RSM city council letter to president Obama opposing nationalized healthcare

A member of the Rancho Santa Margarita City Council provided a copy of their July 23rd letter to president Obama. The title reads: “City of Rancho Santa Margarita’s Opposition to Proposed Nationalized Healthcare Plans.”
Let me point out that the letter is signed by all five members of the RSM city council who voted unanimously in support of this council Agenda Item #9.2

“Dear Mr. President:
As the elected representatives of the 50,000 residents of Rancho Santa Margarita, California, we are writing to express our opposition to the current federal proposals to “reform” our nation’s healthcare system (as embodied in H.R. 32—-The “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009″ and the Senate’s Kennedy-Baucus Health Care Bill). We are opposed to these proposals for multiple reasons, including the following:”
Without providing the entire text let me simply list the nine bullet points:

1. This is Not a Reform Proposal

2. The Government Run Health Insurance Program Would Result  in Healthcare  Rationing–Disproportionally Hurting Our Senior Citizens

3. The Government Should Not Get Involved in the Doctor/Patient Relationship

4. A Government Run Insurance Program is Unnecessary

5. A Government Run Insurance Program Would Undercut Private Insurance Companies (and force taxpayers and health providers to pay the difference).

6. A Government-Run Health Insurance Program Would Destroy the Private Insurance Market (and Force Americans Into the Government Run Program

7. The Government Run Health Insurance Program Would Cost Too Much.

8. The Government Run Insurance Program Does Not Restrict Delivery of Free Health Insurance to Illegal Aliens

9. No Reason to Adopt the Proposed Government “Reforms” on an Expedited Schedule.

Gilbert note. I commend the RSM city council for this initiative and encourage other cities around the country to consider similar voting and correspondence to president Obama. Although most city councils skip one or two meetings over the summer, I urge elected officials to send a similar message to the White House to defeat H.R. 3200 and any similar legislation.

About Larry Gilbert