Sotomayor Enters Confirmation Process with Miers-Like Numbers

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I dont like having to keep bringing this up, but the news just keeps pouring in and it just keeps getting worse. Its bad enough we have pundits, hacks and liberal radicals trying to distract from this candidates pathetic record with her race. Yeah, she’s a Latina. Get over it! In fact, not even Robert Bork had ratings this negative! In the last poll during his hearings, only 35% did not want to see Bork confirmed!

Forty-seven percent of respondents to the poll say they would like to see the U.S. Senate vote to confirm Sotomayor versus forty-percent who say they would not. In the final CNN poll taken before Miers withdrew her nomination, forty-three percent of respondents said the Senate should oppose her confirmation.

You know what really puzzles me? I can understand that the Senate Democrats are probably going to push her through. I can understand that it is not so much what people think as the responsibility of the Senate to decide the matters. But there are people out there who PRETEND like this isn’t going to be one of the worst placements on the Supreme Court in DECADES. “Oh, Louis Freeh likes her!” Louis Freeh? Gimme a break!

Instead its, “oh she’s gonna get in. just get over it.” Nothing about her qualifications. Nothing about merit. Nothing about whether it will do justice any good to someone who puts blind justice at risk. I guess maybe I shouldnt expect any better. I guess when I hear someone say a politician should speak to a latino differently than they would an asian, as if they automatically have different issues and different interests, and to speak to one as you would the other is going to turn them off, that shouldnt surprise me.

That typically comes from someone who has no idea what it is that makes American culture. Who thinks that you cant speak to someone from the barrio the same as little Saigon, that talking to them like they should be concerned Americans isnt good enough or “race conscious” enough. There are people who even think that there is NO AMERICAN CULTURE. And THAT is why they dont mind tragedies of judgement, justice and jurisprudence like this Supreme Court nominee to get in. Being Latina trumps all that.

The leftists and liberals are the ones who brought up Sotomayors race, before she was ever even selected. They made it known that the race and gender of the nominee were the deciding factors in the decision, and that having a Latino or Latina on the Court was more important than finding a good candidate.

And we may all pay the price by having just a little less respect, a little less reason to believe that the Court is the place of final say, and the place where final justice can be found.

Its certainly going to be a little harder, isnt it?

p.s. I think this poll is fair. those of you who couldnt admit her statements wouldnt be racist if spoken by a white person should have no trouble finding an answer you can check.

About Terry Crowley