Mission Viejo City Manager Dennis Wilberg
Around 6 p.m. last night I received two phone calls from volunteers actively engaged in the RECALL of Mission Viejo City Councilman Lance MacLean. The request was for me to come to our city library and video our city manager as he was intimidating signature gatherers by his presence. Following is a “press release” which I just received:
Press Release
City Manager Harasses Recall Volunteers
July 9, 2009 – On Wed., July 8, two recall workers said City Manager Dennis Wilberg harassed them in front of the city library. The incident occurred when two female volunteers were asking Mission Viejo residents to sign the petition to recall Councilman Lance MacLean.
Wilberg is among a handful of people including MacLean who have either harassed volunteers or made threats of violence against those gathering signatures. Wilberg first interfered with the recall on March 27 when he allegedly harassed a signature gatherer in front of a grocery store. Wilberg is not a Mission Viejo resident, and city employees are legally prohibited from becoming involved in a recall or other city election.
On July 8, Wilberg walked near the volunteers, who were standing in front of the library. According to the workers, he sat on a bench within a few feet of them. They said he was watching them while he held what appeared to be a BlackBerry phone. The city issued him a BlackBerry for use in official city business.
One of the recall workers said, “He was sitting so close to me that I was uncomfortable, and he was acting like a stalker. I thought he was recording my conversation with a resident, and that’s when I asked the other volunteer if we should call the police.”
The other recall worker responded, “I walked behind him to see if he was recording or texting. When I came face-to-face with him, I recognized him as Dennis Wilberg, the city manager. I confronted him by saying, ‘You have reached a new low, Dennis.’ He said, ‘I’m just sitting here.’”
The recall worker continued, “Wilberg wasn’t just sitting there, he was harassing us and trying to intimidate us. After I picked up my phone and made a quick call, I told him, ‘I just called Larry Gilbert to come down here with his video camera.’ Wilberg immediately got up and left with another person. For him to act like he’s recording what we’re saying is ludicrous. We have a flyer we give to people we talk with, and the charges against MacLean were published in a newspaper. It’s not a secret.”
The volunteers particularly noticed Wilberg’s rapid departure when he thought he would be photographed. They said they had already photographed and videotaped Wilberg when they were discussing whether or not to call the police.
MacLean and his supporters have used bullying and intimidation to interfere with signature gathering. Threats made by MacLean supporters have been reported to the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. Recall proponents say they will make a public records request to capture Wilberg’s use of his city-owned BlackBerry to determine if he was using it for illegal purposes such as involving himself in the recall.
Recall spokesman Dale Tyler said, “This is the second time the city manager has apparently used his office to interfere with the recall. With the new evidence of a video and the use of city property, his involvement is undeniable. Surely the city manager knows what happened to Supt. James Fleming when he interfered with a recall in CUSD. I don’t understand what he thought he was doing by sitting there, other than to attempt to intimidate the volunteers gathering signatures.”
Tyler announced that the signature drive is nearing completion with 47 days remaining to finish the job. Approximately 9,300 valid signatures are needed by the Aug. 25 deadline.
For information, call Dale Tyler, spokesman for the Lance MacLean Recall, (949) 360-1717.
What does the city manager think he’s doing? This is way worse than temporary insanity. He might be worried about losing “his” majority on the council, but he’s got a lot more at stake, including his job, benefits and a chance to retire.
We need a bird sanctuary on Crown Valley between the pillars and the palms. Give the city hall loons a safe haven.
I would think a low-paid underling could do the eavesdropping on the recall and save the city manager the embarrassment of a utube debut. Please post the video or tell me where to see it.
This should be Santa Ana !!!
MV Resident.
As to a You Tube video. We really need to keep our powder dry, especially as council members and staff read these posts. We are only in the 7th inning stretch of the MacLean RECALL. Be patient.
If you can get into the head of our current city manager please let me know. His predecessor once stated that he “only needs to count to three.” I/we have not forgotten that candid remark and his removal by our last Revolution when we took out both the mayor and mayor pro-tem in 2002
Unless one is careful history does often repeat.
“our last Revolution when we took out both the mayor and mayor pro-tem in 2002″…. wow!
It lasted only 7 years 1.5 term and you are ready for another revolution. Is it worth?
Stanley. As I look at the people I have supported for political office you might be on to something.
However, we each make mistakes. Hopefully I have learned from mine and will be more cautious in any future support/recommendation activities.
As we are close to the RECALL election in Mission Viejo a potential candidate visited me today. Not being asked I clearly pointed out that I am waiting to see the field before discussing any candidate considerations whatever its worth.
The same applies to the Nov 2010 City Council election where one councilman is termed out and two other seats will be up for grabs.
Local watchdogs are united in placing our focus on finding and veting qualified candidates with the objective of taking back our city from the overwhelming control by city staff.
You will never win Larry, because in the America the elections are sports and only charisma is a qualification.
The motto is: My guy must win no matter how bad he is.
Only after the election people look at their guy.
Good example is Pedroza, you can see that he is selecting his team based on potential winners (Latino in 80% Latino city) and not how good they are.
Then, after the election he will thrush them but he feels good that he won the election.
If he participated in the activity as described above, the city manager should lose his cushy job over this. If he can’t distinguish between management of the city and criminal activity, then he should dial Fleming’s attorney.
Stanley. You are onto something.
“Charisma” did play a major role in Bill Clinton’s defeat of Bush 41. Let’s not ignore the statement by Bush 41 to “read my lips-no new taxes” which gave Bill a huge boost in his victory.
Fast forward to the “idol worship” of our current president which also confirms your assessment.
Wow, I never thought that an old man sitting on a public I I bench could scare the Mission Viejo Mafia! I thought you hysterical zealots were tougher than that! Yes Larry, keep your powder dry and your underpants too. You still have a long way to go to rid yourself of Lance and install some other pupett who you hope will kow-tow to your soiled ideology. Your tenure on the city council was unremarkable at best. I guess you prefer sniping from the peanut gallery instead. Too bad you can’t get a per diem for that! I’m so disappointed in the Mission Viejo Mafia – so many malcontents, so little time to make them cry.
Boss Lady.
Congratulations! I am very impressed with your research on me.
Yes, I served on the Mission Viejo city council in 1775, or was it 1865? I can’t remember as it was so long ago. Go back to our city web site.
“Sniping from the peanut gallery.” Let me chew on that one for a minute. My name is Larry Gilbert.
What’s your name? Sniping at me under the protection of our policy that you do not need to identify yourself to participate on this blog.
Cowardly Lion. I saw you in the Wizard of Oz.
“What’s your name?”….. Boss Lady?.. her real name is Natasa Kurnikova, Larry.
She has her own show with chains and whips on the net. She does Mission Impossible Viejo political fetish too.
Thanks for the heads up.
I think she is upset because several years ago we removed all access to pornography on our city owned library computers.
Jesus Christ, Stanley and Larry…are you guys still in junior high. Move out of your parents’ basements and get a life.