Van Tran rattled by Quang X. Pham’s entry into the race for the 47th Congressional District

Picture Courtesy of the O.C. Register

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Interesting news from the Little Saigon Insider blog.  Apparently termed out Assemblyman Van Tran is panicking about the entry of Quang X. Pham into the GOP primary for the 47th Congressional District.  Here are a few excerpts from the post in question:

According to the tipster at the OC GOP Flag Day Dinner a little more than a couple weeks ago, State Assemblyman Van Tran approached Quang X. Pham and told Quang that he had no business of running for Congress. Tran emphasized strongly that this is not his seat and he would not win. It was quite a heated conversation and caught some guests by surprise.

This would be the third time in less than a month that Tran had personally approached the ex-Marine pilot trying to dissuade him from running.

Tran so far has demonstrated the fact that he cannot raise money within his own community and the stake is very high for him at the moment.

Pham’s base in the Vietnamese-American community is very strong, especially with the Vietnamese-American veterans for his dad (also a pilot) was a war hero who spent twelve years in communist prison. In addition, Janet Nguyen’s supporters would love the chance to get back at Tran for his bruising attacks on her in the last two elections. Many people in the community questioned Tran’s leadership when he waged his political war against Nguyen in her re-election bid last year. To them, it showed Tran’s determination to destroy his political enemy at the cost of the community’s unity and interest.

It is too early to predict but if the Vietnamese-American community has a high turn out in the primary, Tran will be in for a tough fight against Pham.

There is no question that there will be a large Vietnamese voter turnout given the plethora of Viet candidates that will be on the ballot.  Besides Tran and Pham, it is likely that Janet Nguyen will be running against State Senator Lou Correa, and Hugh Nguyen is running for O.C. Clerk-Recorder.  Long Pham will also be on the ballot as he will be running for the 68th Assembly District.

Martin Wisckol also wrote about this race recently in the O.C. Register, and his article included a juicy quote from Quang X. Pham, “There’s a big difference between the two of us. Who has created jobs versus who is a career politician? Who has served in the military and knows about Afghanistan? Given where the state is today, being a state legislator could be an asset or not” for a congressional candidate.”

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"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.