It turns out that Sarah Palin resigned as Governor of Alaska for a number of reasons. For one thing, a federal indictment might be on the way.
When she was Mayor of Wasilla, she oversaw construction of a $12.5 million dollar sports complex. It turns out that the guys who did the work on that project were all contributors of hers. And her new house was built at the same time. She says her husband built it, with friends. But the materials look like those used at the sports complex. Click here to read all the juicy details.
The Huffington Post has published an article by Geoffrey Dunn with a few more details of Palin’s unethical actions and complete lack of ability to get anything done as Governor of Alaska. Here are a few excerpts:
In fact, her bizarre appointment for Attorney General, Wayne Anthony Ross, was rejected nearly unanimously by the state legislature — a first in Alaskan history.
Moreover, Palin was facing what would have been a hugely embarrassing veto override by the Alaska legislature at the beginning of the next session in January over her politically postured refusal to accept Federal stimulus funds. If this past legislative session was a setback for Palin, the upcoming session would have been an absolute public relations disaster — hardly the proper entree for her presidential campaign.
Some pundits have said that Palin’s resignation is out of character. Hardly. Don’t forget that she resigned from her last statewide office — that as chair of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Sarah Palin is a quitter. She fancies herself something else. But, in the end, she quit her position at AOGCC and she has now quit her governorship. That’s two-for-two at the statewide level. In Wasilla, there was nearly a recall launched against her as mayor. Trouble and turbulence have followed her everywhere.
Will Palin emerge later this year as a talking head or will she start to campaign for President? That is hard to say. I think she is finished. And God only knows what else is coming out later. There are even rumors that she has cheated on her husband over the years. Can the GOP survive another adultery case?
The Chronicles of Sarah….are far from over…because as much as she is willing to quit in a heartbeat….she has no qualms blaming it on everyone else. This is all grist for Greta Van Sustern, Katy Couric and Entertainment Tonight.
This is like the Lorena Bobbit story/trainwreck or maybe even Tanya Harding. Heck even Sister Souja…..made a three year run before she got outted! Who knows? Sarah has enough kids and T-Shirts to last her a lifetime! Brutal for the public to be put through this idiocy!
We can only hope that Republicans the nation over have finally gotten the true message about the
Ex Mayor of Wasilla!
The ambitious “Point Guard”…by the way, has a tough time getting into the paint. She ain’t no
Power Forward with a deadly outside three point shot or is she able to jump high enough for a Hail Mary Slam Dunk! No, the Gov….will soon be traded to the Indiana Pacers for a future draft choice! Spending lots of time on the bench!
Sounds like she’s retained Mark Sanfords advisors.
A little over sixteen months as governor and she quits??? WTF.
I hope she lands a TV show or a playboy spead cause she toast politically.
Maybe she got an offer to do the show, “I’m a celebrity, get me out of here!” and she resigned so she could be in the spotlight again. Worked for the Blagovich family!
Judging from this blog and the comments, it looks like Sarah Palin has already been convicted by the Left Wing Freak Show and the Society Page Republicans.
How witty of you. However you want to make it EVERYONE ELSE’S FAULT,the fact is:
Missy Hissy Fit QUIT.
Please send more money to her Sarah Pac. Please keep believing in her while the rest of the world finally wakes up to what an awesome leader and candidate she is. A quitter is now the new GOP WINNER!
Yay, Mavericks everywhere!
Good! Another liberal loonette in a near terminal snit.
An article by the ultra liberal rag village voice and an article by a man selling a trash book on Palin are your sources?
No one, no one, can corroborate a thing from The Village Voice, and its a year old. And Geoffrey Dunne has been proven to be a dilettante. You dont accuse someone of “plagiarism” without asking the victim if they gave permission. Gingrich did.
Nothing of substance here. Talking to the already converted.
oh, and Dunne accuses Palin of “lying” when she says she started campaigning for Governor four years ago.
She filed in October of 2005, and had her kitchen cabinet for at least six months prior. This is a bedwetter waaayyyy too eager to catch her at something.
So much for the GOP work ethic, not to mention family values. Wow, what a cartoon character!!! Sarah, take a timeout…
How do you defend quitting like this.
She is barely HALF WAY THROUGH her only term as governor?
She is a failure in the biggest sense of the word. Typical chicken republican.