Bernardo de Gálvez (1746-1786) was a Spanish aristocrat who was Governor of Louisiana from 1777-81. He led the successful Spanish attack on Pensacola, then capital of British West Florida, in 1779.
Happy 4th of July! Did you know that the American patriots would have failed without help from the Spanish – including their representatives in the U.S.? Below is an illuminating article that serves to illustrate exactly how Spain saved the American Revolution, making it possible for us to celebrate our Independence today. Viva la Independencia!
by Dr. Mildred Murry and Chuck Lampman
The French and Indian War, 1756-1763, was the genesis of Spain’s aid to the Patriots in the American Revolution, for Britain, in conquering France and Spain, set the stage for international revenge. August 15, 1761 Spain and France pledged mutual support to each other in perpetuity with the Bourbon Family Pact, and, on October 16, 1762, France ceded Louisiana to Spain. The Treaty of Paris, 1763, gave Britain nearly all of the French Empire in North America and a large part of Spain ‘s. Short of another war, how could Spain recoup her losses?
Britain provided the answer. Her harsh laws, acts and proceedings after the war forced her colonial empire, especially the 13 colonies in North America, to help pay for the war, to raise additional revenue and to maintain British government leaders and military forces in the colonies. This new policy generated strong opposition to these measures. Spain was watching the unfolding colonial reactions — Boston Tea Party, Lexington and Concord, oratory by the likes of Patrick Henry and the writings of Tom Paine among others, which were viewed as acts of treason by Britain, but noted as steps toward independence by Spain. Patriot Commissioners, who were to meet with heads of state in Europe, were sent by the First and Second Continental Congresses to offer them the return of lands lost in the French and Indian War and to grant favored trade nation status to any country or duchy that would provide war materiel and/or other aid to the Patriots.
Spain responded to this offer; in four ways, but not openly: money loaned, money given; a clandestine world trading company to provide war materiel and to bring European military leaders to America; opening literally a second front; and sending Spanish observers to America.
Money loaned, money given
The first recorded moneys were two million livres in hard currency and war materiel. Thus, the United States currency, the Continental, was secured by Spanish silver dollars. Two additional sums were noted: the first, $74,087.00, was loaned to Patriots Oliver Pollock and Thomas Willing and, second, $174,011.00 to John Jay, United States Emissary to Spain. Another source was King Carlos III’s August 17, 1780 Royal Order asking Spanish and Indian males in the Americas to donate two dollars and one dollar respectively in equivalent goods, the records of which were sent to Mexico City for distribution — a mystery of history not quite solved, although rumors abound. Fr. Serra, Father President of Alta California, called this a “war tax.” Alta California sent $4,216.00.
A clandestine operation
This project provided war materiel and brought European military leaders to the Patriots through a “dummy” world trading company — Roderique Hortalez et Cie. Based in Paris, but operated out of St. Eustatius in the Lesser Antilles, the Bourbon Kings of Spain and France each provided one million livres to start the company in May of 1776, six weeks before the Declaration of Independence. The materiel and leaders were sent via ships from St. Eustatius to Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Charleston, South Carolina and New Orleans in the Spanish Province of Louisiana, then up the Mississippi and Ohio rivers and across the Braddock and Bedford roads. For example, Patriots received this support for the Battle of Saratoga and during the Northwest campaigns led by George Rogers Clark. Baron F. W. Augustus von Steuben was brought to Valley Forge with these funds as were Casimir Pulaski, Thaddeus Kosciuszko et al for other Patriot activities.
Another military front
Spain literally started another military front against the British as soon as war was declared in 1779. Governor of Louisiana, Count Bernardo de Galvez, received orders to take back forts the Spanish had lost to the British in 1763. September 6, 1779, Galvez took Ft. Bute at Manchas in the Mississippi River Valley with no losses to Spain. Taking the fort at Baton Rouge was a more formidable task, but the Spanish captured it September 20. Galvez next secured the peaceful surrender of Natchez October 5. The next year, Galvez led his forces to capture Mobile, West Florida. The attack on Pensacola in 1781 was on land and sea with Galvez Commander-in-Chief; however, Joseph Calvo de Irazabel led the fleet from Havana. Pensacola proved to be the most difficult of the three-year campaign, although, again Spain triumphed. There was one more battle between Spain and Britain May 8, 1782 when Spain regained the Bahamas from England. Although more military action was planned, negotiations for the Treaty of Paris 1783 had begun, and hostilities ceased in the Atlantic and along its seaboard. Protection of Spanish treasure ships from British pirates continued from the Spanish Main (Cartegena and Bilboa to Havana to Cadiz) and from Manila to the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii) to Acapulco.
Much less is known about major military actions in the Pacific. Since 1768, Spain had a major port and shipbuilding center at San Blas on the west coast of Mexico in addition to Acapulco. More than 20 ships plus treasure galleons operated on a regular schedule supplying Pacific Coast missions, presidios and pueblos as well as trading up and down the coast, across the Pacific and in the Far East. Skirmishes were reported between Spanish and British ships during the American Revolution. Explorations of the northern Pacific also took place in what is known today as Vancouver Island, Glacier Bay, Prince William Sound and Unalaska where lands were claimed and lookouts established for Russian and English ships.
One of the greatest impacts of the Spanish navy was keeping the English in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico from reinforcing Cornwallis at Yorktown October 1781.
Spanish Observers
These were sent to United States in much the same way that the Patriots sent Commissioners to Europe. The first and best known was Juan de Miralles who became a partner in the trading firm of Robert Morris and Thomas Willing. Miralles and George Washington also became personal friends and professional correspondents.
The early land claims from the Atlantic to the Pacific made by four colonies — Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia and North Carolina — were finally settled by the Treaty of Paris in 1783.
Information confirming Spain’s role in the American Revolution can be found in the acts and proceedings of the Continental Congresses recorded by Charles Thomson. Additional material is available in the Library of Congress, National Archives, National Historical Park Service and university and private collections. Spanish sources include California Mission Archives and Archivos General de Indies, Seville, Spain.
“Did you know that the American patriots would have failed without help from the Spanish”….. sure!
Keep dreaming Pedroza!… I hope that you did not got hit by one of these illegal Mexican fireworks.
Bottom line is that Spanish miserably failed to create any prosperous government, any where in the world, they put their foot on.
Fiala, Spain saved the American Revolution! Mexicans fought in the American Revolution under Galvez! You’re yapping a total different subject! I noticed this is from 2009? It’s 2025! Are you still alive? If so, re-relearn your American Revolution history!
We haven’t heard from Fiala in years. We stopped approving his comments almost a decade ago. He was a crazy eccentric old Czech immigrant with uncontrollable streaks of racism and anti-semitism. However, he and I did record a Beatles song together in Santa Ana 11 years ago.
Argue with the Historians not Predoza.
Apparently you got hit by Czech illegal fireworks causing you to comprehend the blog post incorrectly.
“Did you know that the American patriots would have failed without help from the Spanish”
Is the message from what Historians researched and wrote.
“Bottom line is that Spanish miserably failed to create any prosperous government, any where in the world, they put their foot on.”
This is true of every invading colonizing empire in history. Was true For the British, Greeks, Mongolians, Romans, Mayans, Aztecs, Portuguese, Germans, French, Japanese and now it is true for US THE USA IN THE MIDDLE EAST.
Dear Dr. affirmative action historian Lomeli,
FYI, with an exception for Mayans, Aztecs etc. who destroyed them selfs and by the Spanish, all ROMAN RACE i.e. Portuguese, French, Romans and Spanish left behind corrupt and dysfunctional societies.
In contrast all GERMAN RACE i.e British, Germans and northern Europeans left behind societies which are prosperous today.
The Japan and Mongols (China) are most industrial and functional today.
FAQ: What keeps MEXICANS to do same as did China?
Take SLAVIK RACE i.e. Russians Czechs etc. they are all prosperous after they abandoned your beloved socialism and communism.
In 1990 Czechs, about 12M, about half of illegal Mexicans in the USA rebuild their country to become one of the richest, industrialized and educated country in the Europe.
FAQ: What keeps MEXICANS to do same as did Czechs?
Sources: CIA world fact book
Please name one Spanish speaking country which is prosperous democracy today?… I asked you this question many times before and you are unable to respond. I do not want to hear your drivel that the world is all equal and that we are all same good or bad. Just answer the question… Which Spanish speaking country?
I believe that you are not considering yourself to be equal with Adolf Hitler and that he was bad guy only because he was disadvantaged kid who did not have same affirmative action opportunity as you have.
We are not all equal!… I have higher IQ than you do and there is no affirmative action out there which can make you equal with me. [Emphases added]
only races officially referred to by USA federal agencies that I know are: Asian, Negroid and Anglo.
From Wikipedia Encyclopedia:
Race and intelligence
Main article: Race and intelligence
Researchers have reported differences in the average IQ test scores of various ethnic groups. The interpretation, causes, accuracy and reliability of these differences are highly controversial. Some researchers, such as Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and Richard Lynn, have argued that such differences are at least partially genetic. Others, for example Thomas Sowell, argue that the differences largely owe to social and economic inequalities. Still others such as Stephen Jay Gould and Richard Lewontin have argued that categories such as “race” and “intelligence” are cultural constructs that render any attempt to explain such differences (whether genetically or sociologically) meaningless.
The Flynn effect is the rise of average Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test scores, an effect seen in most parts of the world, although at varying rates. Scholars therefore believe that rapid increases in average IQ seen in many places are much too fast to be as a result of changes in brain physiology and more likely as a result of environmental changes. The fact that environment has a significant effect on IQ undermines the case for the use of IQ data as a source of genetic information.[88][89]
The term race or racial group usually refers to the categorization of humans into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of heritable characteristics.[1] The most widely used human racial categories are based on salient traits (especially skin color, cranial or facial features and hair texture), and self-identification.[1][2]
Conceptions of race, as well as specific ways of grouping races, vary by culture and over time, and are often controversial for scientific as well as social and political reasons. The controversy ultimately revolves around whether or not the concept of race is biologically warranted;[3][4] the ways in which political correctness might fuel either the affirmation or the denial of race;[3][4] and the degree to which perceived differences in ability and achievement, categorized on the basis of race, are a product of inherited (i.e., genetic) traits or environmental, social and cultural factors.
Some argue that although race is a valid taxonomic concept in other species, it cannot be applied to humans.[5] Many scientists have argued that race definitions are imprecise, arbitrary, derived from custom, have many exceptions, have many gradations, and that the numbers of races delineated vary according to the culture making the racial distinctions; thus they reject the notion that any definition of race pertaining to humans can have taxonomic rigour and validity.[6] Today many scientists study human genotypic and phenotypic variation using concepts such as “population” and “clinal gradation”. Many contend that while racial categorizations may be marked by phenotypic or genotypic traits, the idea of race itself, and actual divisions of persons into races or racial groups, are social constructs.[7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14] However, the concept of race may be useful in forensic anthropology. According to forensic anthropologist George W. Gill, “race denial” not only contradicts biological evidence, but may stem from “politically motivated censorship” in the belief that “race promotes racism”.[4]
What is your understanding of Mexican?
Do you know that a Czech family can migrate to Mexico have children their and those born there are Mexican?
Do you know that there are GERMAN RACE, SLAVIK RACE and Mongols born in Mexico and so are Mexican?
Considering what anthropologists and other scientists believe and considering the Latin American oppressive governments, I believe that the answer to your question is – oppressive governments.
Oppressive governments produce the environment and culture that holds back intellectual and other forms of progress.
It happened in Europe during the “Dark Age”.
Japan and China became productive in many forms not until the government changed from being oppressive.
“Take SLAVIK RACE i.e. Russians Czechs etc. they are all prosperous after they abandoned your beloved socialism and communism.”
Exactly by point. This is why Hispanics are here in this country. We do not want socialist- communist oppressive government.
You as the Hispanics here are here for the same reason.
We as you, know that it is about, As you say, “individualism stupid”.
“I believe that you are not considering yourself to be equal with Adolf Hitler and that he was bad guy only because he was disadvantaged kid who did not have same affirmative action opportunity as you have.”
No, I don’t consider myself equal to Hitler. I do think you are crazy like him.
“We are not all equal!… I have higher IQ than you do and there is no affirmative action out there which can make you equal with me”.
Many scientists believe that IQ is a result of environment as Wikipedia above points out. I also do not want to be equal to you on anything. I believe you have nothing to offer as a role model.
People like you with a IQ obsession – Hitler, Napoleon and others are dangerous and demented. It is why you were exiled from your country.
Why did you not go to another SLAVIK RACE country?
Dear Dr. affirmative action historian Lomeli,
From your educational background it is clear that you know how to copy and paste….. in other words monkey see monkey do!
Reiterating: Please name one Spanish speaking country which is prosperous democracy today?
Please use CIA world fact book not Wikipedia.
Hey Fiala? Did you know you’re a total and complete DUMB ASS!!!!
I can use what ever source I like. I copy and paste RESEARCHED PUBLICATIONS. You talk out your a$% with your opinion only.
I copy and paste researched publications to educate you. This is how education occurs. Maybe this seems wrong to you because you lack a formal education.
My affirmative action education has served me very well. Thank you very much. I value it and I am very thankful for it.
What is your definition of prosperous democracy?
Can you copy and paste Mexico’s CIA profile to contrast with those you consider prosperous for the readers to review. Include the Czech Republic.
You know as I do that prosperity has to do with oppressive governments and not with Hispanic influence.
The message you are trying to say is that Hispanic background democracies are not prosperous due to a Hispanic Genetic IQ deficiency trait?????????
All Latin American Democratic nations are prosperous. They could be more so if they were not affected by oppressive internal and external political forces.
You know this but you use unrelated examples to support your belief of IQ-race superiority. There is a definition for this – R—-M.
Dr. Dr… Wow, The affirmative action education served you well. It must be great to beable to get an education based on your race!
If education is based on enviromental influences, then you would agree with me that Santa Ana kids are failing due to high single mother rate’s, lack of perantal envolvement in their childs education, poor educators, high teen pregancies rates, high gang rates, high crime rate, high rape rate, high welfare rate, high illegal Alien rate (mostly poor hispanics without an education)high corruption rate, ect……….
Wow your right Doctor, environment is the reason Mexico while next to the most prosperous county in the world is a third world country.
But it’s our fault, us white scum, who keep the Spanish Speaker down!! We white scum of all nation’s stop the spanish speaker from doing what we have been doing for year’s striving for the best!
The people get the Government they deserve, The people get the Country they deserve and the people have a choice to change their lives as well as their country, just as the Iranians are doing and just as well as the Northern Irish people did.
You are as weak as the nation and the culture you stand up for. Weakness in all area’s has crippled Spanish Speaking Countries and no amount of brain power will overcome that.
And is it not Spain’s decendents that rule Mexico today??
by the way HI DOC:)
“All Latin American Democratic nations are prosperous”…. if you believe so then you are gravely challenged.
Moreover, you are unable to answer a simple question which again points to you genetically acquired insufficient intelligence quotient.
You need to be rich to migrate to Mexico. And most likey you would not beable to buy a home, you need to be Mexican to buy mexican land. Yes you can lease, but most likely, which has happen to a few friend’s of mine the Corrupt Mexican Government will take your home without cause.
It is a felony to illegally enter Mexico! Just in case anyone is thinking of jumping the Boarder to Mexico!!
“Moreover, you are unable to answer a simple question which again points to you genetically acquired insufficient intelligence quotient.”
Thank you for publically admitting that your are a RACIST.
I beleive I answered your question. You just do not like it.
“If education is based on enviromental influences, then you would agree with me that Santa Ana kids are failing due to high single mother rate’s, lack of perantal envolvement in their childs education, poor educators, high teen pregancies rates, high gang rates, high crime rate, high rape rate, high welfare rate, high illegal Alien rate (mostly poor hispanics without an education)high corruption rate, ect………. ”
Yes I agree with you. You know the problem – the solution is economic development of these communities so that third world conditions do not persist.
No one is blaming the whites for anaything . Where have I said anything like that.
“You are as weak as the nation and the culture you stand up for. Weakness in all area’s has crippled Spanish Speaking Countries and no amount of brain power will overcome that”.
This is where you fall apart Michele. You bigotry allways gets the better of you.
You see weakness and culture are not static. Those of us here in the USA are strong and evolving our culture through assimilation.
Soon Hispanics will be the majority of the most powerfull nation of the world.
Your comment above is ignorant.
Nice talking to you Michele.
And your comment Dr. that soon hispanic’s will become the Marjority in the Country is chilling!!
What your saying is the Whites,black’s and Asians are screwed and that is why Dr. your the bigot not I.
I could not care less what race is the majortiy in this country, i care more about can we support a vast majority of the poor. It is evident here in Calfornia that we can not. And yes Dr. it is a fact that Hispanic,s makeup most of are welfare users.
When i say Mexico is a weak nation it is not bigorty but a observation that does not take an IQ over 30 to figure out!
And Doctor remember this country is made up of all races. Mexicans will fall in love with whites,blacks,Asians. So your hope for a pure hispanic race here in the US may not come to pass:)
Cheer’s Doc.
It is evident that Mexico with billions of dollar’s invested in it will not do well, simply because it is governed by the corrupt and the people of mexico have neither the will, nor the want to change it.
So all the activist’s here for the latin cause is wasted, we are not a country of Latinos, but a country of immigrants. I think instead of you allowing your student’s to be run out of your class room for commenting on a observation that Mexicans have large families, (The Student Michelle) Maybe you should have said to Michelle “yes your right Michelle, it is a problem in the Mexican Culture that their is an exceptance of Children having Children”,
Assimaltion is what keeps most hispanic’s from doing well in this country, leading to the need for welfare. Santa Ana is a prime example a sub-culture of Mexicans living in the Us.
You and i Doctor both know that Mexicans coming in to this country is both a good thing and a bad thing. In this country we need more people of good character, values and morality. But we also need people that will strive to become American’s with the American ideal that hard work, self reliance, self determination will win you the American Dream.
Ok Doc, have a lovely day:)
By the way Doc. do you know any good,cheap ortho’s, i want to get my buck teeth fixed:) I am not kidding!!
You are crazy. Your interpretation of what I said is ridiculous.
Clearly you have an agenda.
“it is a fact that Hispanic,s makeup most of are welfare users”.
This is not a fact. Look it up. American born whites are. Next Blacks, followed by American born Hispanics and illegal Hispanic immigrants last.
“And Doctor remember this country is made up of all races. Mexicans will fall in love with whites,blacks,Asians. So your hope for a pure hispanic race here in the US may not come to pass:)”
This is beautiful. We do not want to be pure like you claim you are. Look what inbreeding has done to you.
Talk to you soon, Michele
Doc. No i think I’m right on the mark! You my dear Doctor have a tribe mentality and in a way we all do. We sometimes defend our own even if it is wrong to do so.
Hispanics, because of the lack of power they have in their own country try to flex their muscles in the US and this being the country for a ridiculous level of political correctness, hispanic’s milk it for all its worth! Even the ridiculous notion that Illegal Aliens have the same rights as legal residents is beyond comprehension.
Mexico’s immigration law’s are right on target!
The welfare comment i made was regarding welfare satistics in California!!! It is a fact!
Don’t you teach biology?? We all Doctor are from a small pool of humanity that migrated through out this world. So that being said you are inbreed too!!
An agenda, yes i do have an agenda!
AHHHH your fun Doc. you really are:) To think Doc if i was a student in your class room, the tables would be flying!
If ya see Need to Know Crap, say hi:)
“he welfare comment i made was regarding welfare satistics in California!!! It is a fact!”
It is not a fact in California . Look it up. You will not accept it because it is your major argument as anti Hispanic.
“Doc. No i think I’m right on the mark! You my dear Doctor have a tribe mentality and in a way we all do. We sometimes defend our own even if it is wrong to do so.”
Exactly what you do. You are anti Hispanic and will not accept anything positive or facts associated with Hispanics -“Bigot”.
“Don’t you teach biology?? We all Doctor are from a small pool of humanity that migrated through out this world. So that being said you are inbreed too!!”
I do not claim to be pure as you do. Inbreeding is discriptive of you for this reason. Live with it, embrace it, you know you are proud of it.
You are entittled to you opinion, it being ignorant is irrelevant. You have this human right as any other human illegal or not.
If you were in a class of mine I would fail you and send you to the Principal’s office for throwing tables around.
Get educated about what you talk about aside from just personal opinion based on ignorance. Flush the crap out your brain.
Control your anger. Talk to you soon, Michele
How can i be Anti Hispanic when i think your the Bee’s Knees Doc:)
Did you fail Michelle for voicing her opinion!! or did you just kick her out of your class room??
Just 1 example of many!
Orange County grand jury report on the impact of illegal immigration on Orange County. There suggestion stop all immigration for 3 year’s!
Cheers Doc, enjoy your Merlot:)
Well, let me comment on these interesting comments:
Germans, English, and Nordish in general left functional governments?… Yeah, the nazis for instance… great functional democratic regime… yeah.. Austrians, Russians, great democratic functional regimes…
British?… Just because we are constantly fed by Pride and Prejudice doesn’t mean that British are functional at all.. They tortured, jailed, oppressed and put in concentration camps everybody from Scotland to Kenia, to India, to Middle East to North Ireland, to Iraq… really a role model on civilitation..
And for Latin America, Chile, Costa Rica, Panama, … there are good prosperous Latin countries… but you know what?…. the intervention of USA fundamentally and the Europeans in backing coups and dictators hasn’t really help a lot to create functional countries…
and, well, some regimes like McCarthy’s, Bush’s etc, would you call them functional?…