living and paying for health insurance, when other’s get it free simply because they are from Mexico??
Its does not make sense until you look at the money trail!
Your right Fiala, were starting to smell a rat.
I started looking into this a year ago, and i will not stop until i expose the rats!
No matter what it take’s. I did not come to this country and leave my family because of religous discrimation to go through racial discrimation for some rat to get rich!
Heads up Michelle!…. Time is of the essence.
The California People should shut off these services unless the federal government gives us money to pay for these illegals.
Stanley, you are enjoying yourself with this issue, I can see the smile on your face as your type.
Some of the others seem to be bitter and unhappy and need a Frankenstein monster to blame for everything wrong with society.
Its not a monster cook, it’s your local governement! They are no oil paintings, but they are not monsters!
Yeah your right we are bitter and unhappy, because we are being used to make other’s rich, while we bust are arshes, so yes your right!
our! 🙁
The epiphany:
Do not get mad at the players. Get mad at the game and those that made the game.
Hate the game not the players and you will get diverse and energetic support.
To Dr Lomeli’s post should be added:
“If you built it, they will come.”
Legal or illegal it doesn’t matter when families need to be fed, no way can immigrants be stopped given our long border and openness to tourism.
We need to deal with it by registering everybody to get a handle on the magnitude of the probelm.
I think that Obama has it right target the companies hiring illegal Aliens.
And Doc. The game is racketeering of public Money using governemental control ie. Caloptima, healthy families, to the recipients CHOC,ST JOES,Latina Acess, Coalition of community clincs, MOMS, Orange county legal aid, Calkids, non-profit developers, orange county department of education.
You tell me Doctor why the superintendent of Orange County Department of education is meeting with OCBC lucy Dunn!!
They are all in the same club doc! all in the same club.
OK. I have no problem with your concern. Attack it there. I and others would support you if it is approached in a generic manner-straight across the board. No anger and hate directed at any one group.
“And Doc. The game is racketeering of public Money using governemental control ie. Caloptima, healthy families, to the recipients CHOC,ST JOES,Latina Acess, Coalition of community clincs, MOMS, Orange county legal aid, Calkids, non-profit developers, orange county department of education.”
Same type of racketeering as what brought on the State’s and world economic downfall.
Also, universal insurance as our President advocates would eliminate these programs.
Many of you have missed the point. The bill wants to eliminate services to U.S. CITIZENS. For those of you who are U.S. Citizens, you would be hard pressed to accept this being done to you, as I know I would.