“Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin shocked the political word Friday by announcing that she will step down at the end of the month and transfer power to Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell,” according to Fox News.
Fox News also reported that Palin has faced 15 different ethics inquiries. In her latest snafu two of her public health officials resigned after Palin expressed that they weren’t in step with her “social issues.”
Palin is certifiable. There is no way the GOP will prevail with her at the helm. Looks like we will have Obama in the White House for eight years.
UPDATE: Did Palin even know she was resigning? Her Twitter account mentioned not running for reelection, not resigning. Click here to read that tweet…
She’s such a lightweight. She wanted to be the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Glad we dodged that bullet filled with stupid arrogance.
Adios, sister!
Here is an excellent site for anyone who is interested in latest developing stories in Alaska/Sarah Palin:
there is suspicion and speculation that she’s about to fall apart b/c of the ethics violations she committed. All the talk about saving Alaskan’s millions of dollars makes no sense at this point.
Andrew Sullivan nails Palin when she was first announced as VP candidate. He was spot on. “She’s a joke and a farce”. Vintage video clip absolutely nails who Sarah Palin is and her weaknesses.
Oh please let her run, we have to have some fun. Can anyone say Obama re-elected by landslide !!!
Imagine who she would select as her running mate? Rosie Avila? Jim Gilchrist? Dana Rohrabacher?
So many crazies to choose from! LOL!
This was great news for Michael Jackson.
The Lt. Govenor knew about this last Wednesday, according to this clip:
You clowns will be begging her to run for President after 4 years of your buddy “OBO”
While I hate to agree with the overall comments about Palin, it is disappointing that so many here, including A&R and RV, could not wait to jump on the bandwagon. To skewer someone who obviously was never prepared for the job of Governor, much less V.P. is like shooting fish in a barrel. It’s easy but not very satisfying.
To say Palin had a meltdown Friday is an understatement. Adding insult to injury, In yesterday’s resignation speech she attributed the quote , “ We’re not retreating, we are advancing in another direction” to Gen McArthur. That comment was made by Major General Oliver Prince Smith during the retreat of the 20,000 during the Korean War’s battle of Chosin Reservoir
But then again to say she wasn’t the target of overkill the last year and a half is also an understatement. Moveon.org sent a small army to Alaska to dig up dirt on the weird governor apparently elected by a majority of Alaskans but now obviously hated by the vocal minority blogs. ( RV will quickly direct you to Mudflaps if you ask her nice).
As usual, Art is quick to jump with half the facts. The truth is Palin was accused of 18, not 15 ethics charges. Art also fails to report that most were dismissed for lack of cause, one was deemed no wrongdoing but settled by reimbursement, and three are pending. But nevermind the facts.
The tactic of drowning opponents with accusations of improprietie for the purpose of causing opponents bankruptcy is nothing new to union organizers. I wonder where that tactic came from? Just to be fair and balanced here are the 18 ethics charges, outcome or current standing.
A listing of known ethics complaints filed against Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin: (reprinted from AP 6/21/09)
1. – July 28, 2008 – Alaska lawmakers launched an investigation into whether Gov. Sarah Palin abused her power when she fired Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan over his refusal to let go a state trooper involved in a contentious divorce with Palin’s sister. Stephen Branchflower, a special counsel leading the investigation, concluded Oct. 10 that Palin violated a state ethics law that prohibits public officials from using their office for personal gain. The firing itself was deemed lawful since Monegan was an at-will employee.
2. – Aug. 6, 2008 – Complaint filed by outspoken Palin critic Andree McLeod of Anchorage contended Palin and some staff members used their influence to get a Palin supporter a job in state government. Complaint alleged Palin staffers helped Tom Lamal, who once co-hosted a Palin fundraiser, to get a job as a surveyor. Dismissed by state personnel board, although the board’s investigator recommended ethics training for one staffer who made questionable comments in e-mails.
3. – Aug. 20, 2008 – Complaint accused Palin of breaking election law by taking a public position on a mining ballot initiative days before the vote. Filed by Brian Kraft, founder of the Bristol Bay Alliance, a group that opposed the Pebble Mine prospect. Rejected May 8 by the Alaska Public Offices Commission.
– Aug. 29, 2008 – Palin named as John McCain’s running mate.
4. – Sept. 2, 2008 – Palin filed a “self disclosure” with the state personnel board over the Troopergate affair, saying a state legislative probe had become too political. Nov. 3 – the day before the election – Timothy Petumenos, a lawyer hired by the board, said that Palin violated no ethics laws when she fired Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan.
5. – Sept. 3, 2008 – Complaint by the Public Safety Employees Association alleged Palin or her staff had unauthorized access to and improperly disclosed information from personnel records of Trooper Mike Wooten, Palin’s ex-brother-in-law. Complaint was later amended to include an allegation of harassment. The PSEA’s allegations were investigated alongside Palin’s filing and also dismissed.
6. – Oct. 13, 2008 – Monegan asked the board for a hearing to clear his name. Petumenos, in his Nov. 3 Troopergate report to the panel, said there was no legal basis or jurisdiction for such a hearing.
7. – Oct. 23, 2008 – Complaint with the Federal Election Commission by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics alleged the $150,000-plus designer wardrobe the Republican Party bought to outfit Palin in her vice presidential quest violated Federal Election Campaign Act. The Washington watchdog group argued that candidates aren’t supposed to use donor money for personal expenses. The FEC ruled May 19 that party money is not covered by the ban.
8. – Oct. 24, 2008 – Complaint contended Palin abused her power by charging the state when her children traveled with her. The personnel board found no wrongdoing, but in a Feb. 23 settlement Palin agreed to reimburse the state about $10,000 for costs associated with 10 trips found to be of questionable state interest among 72 travel authorizations studied. The money is due to the state on Tuesday.
9. – Nov. 14, 2008 – Accused Palin of partisan “post-election damage control” for talking to reporters about the campaign in her state office. Filed by Zane Henning, a North Slope worker from Wasilla, Palin’s hometown. Dismissed by state personnel board March 23.
10. – Dec. 2, 2008 – Alleged Palin violated ethics law by campaigning for Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia. Filed by Anthony Martin of Talkeetna. Dismissed by state personnel board March 23.
11. – Dec. 18, 2008 – Complaint contended Palin misused funds of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, a quasi-government entity, to promote her political ambitions with advertisements featuring her, violating ethics law. The ads promoting Alaska seafood ran in the National Fisherman last year through November. Dismissed Jan. 12 after a personnel board investigation determined Palin’s only involvement was to give permission to use her image long before she was named McCain’s running mate.
12. – Jan. 12 – Complaint alleging interference in a job hiring was filed under the name of Edna Birch, a busybody character on the British soap opera Emmerdale. Palin’s attorney, Thomas Van Flein, said no one by that name could be found living in Alaska and the filer refused to use a real name, so the complaint was dismissed Feb. 20.
13. and 14. – Jan. 26 – Two complaints filed by McLeod alleged two of Palin’s top aides misused their official positions for Palin’s personal and political gain. The complaints said then-press secretary Bill McAllister and Kris Perry – director of the governor’s Anchorage office – worked on state time to benefit Palin’s interests during and after her vice presidential quest. Pending.
15. – March 18 – Contended Palin improperly used state staff, property, time and equipment for partisan political purposes. One of the grievances cited was Palin’s posting of her veep candidacy on the official state governor’s Web site – http://gov.state.ak.us/archive.php?id=1439&type=1 Complaint filed by McLeod. Dismissed May 27 as lacking merit by personnel board.
16. – March 24 – Contended conflict of interest by Palin because she wore Arctic Cat logo gear during the Tesoro Iron Dog snowmobile race. Palin’s husband, Todd, is sponsored by Arctic Cat in the race. Filed by Linda Kellen Biegel, a Democratic blogger. Dismissed June 2.
17. – April 22 – Alleged that work with Palin’s political action committee violated two provisions of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act by misusing her official position and accepting outside employment. Filed by Anchorage resident Sondra Tompkins. Dismissed as lacking merit by state personnel board May 8.
18. – April 27 – Contends Palin is misusing the governor’s office for personal gain by securing unwarranted benefits and receiving improper gifts through the Alaska Fund Trust. The fund was recently established by supporters to help Palin pay off more than $500,000 in legal debts stemming from other ethics complaints, including troopergate. Complaint filed by Eagle River resident, Kim Chatman. Pending.
Didn’t mean to disappoint you. I think we had a sense that she’s such a lightweight that the final trainwreck would be memorable. She does have a way of delivering.
Those ethics charges could have been addressed by the Attorney General by the state, but then the records would have been PUBLIC. So the Palin clan decided to get a private attorney and the costs have soared to over half a million dollars – IF you can take anything of what Sarah says at face value.
The 3 person commission who reviewed and dismissed the ethics charges against Palin were APPOINTED BY and served at the PLEASURE OF…… that’s right…. Alaska state Govenor Sarah Palin. That means that the govenor had full power to hire/fire who she wanted to on that personnel board.
She’s already stacked her stupid cabinet with her stupid, unqualified friends and she’s fired competent, ethical employees who would not tow her shenanigans. She’s a power abuser. She’s a lightweight bully. She’s unqualified to lead anything.
Pitbull? More like a big pig at the trough.
Her blaming everyone else, is just the essence of who she is. Who wants to guess that the root of all this is going to be embezzlement and perhaps involving that sports complex? She mentioned MONey MONEY MONEY a lot yesterday. It’s going to be about the money or how it’s been misused.
AND she’s a damned quitter. That’s not a republican value. Ask Sanford.
It seems to me the information on the allegations are pretty well documented publically whether the attorney general was involved or not. The people filing a majority of the allegations, all left wing democrat anti-Palin activists (except for the made up name who didn’t exist..hmmm remind you of anything? like ACORN?)had a choice to file with a commission filled by the governor or elsewhere. Obviously appointing members to that commission was part of the Governors authority and just because the commission didn’t find the way you liked doesn’t mean the commission didn’t review the allegations fairly. Of course it doesn’t mean they did either but I don’t see any cross complaints on thier findings.
I never felt Palin was qualified and I never said she was. Her lack of education is apparent up to and including yesterday as I pointed out in her misquote. Enjoy your glee at her tripping over her own ego. She’s gone. She’s a quitter. What’s the point in kicking her to the curb now? If she has in fact conducted malfeasance in office then it will come out and not in some left wing blog.
It is always some kind of left wing or right wing plot to get the other side.
But if the people elected actually did nothing wrong ever or made a bad decision, then we would have to find a way to electic angels. Unfortunatelly we elect humans who like the rest of us are not always right and do know alway do the right thing.
I can forgive Palin and Sandford and wish them well, even though I would not have supported them in the first place.
“In her suit, Margie Schoedinger states that George W. Bush committed sexual crimes against her, organized harassment and moral pressure on her, her family members and close relatives and friends. As Schoedinger said, she was strongly recommended to keep her mouth shut. . . . Furthermore, she alleges that George Bush ordered to show pressure on her to the point, when she commits suicide” (go to Google, type “blog of drizzten Margie Schoedinger,” and hit “Enter”).
“George [Bush is personally complicit] in the death (murder to be precise) of my friend Margie Schoedinger in September of 2003. Determining the exact whereabouts and contacts of . . . George Bush on September 21 thru 22, 2003, should be entirely lacking in difficulty” (Leola McConnell; go to Google, type “Leola McConnell blogspot Margie Schoedinger,” and hit “Enter”).
McConnell is correct: Bush applying pressure (continuously criminally stalking Margie Schoedinger) purposefully to force Schoedinger to commit suicide does in fact constitute murder where it culminated in her death.
Bush’s method of murdering Schoedinger cannot exist in a vacuum: he must have murdered other people in the same way.
During Bush’s presidency, of course Bush would have desired to kill people whom he hated or get them out of his way. Insofar as Bush was clearly capable of murdering Schoedinger—even in “broad daylight”—and is clearly capable of getting away with it, in consideration of common sense and the laws of human nature, Bush of course murdered numerous people in the disgusting way he murdered Schoedinger. One can examine public information; in various situations where people who sought to oppose or disadvantage Bush ever so frighteningly ended up “committing suicide”—specifically—Bush murdered them just like he murdered Schoedinger. For example, Bush murdered James Howard Hatfield by continuously criminally stalking Hatfield to the point that Hatfield could not get away from it—purposefully to force Hatfield to commit suicide—and Hatfield committed suicide in desperation to escape. However, the vast majority of such scandalous cases will never come out (the grisly details are typically hard to substantiate). A prosecutor really can lawfully charge a former president with murdering one or more people in the disgusting way Bush murdered Schoedinger. The American people unfortunately live in a world where evil presidents can murder any number of people—figuratively—with a wave of a magic wand and get away with it.
(There are thousands of copies of the information above on the Internet. Please feel free to go to any major search engine, type “GEORGE W. BUSH IS AN EXTREMELY DANGEROUS CRIMINAL STALKER AND SERIAL KILLER” or “George W. Bush continuously criminally stalked Margie Schoedinger to the point that she could not get away from it, and she committed suicide in desperation to escape: he murdered her” or “George W. Bush applying pressure (continuously criminally stalking Margie Schoedinger) purposefully to force Schoedinger to commit suicide does in fact constitute murder where it culminated in her death” or “George W. Bush murdered James Howard Hatfield by continuously criminally stalking Hatfield to the point that Hatfield could not get away from it—purposefully to force Hatfield to commit suicide—and Hatfield committed suicide in desperation to escape,” hit “Enter,” and readily find hundreds of copies.)
(Please feel free to go to Google, type “GEORGE W. BUSH IS THE WORST PRESIDENT IN U.S. HISTORY blog of Andrew Wang,” and hit “Enter.”)
Andrew Wang
B.S., Summa Cum Laude, 1996
Messiah College, Grantham, PA
Lower Merion High School, Ardmore, PA, 1993