She is from Iowa. Or is it Kansas. No it’s Iowa. Hello??? She didn’t arrive in Irvine until 2011. What…
Iowa? Probably not. What does that mean?
She couldn’t win a governor’s race in Iowa.
She still living in subsidized government housing?
Katie Porter has a blind spot for Armenians. It may not affect her in Orange county. But, she had an…
I thought of a better analogy than what I used before. These are the sorts of people who, as schoolkids,…
Just be happy that you're not the worst, even if you're the pushiest. Attracting people who would like to disrupt…
Palestine would definitely come up if he looks viable. The issue will heavily influence Jewish voters and donors, given that…
I was talking about the mailers, not all the obscene blog comments. (And apparently mailed objects too.) And you're referring…
Personally I don't think his stance on Palestine makes him crazy, but I just don't think the general electorate will…
Its hard to celebrate a Republican conversion that is won on such a ground. It would be nice to see police officers who vote against Obama because they do not approve of the government takeover of the banking, automobile, and health care industries, and who do not approve of the massive deficit spending. It will be a shallow victory if such voters just find someone with the same economic policies who is careful enough to always be polite and deferential to the police.
Of course his fellow cops are going to back Crowley up, on the streets, to the news …. but, you can be sure the sergeant is paying big for that silly arrest in the station house coffee room, and will pay for a long time.
And please, Mr. President, learn when to keep your mouth shut. The rest of us can work out important problems like “Whose the stupidest?” without your weighing in on the issue. Your comments are special, as was explained by Lyndon Johnson ( a wise Texano with the richness of his experiences ), “When I fart, it makes the front page.”
in hip hop, this is known as “black police showin out for the white cop”
Apparently, no one really paid much attention in English class. He said they acted “stupidly.” An adverb which describes an ACTION. Why people complain about Obama calling Crowley stupid is beyond me. I completely agree that the actions were out of line and perhaps stupid.
If a reporter hadn’t brought up the issue in the first place thereby asking Obama’s opinion, perhaps this wouldn’t be an issue.
But I agree, yes, Mr. President, please keep your mouth shut and DON’T apologize for the original comment. Crowley should’ve been called out on his erroneous actions.
Anon Teacher,
I wish we could have all Santa Ana teachers Arrested and go through each one with a fine tooth pick, and get rid of the stupid ones who can’t teach!
Moral of the story yes you can find the very stupid if you look at all the facts.
At face value teachers at santa ana suppose to be educated, then you see the student test scores!
I completely agree that the actions were out of line and perhaps stupid.
if only the police would should less constrint in arresting students at santa ana high schools for disorderly conduct, then maybe it would be a more peaceful teaching environment. And their might be less Gang members prowling the school hallways!
Yes this is a teaching moment!
ok my spelling is getting horrible!
corrected words:
show, Constraint.