Yesterday marked the third 2009 anti-tax TEA Party organized by the local Saddleback Republican Assembly, SRA, a chartered unit of the statewide CRA.
At this event they added two new petitions which one of the event organizers informed me would be sent to our elected officials in Washington, DC. The title of one states “Reject Universal Health Care.” The brief text reads “We reject medical decisions being made by government bureaucrats, and we demand to keep our own insurance and protect the privacy of medical data. We strongly oppose socialized, government-run, universal healthcare.”
The second petition is entitled: “We, the undersigned, Oppose the Cap and Trade Initiative!” Its text reads: “This national energy is likely to be the biggest tax in American history. Remember, it isn’t just about energy, it’s about American jobs!”
Having spent a few hours in one of the two booths I noticed voters from as far away as Fallbrook to Fullerton signing in support of these protest documents. A third petition, getting favorable citywide support, was the RECALL of councilman Lance MacLean that I will address at the end of this post.
Some angry taxpayers arrived hours prior to the 7 p.m. start time carrying home made signs with a wide list of anti-tax and government waste grievances.
As a former president of this SRA unit I was asked to address the gathering which, at that time, totaled around 100 citizens.
As a member of the California chapter of “Americans for Prosperity” I opened with a brief remark on our delivering around 20,000 petitions to Sacramento last year protesting any tax increase. I then mentioned the colonial activists in Boston who triggered the push back to taxation proposed by Great Britain’s Prime Minister Grenville over 200 years ago.
We shall continue in the footsteps of the Loyal Nine, who later became known as the “Sons of Liberty”, to carry our message to every elected official who promotes oppressive tax policies and loss of our freedoms.
My closing comment was based on our Nov 5, 2002 Sample Ballot where I quoted from Mission Viejo council candidate Lance MacLean’s text, read by our 50,000 registered voters, which read in part: “Oppose all tax increases or special assessments.” As I paused the crowd began to applaud.
Note: Based on his “thank you” notes to those of us who campaigned for him we were snookered. Then I provided the rest of the story as I read from the 2004 Ballot where Lance (and council member Trish Kelley) promoted a TOT tax increase called Measure K.
Anyone following the financial status of Orange County cities have read of program and staff reductions due to the recessions while at the same time we hear Lance MacLean and councilman Frank Ury boasting about how much money we have in our reserves. If that be true than perhaps Mr. MacLean can justify his closing Argument in Favor of Measure K which read. “we urge you to approve a 10% TOT rate by voting “YES”.
When questioned Lance replies: “I didn’t promote a tax increase. We were only giving the voters an opportunity to decide if they wish to tax themselves.” This action is but one of the grievances listed on the Petition for his removal by the RECALL process.
As I departed prior to the fireworks and SRA booth closing I do not have a count of the signatures on any of the petitions.
As one of the 50 plus signers of the RECALL application I want to be fully transparent in writing about this volunteer activity.
Larry, you should really TAKE THE LEAD in the fight against Universal Health Care and GIVE UP YOUR MEDICARE, obviously the “government bureaucrats” making your health care decisions MUST BE OPPRESSING YOU.
Be an inspiration to seniors everywhere, show them how getting off the PUBLIC DIME is liberating.
All your efforts are meaningless until you defeat socialistic way of living which starts in the HOA.
How can you live in the housing complex which is run in common and yet opposing medical care which would be run in common?
There is something fundamentally wrong with your logic.
Power to the (downtrodden) people! Thanks for leading the charge against taxes and bad politicians. I’m impressed with those who gave up a day of relaxation to FIGHT ON in the spirit of our nation’s founders.
Some tea party, I only saw a few people at your little “protest”. What a joke!
Sorry but I have placed you in the penalty box for your non stop single issue attacks on me.
While you are welcome to add constructive comments I have the option of simply tuning you out. Let this serve as my final notification to you as you ignored the previous ones.
Having recently spent a few weeks in New England there is surely one area where they take the lead. Lack of HOA’s in the areas we visited in CT, NY and ME while I had no choice when moving into this part of Mission Viejo. Hopefully we can each acknowledge that HOA’s are a double edged sword. If not we will need to move to some remote part of the state or beyond.
I got some links at the Free Republic (Freepers) site and looked at the photo albums that some of them had taken at their events across the country.
The parties seemed very modest (but maybe people were busy with other committments for the holiday) with fairly small groups of people and people who were fairly elderly. Sure there were some younger family members there, but the bulk of the groups were quite north of age 50 from my observations.
“Hopefully we can each acknowledge that HOA’s are a double edged sword”…. NO! I do acknowledge only the edge which take your unalienable rights and rights to the man’s castle.
However, if you see the HOA socialism harmless then you must see socialized medical care harmless too. “If not we will need to move to some remote part of the state or beyond” to jungle of medicine man.
As you know I lived for 22 years in old communist Czechoslovakia with socialized medicine and it was good!
In 21 Century you should be forced to beg people to donate money to have your child liver transplant if your insurance will not pay… as it was recent case with Kaiser, I believe.
Obviously, because you are a church activist, you like HOA socialism because it is based on cliquishness as is church socialism.
I hate that kind of phoniness, cliquishness and oppression!… it is beyond the hypocrisy.
Germans have socialized medical care since 1870s model establish by Otto von Bismarck.
They are not bitching like you!…. why?
They do not have HOA and their homes are man’s castle.
Larry, feel free to ignore my posts, that is your right, as it is MY RIGHT to keep calling you out on YOUR HYPOCRISY.
Really, if want to be taken seriously on this subject, STOP SUCKING UP OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY!
Man up and go it alone, walk the walk.
Ok , I have private health insurance….and still oppose public healthcare….so now what annonster….kind of a stupid point you are trying to make
anonster. While its none of your business I do cut a check every quarter for Blue Cross of CA so please shut thy face
Eric Cooper.
I have no idea when you arrived at the rally which was scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. I was in one of the booths from 2:45 to 5:30 answering questions on the petitions and returned at 6:45 as I was one of the invited rally speakers.
I spoke to one group form Irvine carrying signs who showed up early thinking the rally started earlier. They were very understanding and left to get something to eat and did return closer to the 7 p.m. commencement.
Perhaps you were one of the other early attendees. As there were people taking photos and video I will try to get one to confirm the turnout
Sorry you were disappointed.
Jeff Morrow, the event M.C., did a great job of interviewing the “man on the street” when they discovered our audio system did not work. He asked several attendees why they were there and received some great comments. Perhaps you can advise us when you arrived and departed for clarity.
While I can agree with your assessment of holiday travel, entertaining family and friends or other committments that diminish the turnout, we are still dealing with people who do not read the blogs and are more concerned about their kids soccer games than protecting the freedom that our forefathers fought and died to protect. We were located at lake Mission Viejo where hundreds of residents were below us on the grass area waiting to see the fireworks. Even as I walked the Street Fair the turnout and enthusiasm was greatly diminished due in part to the recession. Having worked the MV Rotary Club booth making root beer floats for several years I can vouch for the loss of citizen involvement.
Simply look at the voter turnout to find voter apathy.
I commend those volunteer groups who continue the cause for without speaking out the end result will be worse than what is being proposed today.
Stanley. You too can attend a church. That has nothing to do with our choice to live in an HOA or not, if you can find an area where they do not exist.
When we first moved into Mission Viejo it was the Aegean Hills area just east of Interstate 5. As we were on the “other side” of the tracks we were not in the Mission Viejo Co. planned community and did not have an HOA. Mission Viejo council member Cathy Schlicht still lives in that part of the city and is very happy not being bound to CC&R’s.
Note: Aegean Hills was annexed by the city but was not bound to creating any HOA’s.
Now I understand your conservatism Larry.
You do not like Obama’s one big HOA a.k.a. USA but you like 1000s Obamas runing 1000’s little USAs a.k.a. HOA.
You know Larry?… I am glad that you Republicans are loosing big time — you have noting new to offer.
Same communism and Bolshevism as the other side.
Larry, just GIVE UP MEDICARE and then you will be free to criticize government health care HYPOCRISY-FREE.
Why not let ALL AMERICANS have this opportunity? Medical security plus the choice to pay extra for additional coverage, if it works for you why can’t it work for all?
Bigmarkod, obviously my argument with Larry has gone right over your head.
anonster is like a dog on a bone, Larry.
Why don’t the working class deserve the socialized “perk” that you are enjoying? Shouldn’t the “productive” be entitled to the kind of health care that the elitists in our government enjoy, just like you do?
I should add the question: Why are you celebrating the Independence Day if you will submit to the HOA servitudes?…. Huh?
Servitude?… are you a slave?… Huh?
You are a joke conservative Larry.
You should celebrate HOA Dependence and Servitude Day.
I think Americans like yourself are a dying breed, especially here in California. This Country has fallen into the hands of the corrupt Rich and paid politicans betraying their own country.
But do not worry that only a few people turned out for the tea party.
Yes alot of us our moms with kids, like myself. But i promise you that i am not sticking my head in the sand. I am doing something about the corruption especially in Orange County. It only takes a few voices to make a difference not an army.
So keep up with the tea parties and the good fight. And remember the so called Americans that belittle you are most likely the one’s betraying their country and their people for money. For their is no other logical explanation our Government whether it is in Washington or Orange County insists on betraying the Citizen’s. One rich man making another rich man richer on the taxpayers back plain and simple!
Good for you Larry and God bless America:)
Eldery American’s are given very little in this country and have paid into the system for decades. I would rather see American elderly get free health care, than pay for Non-citizens and abled bodied losers that live off welfare programs.
I quess you Mr. Anonster have never been inside a vet hospital, if you did, you would not want the Government involved with running a pet Clinic never mind health care for humans.
If you have any friends in Europe or Canada, ask how they feel about their socialized healthcare!
Stanley. I still look forward to having a cup of coffee with you before you leave this HOA nation. As you have been loud and clear about how much you detest HOA’s than can you please explain to those of us who read your remarks why you are still living here?
Another low blow from the conservative.
So, if I show truth about your phony conservatism then I should leave… Huh?
How do you differ from the old Czechoslovakian communists who told me the same thing when I have criticized them?
So it boils down to the Bushism: “If you are not with us you are against us”… Huh?… and you are calling yourself a patriot and an American?… and are celebrating 4th of July?…. WHY?
Larry, if you can live under servitudes you can live under Obama’s bullsh*t too.
So do not complain do not explain!
The TEA Parties not only unite concerned citizens, they are effective in getting under the skin of corrupt officials. Patriots and activists can make positive changes when they are united. They’re mobilizing, which takes more than a day or two.
Why did you have to protest at a family event and harass people who just wanted to watch the fireworks show? I took my family down to the lake to enjoy the show and was stuck listening to some angry loud mouth yell at people, “you like taxes.” These people who you were yelling at felt intimidated by your mob tactics and just wanted to be left alone and watch the show. I saw this several times as my family sat across the street trying to enjoy a nice dinner before the show. Nearly every person sitting near us was pretty upset that they had to listen to that kind of harassment of pedestrians and motorist during their fourth of July celebration. Make your point, you don’t have to intimidate and harass people. For me what ever point you had was lost. It was just a group of angry people.
Stanley if we stop complaining about our concerns than those in authority will assume we are happy. The good news is that we each enjoy First Amendment rights to express ourselves even when we might disagree.
Let me know the time, date, and place and I will come to Santa Ana to listen to your stories about life in what is now called the Czech Republic.
I will agree with you that we do not live in a perfect world.
And as you reference Bushism let me point out that this Republican was not happy with some of the actions taken by president Bush 43 and have no problem stating it.
The ball is now in your court. Have a great day!
This message is to Kevin, No. 24. Some people believe that July 4 is “fireworks day” because they weren’t paying attention during history class. They are free to have their picnics and be oblivious to why we’re taking the day off from work. Please excuse anyone who disturbed your family picnic and your sense of reverie while many around you are unemployed, underemployed, overtaxed and losing freedoms daily. And when your freedoms are lost and your job is downsized, feel free to complain that the rest of us didn’t work hard enough to protect you.
Adding on to the complaint of “don’t interrupt my fireworks,” don’t annoy me with Christmas carols while I’m unwrapping my packages! And SHUT UP about religion while I’m taking the day off for Easter.
The good news. While you were across the street partying on city property without a permit, we had your back!
Let me also point out that the SRA paid the city for permission to be there and to stand up for people like yourself who are oblivious to our economy and the ramifications of the recession impacting every segment of our population.
We were very courteous to everyone that passed by. As stated in my report I met people who drove all the way from Fallbrook in San Diego county to express their opposition to excessive taxation.
Perhaps you forgot what the 4th of July was all about. It’s more than hot dogs and a cold one.
And while I was not there at the end, I am certain that the SRA did not interfere with your viewing of the “free” fireworks display paid for by SRA members who just happen to be Mission Viejo residents.
“The ball is now in your court.”…. You missed Larry!
It went right over the fence, on the street.
Wait a minute!…. I see an idiot with the bumper sticker “you like taxes” driving over the ball and pop it.
Oh!.. it was anger driven pro HOA Republican enforcing the ball servitudes on his street!
Hey Stanley. Sorry I’m late but I just completed a blog story on tonight’s MV city council meeting.
As its almost midnight, and I need to get my beauty rest for an early (golf) T time tomorrow, we will need to talk later.