Why did the insolvent SAUSD rehire their laid off administrators?

“Nineteen districts will not be able to meet their financial obligations for the school year that just ended, or the upcoming school year, without making drastic cuts, including El Rancho Unified and Wilsona Elementary in Los Angeles County. Eighty-nine districts, including big city school systems in Los Angeles, Oakland, Santa Ana and Sacramento, are in jeopardy of not meeting their financial obligations in the school year that just ended or the two upcoming years,” according to the L.A. Times.

If the SAUSD cannot meet its financial obligations, then why did they recently bring back all their laid off administrators?  They now have to keep them on the payroll for at least one year.  There are still a lot of teachers laid off.  Is it just me or are the folks in charge at the SAUSD completely insane?

And don’t expect improvement at the polls.  I hear that MIke Gonzalez and Cecilia Aguinaga will be challenging SAUSD Trustee Audrey Noji next year.  Good grief!  Is that the best we can do?  No wonder our lame Trustees keep getting reelected.  Gonzalez by the way came in LAST in last year’s SAUSD elections.

When will the State of California take over the SAUSD – and will Superintendent Jane Russo and her board allies, Noji, Rob Richardson and Jose Hernandez end up in jail for mismanaging public funds and ruining our school district?

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.