The Talibani Republican group known as the “Family Action PAC” has announced its endorsement of Costa Mesa Councilman Allan Mansoor for the 68th Assembly District.
Attention DPOC. As bad as Assemblyman Van Tran is I assure you Mansoor will be worse. Tran is corrupt but he is also conniving. Mansoor will just be a tool for the right wing nuts in his party. You guys better convince Costa Mesa Councilwoman Katrina Foley to run for this seat – pronto. She is your ONLY hope to win this seat, period.
My sources report that perennial Dem congressional candidate Steve Young is eyeballing this seat. HE WILL LOSE. Don’t be stupid DPOC! Foley is the only one that can beat Mansoor. Ignore this warning at your own peril
Here is the Family Action PAC’s press release. Don’t read this on a full stomach. You might puke!:
Family Action PAC Endorses Mansoor
Costa Mesa, California – The Family Action PAC, formed in July of 2000 to focus on business, family, and social issues, has endorsed Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor for the 68th Assembly District.
Family Action PAC supports initiatives and men and women for public office who respect the heritage and traditions of our founding fathers and support the long-standing core values of both the Republican Party and, most importantly, the pro-family movement. Their focus is on business, social, and family issues and they support initiatives and local and state candidates that will affect Orange County and California.
“I am honored to have the support of the Family Action PAC which represents men and women of principle and commitment to the foundations of our nation,” said Mansoor. “Too often our policy-makers look past these moral considerations in addressing the challenges we face and I understand the fundamental necessity of those foundations to a civil society.”
Allan Mansoor is an Orange County Deputy Sheriff and mayor of Costa Mesa. He is a Republican candidate for the 68th Assembly District, currently represented by Van Tran, who will not seek reelection due to term limits.
An inspiring choice, should encourage other Dems to get in the race. This could make it interesting in both the primary and general.
Why would Family PAC support a homosexual?
Yowza! Hadn’t heard that one. That would be interesting if proven true.
Don’t forget that the OC GOP has been rife with such hypocritical behavior for years…so this would not exactly set a precedent.
I think I disagree (half) with you on this Art. Mansoor will fail to win the Republican ticket. That’s for a Vietnamese fellow. Katrina is an electrifying politician, and well liked in many areas of the 68th Assembly District. If she decides to run, I think she’ll get the Democratic ticket, and might be able to win it all. I guess we need to convince her to run. That’s gonna be tough.
ha. foley. she is a joke. she can’t mansoor and is hated by so many. i hope she does run just to see her lose.
I guess this post may be taken as being about as stupid as phoning in a “no opinion” answer to a poll on TV. However, as a CM resident who has watched Foley and Mansoor over the last few years I have to say BOTH are good choices-it just depends on your political leanings. Mansoor is far outclassed by Foley in intellect but will have a strong appeal to those who think the various public unions are grossly overpaid. Foley seems to want to give them everything. I go for Mansoor on this. However, Mansoor is very cold towards programs for our youth and Foley is a champion of youth programs. I go with Foley on this. Mansoor seems like a puppet of the Republican machine and hoisted Jim Righeimer on us Costa Mesans and I dislike this relationship. Yet if Mansoor wins maybe he will take Righeimer with him and they both will be gone from our city. I like that scenario the best. I would miss Foley, she is good theatre even when I feel she is dead wrong. So in the end, let’s keep Foley and get rid of Mansoor and Righeimer. Good luck Allan!
And, if you look up the leadership of the Family Action PAC here’s an interesting entry you’ll find:
Jim Righeimer
Co-Founder, Family Action PAC; Chairman of Orange County Housing Commission; City of Costa Mesa Planning Commission; Orange County Airport Land Use Commissioner; Campaign Chairman for Congressman Dana Rohrabacher; Co- Author, Prop 226 “Paycheck Protection.”
Yep, it’s that same fella that Mansoor appointed to the Planning Commission even though he’d only lived in Costa Mesa for a few months.