100 years seems a long time. Our good friend’s Mom just turned 100 in Hawaii. She had lived in the same house since 1935. She had to give up her Drivers License two years ago but this year Midge celebrated her 100th Birthday in an Assisted Living Facility. She got to celebrate with about 20 close relatives from around the country in her original house, just two blocks from the beach in Lanikai. We sent a 100th Birthday card, that we didn’t even have to make ourselves. They now even sell them at Hallmark. A Century!
But we are remiss. President Obama gave a rousing speech to an all black audience at the celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the NAACP today. The President presented himself almost as an Evangelical Preacher, blessed with the wisdom of his ways and a fire in his belly to accomplish great things. It seems pretty crazy when you think on it. Just last year, the thought that we would ever have a black President seemed pretty farfetched. It was going to be Hillary…remember? It was going to be Rudy…remember? Well, in fact it was Barack! President Obama has reached the mountain top!
Having lived long enough to remember seeing my first black person….which was Bill “Bojangles” Robinson – dancing in a movie with Shirley Temple. He seemed very nice. We used to watch Uncle Remus movies…..used Aunt Jemima pancake mix – and still do to this day. Hey, what about all those Tarzan movies and all those black tribesmen Johnny Weismuller used to be chased by and fight all the time? Then came Sidney Portier, Harry Belefonte and Sammy Davis Junior. The Step Brothers were huge in the 30s. Nate King Cole in the 40s. Duke Ellington, Dinah Washington, Ella Fitzgerald, Lena Horne, Sarah Vaugh, Billie Holiday, Nina Simone, Dizzy Gillespie, Castles of Spain with Myles Davis…..the list was endless. The Cadillacs….”They often call me Speedo but my real name is Mr. Earl….”, “60 Minute Man”, Jimmy Reed – Big Boss Man and Bright Lights Big City. Screamin Jay Hawkins, Dee Dee McNeil and the Fabulous Soul Sisters, Michael Jackson, Etta James and Beyonce! Richard Pryor….Eddie Murphy…..and thousands more!
In 1956, my Mom and Dad took their 13 year old son on a trip to the Carribean. We stayed a couple of nights in New Orleans. As we were coming from the Airport, Mom wanted to stop for a rest stop. It was a hot June day in New Orleans. I saw two drinking fountains. One said “Colored” and one said “White”. As I stepped up to the “Colored” fountain….a very kindly black man said: “Son, you have to use the other one!”. I liked the old grey white haired man and said: “Why, is there something wrong with this one?” He smiled and said: “You just do as I say!” I said: “OK!”
What has happened in the course of a lifetime of experiences is amazing. We are so very proud that America has finally determined that an equality is necessary to the future of our world. It took a tremendous confluence of events, characters and actors to make it possible….but we all can be proud of this immense accomplishment.
Congratulations President Obama. You are now a firm part of Americana and rightly so….we can now challenge your decisions, fight your issues that we believe to be wrong headed…..endorse your wisdom when you utilize it…..and be pleased and proud when your views match ours….for the greater good of this great country. 100 Years….just in one Lifetime things have changed and we can see things a little clearer. Happy 100th Midge and the NAACP…..Being born in 1909….must have been something! What has gone before now faces a new dawn and a new day – Congratulations to all of us!
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