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The race to replace termed out Supervisor Chris Norby just got interesting. Anaheim Councilwoman Lorri Galloway, who is a Democrat, has announced that she is running, according to the Red Klownty blog and the Friends for Fullerton’s Future blog.
This is very bad news for O.C. Clerk-recorder Tom Daly, who like Galloway is also a Democrat. Particularly since Jerbal, at Red Klownty, is also reporting that La Habra Councilwoman Rose Espinoza, who is also a Democrat, is thinking about running for Clerk-Recorder instead of running for the 4th Supervisorial District.
Daly is already being opposed by Anaheim Councilman Harry Sidhu. Now Galloway will further dilute Daly’s base in Anaheim, where he was once the Mayor.
Jerbal also reported that Norby is going to try once more to convince his fellow Supervisors to extend their terms to three terms. Norby is getting desperate, I think. He knows that Hugh Nguyen, his opponent for Clerk-Recorder, is the real deal.
Will Daly pull out of the race for the 4th and stay put as Clerk-Recorder? Will Nguyen and Espinoza continue to vie for Daly’s office? Will the Supervisors do Norby’s bidding and extend their term limits? Do the voters have any say in that?
Don’t assume by the way that all the Democrats will welcome Galloway into the race for the 4th District. She pissed off State Senator Lou Correa a few years ago when she endorsed his Republican opponent, Lynn Daucher. Correa will never forget that slight, particularly since Galloway also bad-mouthed him. But if Daly pulls out of the race for the 4th, and Espinoza does too, will Correa endorse Fullerton Councilman Shawn Nelson, who is the leading Republicanin the race to replace Norby?
So many questions. So few answers. But I am glad that Galloway is in the race as I don’t want Daly to win.
As for Sidhu, I guess he still has a few thousand to waste on another losing effort. He blew a fortune last year losing to Mimi Walters as they vied for termed out State Senator Dick Ackerman’s seat.
She looks more like she is speaking at a “bake sale” or a PTA event. Maybe she thinks she is running for “head cheerleader.” 🙂
With two sitting female supervisors, who were responsible for appointing female sheriff, a third female supervisor will signal beginning of the Orange County Amazon society.
“Amazon society was stringently matriarchal. Males were of no use other than for mating purposes and as slaves, doing work that was traditionally performed by women. Mens’ outer extremities were often mutilated to prevent them taking up arms against their captors or escaping. Male babies were either given away at birth to neighboring tribes or killed.”
So be careful what you pray for … you just might get it!
all the name calling doesn’t hide that all you’re doing is commenting on what Jubal has reported, Art.
And spare us the recitation of how many hits you get, rankings, blah, blah. Whatever change SMS made to your site inflated your Sitemeter.
In any case, you still eat Jubal’s dust.
Oh good finally someone I can vote for, rather than deciding who to vote against.
So what was wrong with my post now that it not got posted.
You should stop this capricious posting or your beloved blog is a history.
It is amazing how you could f*** it up so bad.
The best part of this story is that Jerbal’s pal John Lewis got punked! Now Lewis is stuck with a loser candidate for Supervisor, in Democrat Tom Daly.
I bet Galloway will scare Daly out of the race. The poor wuss will have to go crying home to his county lobbyist wife Debbie…
Lorri would be a lot of fun as a Supervisor.
It is great to see Daly get punked!
Calm down mijo. I was at the movies with my boys. Just got home and saw your posts were in the spam folder.
Go have a beer and chill!
Before Lorri announces, she ought to at least be eligible to run. Right now she lives in Campbell’s District.
Harry & Lorri–move and re-register first. Then announce. Are you and your families’ really going to give up your Anaheim Hills digs to move west of the 57?
Tom Daly please run for 4th District Supervisor.
We need a new boss who can provide leadership and support for staff. You are a waste of tax payers money. This is the worst department in the County. We hate coming to work. We feel imtimidated by Management. Morale sucks at the Clerk-Recorder Office. Do us all a favor!!!
I was just teasing you Lori (comment 1)…if Art thinks you will do well, then you’re ok in my book.
I agree #4. Lorri has my vote too!
She won’t move out of her AH house they have had for the last 20 years, where her kids grew up.
Basically pulling a Harry Sidhu. Why not focus on Anaheim, that is what you were reelected to do. This is so typical now…
I normally don’t spend a lot of time reading blogs because of the sometimes arrogant and uninformed people who write and respond(God knows I may be one of them). After reading this blog however, I thought that I’d chime in.
First of all, Lou Correa can eat dirt. I had the misfortune of meeting Mr. Correa several years ago. After he kindly shook my hand, I immediatly turned to my friend and told him I felt like I needed to take a shower because I somehow felt dirty. I had never met Mr. Correa prior to that meeting nor did I really know anything about him. All that I know is that if someone can feel how dirty you are just by a shake of the hand, then you must be pretty slimmy! If you’re wondering, Lorri Galloway will tell you exactly why she endorsed Lynn Daucher. It may have pissed a lot of people off but it was a just and well thought out decision. Bottomline is that Lorri serves the people of Anaheim and she felt that those people would be better served by Republican Lynn Daucher than Democrat Lou Correa who didn’t have the time because he was too busy “fighting the GD Republicans”. I agreed with Lorri whole heartedly.
Secondly, what the hell has Tom Daly done in the past 10 years? He’s so namby pamby that he doesn’t know he shouldn’t be arrogant! He just needs to go away.
Thirdly, Harry Sidhu is a nice man. I will give him that. But it’s the same question, “What has he done in the past 6 years?” Oh yeah, he gave a Developer 70 million dollars to build a hotel in Anaheim! While the City of Anaheim is in the middle of budget cuts and hiring freezes, the City Council voted to give this Developer 70 mil! All of them voted for it except for one…Lorri Galloway. Why? Because it didn’t serve the people. Simple isn’t it?
That’s what Lorri is all about, serving the people. That’s all she has ever done! From abused children to the Disney employees who don’t earn a living wage. She’s not in it for the Democratic or Republican parties. She’s in it for the people. Wise up everyone!
Google Lori Galloway and the colorful history of her non-profit. That should be enough to prompt voters to look elsewhere.
As I stated before, “the uninformed”! If you truly have “Been around a while” The you should have the intelligence to do some more research and find out what the truth really is? Not everything you read is the truth! Except for the federal government of course, they always tell us the truth!!!
All of the alledged wrong doing of the Eli Home was brought on by 2 single individuals who didn’t want the Eli Home in their neighborhood. Plain and simple, 2 hateful bigots are responsible for all of it. So, instead of spending their money helping children, they were spending money fighting legal battles over unsubstantiated allegations. Man, this is old news!!! But, I suppose you’d rather have someone in office that forgets about the people they are supposed to serve. Who are you anyway? Tom Daly???? A Disney Exec????
To begin with Jill, Lorri looks stunning in her blue outfit. Secondly,it is the color of confidence.
She should be confident for her race in the 4th Supervisorial District.Her determination and record with the non profit world and workers will lead to her to an unforgettable victory.
Hermes, that she does 🙂
First of all Joe Sipowicz your poor writing skills are more embarrassing than her cute shoes comment. Understand that Council Member Galloway is not hear to scare anyone, she is just the obvious winner of this race.