Who would replace Lance MacLean in the Mission Viejo RECALL election?

Based on the huge number of petitioner signers it is apparent that Mission Viejo councilman Lance MacLean will be recalled prior to next year’s general election.
I am told that the number of signatures being collected may exceed a 50% cushion in case there are duplications or invalid signatures. In fact they have obtained more signatures than Lance received in his 2006 election.

Article 2, Section 13 of the CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION states that “recall is the power of the electors to remove an elected officer.”

Some background: The recall process became available to Californians in 1911 by the Progressive Era reforms that spread across the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The ability to recall elected officials came along with the initiative and referendum processes. The movement in California was spearheaded by Republican then-Governor Hiram Johnson, a reformist, who called the recall process a “precautionary measure by which a recalcitrant official can be removed.” No illegality has to be committed by politicians in order them to be recalled.

While the 2003 RECALL election involving former governor Gray Davis had 153 candidates ranging from Arianna Huffington, Cruz Bustamente and Tom McClintock to Gary Coleman, Larry Flynt and porn star Mary Carey, this recall will not have nearly as many high profile contenders.

Preliminary (alphabetic) listing of potential contenders:

Barb Anderson, former member CIG, Realtor/Broker
Rich Atkinson, planning commissioner
Bill Barker, former council candidate and city commissioner
Bill Craycraft, former MV mayor, three times
Mark Dobrilovic, chairman Investment Advisory Committee
Dr. Michael Ferrall, former council candidate, former SRA president
Diane Greenwood, former council candidate
Joe Holtzman, Member of the MV Heritage Committee, former MVEA Board Member
Nancy Howell, former council candidate
Dan Joseph, former city manager and council candidate
Neil Lonsinger, former planning commission chairman and former council candidate
Max McDougal, former member CIG
Brad Morton, former council candidate, planning commissioner, Editor  MV Dispatch
Judy Rackauckas, former council candidate
Gail Reavis, former MV mayor
Norm Rosenkrantz, president Casta Dem Club
Rick Sandzimer, planning commissioner
Richard Schweinberg, planning commissioner
Dale Tyler, editor Mission Viejoca.org blog
Susan Wilson, member LAFCO, former planning commissioner
Mark “Ziggy” Wilczynski, MV “man of the year”, member MV Heritage Committee

Over the next few months I will provide some bio info on each of these potential candidates who will have a “fast track” to the winners circle due to a quick election cycle.

Please cast your votes.

About Larry Gilbert