Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham is shilling for Democratic Supervisorial candidate Tom Daly again, over at his supposedly Republican “Red County” blog. Today he posted a few endorsements of Daly, but they are a pack of Democrats. Why would Jerbal tout that on his red-faced blog?
Fullerton Councilwoman Pam Keller, Buena Park Mayor Art Brown and Fullerton Councilwoman Sharon Quirk today announced their endorsement of Orange County Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly for County Supervisor in District 4.
“I know Tom Daly will be a great Supervisor. He’ll help our families by making the County an active partner with the communities of the 4th District,” said Fullerton Councilwoman Pam Keller.
“Tom Daly is a reformer with a successful record for creating jobs and bringing government closer to the people,” stated Buena Park Mayor Art Brown, who praised Daly for recently opening a North County Clerk-Recorder branch office. “His leadership will be a great asset for North County residents.”
This is all about Daly opening a sub-office in Fullerton last year, to promote himself, at a cost of about $7,500 a month! Most County Clerk-Recorders are trying to provide more of their services online. Not Daly. He is still driving a horse and buggy in the age of hybrid automobiles. In fact Daly doesn’t even have a campaign website yet. I think he may be techno-retarded!
As for why Jerbal is pimping for Daly, it all comes down to the fact that GOP consultant John Lewis is working as Daly’s consultant – and Lewis has always told Jerbal what to do. I am surprised though that Chip Hanlon is allowing his blog to be used by Democrats, particularly when a good conservative Republican in Fullerton Councilman Shawn Nelson, is running against Daly.
Jerbal explains that these endorsements matter because there are two other Democrats in the race – Anaheim Councilwoman Lorri Galloway and La Habra Councilwoman Rose Espinoza. Shame on Keller and Quirk for overlooking the ladies in favor of Daly, who wasn’t qualified to be a Clerk-Recorder and isn’t much of a Supervisorial candidate either.
Bottom line on this is Cunningham can no longer deny he is a Lewis plant. How is this information possibly relevant on a republican blog? Announcing republican endorsements would be somewhat relevant but three left wing stooges? Isn’t that for the Liberal OC to tout? As if the orange county republican party needed more reason to be embarassed. This sort of nonsense would never have happened when Tom Fuentes was party chair.
Apart from the source, this really is a dog-bites-man story. Democrats support a Democrat. But what’s interesting is that when we first went ’round and ’round (to no avail) with Jubal about the Lewis/Daly story he intimated that all sorts of influential Republicans were going to come out for Daly. Now that might have been newsworthy if for no other reason it would really rile up the hardcore GOP and signal the Gotterdamerung for Republicanism in OC.
So far it hasn’t happened. In fact Harry S. seems to have tied up Anaheim’s important Republicans.
Art: Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the revolt against Red County by Bushala and other conservatives start with Matt’s shameless shilling for Daly over Shawn Nelson because of the Lewis connection? And, for the record, I’d vote for Daly over Nelson the Mural Murderer any day!
True – plus Jerbal banned Tony from his blog. At that point it was game on…
Question for you – do you prefer Daly over Galloway and Espinoza? All three are Dems. Daly strikes me as a corporatist. I would think Galloway or Espinoza would be preferable to progressive Dems. Verdad?
Gustavo, support who you will but remember it was Daly that wouldn’t allow Gigante to open in the old Anaheim Plaza. It would have made Anaheim look too welcoming to Mexicans.
I forgot about that! Even Pringle supported that supermarket. That cabron Daly is a Mexican hater! No wonder John Lewis supports him…pajaros of a feather.
Gustavo, I remember that mural thread. Didn’t Nelson do his mea culpas, or am I remembering wrong?
And I’ll say this for Shawn he was willing to go onto your blog and join the discussion – which is alot more than most GOP electeds would do.
Its been a while but maybe someone can recall the details. When Daly was mayor I remember some isue about a bunch of latino families being displaced by the redevolopment agency. Daly leading the charge of course.
The Gigante market deal is what triggered the alliance between Richard Chavez, Curt Pringle and Tom Tait. The three of them (with the help, later, of Lorri Galloway) went on to promote freedom-friendly policies in Anaheim. Daly was the key figure in the old guard, epitomized by WAND. The old guard tried to shut down motels that housed poor people and to keep out Gigante, mainly because they didn’t want to be reminded of demographic shifts in their neighborhood. Remember the Weekly’s story celebrating Tom Tait for his efforts to allow an avante garde art gallery to locate in an industrial park? That epitomized the difference between the new guard and the old guard. A vote for Daly is a vote for the old big-government, anti-Mexican Anaheim.
The Gigante bit was a giant ruse hoisted by Nativo and Pringle to help out a multinational and their own specific causes. The true racist in that affair was Elena something-or-other in the planning department. Also, they allowed Gigante in but didn’t want to give them a liquor license because there were too many in the area. I remember this because it was one of the first big stories I covered.
I like Rosie, but don’t think anyone from La Habra can win. Lorri is progressive, but I don’t think she can win against the machine. Daly has never struck me as particularly bad, but maybe because Anaheim has never been a basket case like, say, SanTana
As for Nelson: Yes, he did engage on the blog and eventually backed down from his remarks. But when he promised to meet a constituent about the matter, he stood him up. I haven’t forgotten that…
It funny how Matt thinks this is really big news!!!! come on, are you serious? Do you consider these significant endorsements??? Tom daly is a pretender in the 4th District race compared to the other candidates. At best he is #3 in the behind Nelson and Galloway, and he may not even be able to beat Rose Espinoza. Lets see him raise some money and get some significant endorsements then we’ll be impressed.
I am supporting Rose also. I was in Anahiem fighting against Daly’s hotel and redevelopement policies. We agreed on taxi policy and some other issues. So I guess it prove all Democrats are not in lock step with each other.
If there is a run off then I will have to think about another choice if Rose is not one of them.
Love it.
Jubal posts, and Art howls.
It’s pretty clear who drives the debate. And it’s not Art.
Gustavo, if Nelson stood somebody up then he should make it right.
I drove by the murals the other day and they are looking rattier than ever. I wonder if the community ever got together (or will ever)on that.
Steve G. do you remember where that art gallery was (is)?
Jerbal driving the debate…
Oh Art.
Sorry Carl. “jubal” has been shrink-wrap advertising on the side of the bus, but somebody else has been driving it.
Art, I fell out of my chair when I saw that photo. That is hilarious!
I’m a republican 100 percent and this Cunnigham guy needs to be cut loose. Trying to rebound from last fall’s election cycle with this guy on the team is like running a 10k with a parachute strapped on. Who is in charge at Red County?
Hey Art..What’s the real story with Daly’s first wife/family and the later hook up with his trophy wife? What it a Newt G./Edwards leave the first wife sick with cancer and split on the family kind of thing?
While Tom Daly and Mike Carona each enjoyed two Debbies, Daly did so sequentially. That is to say he married one, divorced her, then married the other one. Carona enjoyed his Debbie’s concurrently, although not likely at the exact same time – that would be weird even for Carona.
Both Daly and Carona also share the same consultant in John Lewis…although Carona’s career is done while Daly’s is not done yet.
You’re little pictures don’t obscure reality, Art: that you just feed off the crumbs from Total Buzz and Red County.
Half your posts are you going ballistic over some post by Cunningham, which end up making him look more reasonable because you’re so over the top.
As for Zenger, the I’m-so-smart act got old a long time ago. You’re not as clever as you seem to think you are. Exhibit 1: you think Art knows what he’s talking about!
Why don’t you take a look at the comments over at Red County…you will find they hardly get any at all. What does that tell you Carl?
I would not say we go ballistic, but we do like poking at Jerbal. It is great fun since he is so thin-skinned.
As for content, we write more original posts than Red County, hands down. They post a bunch of press releases. Any fool can do that.
This is a political opinion blog. We often use events and posts from other sites to get the conversation started. The format works well. We get about 20 times more comments than Red County – and probably more hits too. They hide their readership data, probably with good reason…
I don’t think the comments mean anything. You have the same ten people commenting here, over and over. Big deal.
“More original posts”? HA! I’m talking about you, Art. Don’t take credit for Larry Gilbert’s and Terry Crowley’s work. You just feed off other people’s work.
Hey Art. “Carl” sounds familiar, doesn’t he?
If Carl isn’t Jerbal he is at least one of his Jerbalitos!
He was posting here past midnight yesterday. Looks like I riled them up again!
Silly Jerbal! Is that you masquerading as “Carl?”
No. 9 – memory a little hazy here, but wasn’t there also a problem with Chavez being on the payroll of Galloway’s non-profit with neither of them disclosing that? I am not sure about this one, but think I remember reading it? If any truth to it, then it looks like we have a pack of sleazy people running for Supervisor – guess that is nothing new though. Hey, what Supervisoral District do you live in?
The rumour in Anaheim is Tom Daly LEFT his first wife because she was too “religious” for him.