Will Anaheim Councilwoman Lucille Kring run for the 4th Supervisorial District?
Rumors are abounding that Anaheim Councilwoman Lucille Kring will announce that she too is going to run for the 4th District Supervisorial seat being vacated by Chris Norby, who is termed out.
Anaheim Councilwoman Lorri Galloway is already in the race. So is Anaheim Councilman Harry Sidhu. Both are carpetbaggers who are looking for homes in the 4th District.
Kring is a Republican as is Sidhu. Galloway is a Democrat.
This would be very bad news for Orange County Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly, who was Mayor of Anaheim a long time ago. It is likely that over half the residents of Anaheim have no clue who he is. Like Galloway he is a Democrat.
If Kring does jump in, that should be the last straw for Daly. He will likely drop out of the race and stay put in the Clerk-Recorder’s office. But he will have to then run for reelection. I think he can be defeated by Republican candidate Hugh Nguyen, who used to be the Deputy Clerk-Recorder under Daly’s predecessor. Nguyen now works for the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
Kring may take some votes from the leading Republican challenger, Fullerton Councilman Shawn Nelson, but more likely she will sink Sidhu and Daly, not to mention Galloway. Her entry would also be bad news for La Habra Councilwoman Rose Espinoza, who is also in the race. She, like Galloway and Daly, is a Democrat.
Nelson stands to gain the most from Kring’s entry into the race. His supporters should be encouraging her to run.
How many Anaheimers can you fit into this little car?
Rumors, what makes you think she can handle running a campaign for Supervisor? With or without Kring Daly will drop out sooner than later due to the lack of support. Good one Pedroza, what next?
Kring can handle it. She has run for office several times. She is a contender to replace Pringle as Mayor too. And she owns her own business.
I do agree though that Daly is done. We’re just waiting for the death certificate…
Tried talking to her? Perhaps she’s just flattered at the rumors, you need to “talk to People” pedroza, reading comments doesn’t count.
Glad that you see it that Daly is done, but death certificate? C’mon, lame much? :-p
How does one anon commenter equal “rumors abound”?
Come on, Art. Slow news day?
Tom Daly is a Joke!!!!!
He is lazy and doesn’t come to work.
Wow we are going to be stuck with him and his idiot assistant Renee Ramirez. Can someone please help us out.
The department morale is horrible and Tom Daly doesn’t give a damm about his staff. Stop hiring all your friends.
Tom Daly Please retire!!!!
Art or anyone, how old do you think Lucille is?
Hard to say. If I had to guess I would say she is in her 50’s or 60’s, but she takes good care of herself.
She is quite accomplished. Apparently she has a degree in chemistry and a juris doctorate and she is a real estate broker and business owner.
Daly is a former “marketing consultant.” Kring is far more accomplished than him and probably a lot smarter than him too.
“He is lazy and doesn’t come to work.”
Some cruel people might say that makes him Supervisor material.
I’d guess Lucille’s in her mid-50s. She owns a wine bar in the Garden Walk that’s caused her some voting conflicts in the past, but that’s more a point of controversy for the Dems than her. She’s seems a very reasonable and thoughtful person to me, and I’d think she’d be a good candidate — although I’d rather see her run for Mayor and not compete with Nelson as I think she could succeed in replacing the tiresome, GOP-hack Pringle.
Guess it’s time someone who knows what they’re talking about weighed in.
This is just Art trying to stir things up. There are no “rumors abounding.” Lucille Kring is running for Mayor of Anaheim next year. That’s the job she really wants, the one she thinks was taken from her by Curt Pringle in 2002.
If she didn’t run for Mayor, she’d run for re-election to the council. Her support comes from the WAND crowd in Anaheim, and she’s not respected in GOP circles, or in a lot of Anaheim circles.
You can’t make a living off being a Mayor. The Supervisor job has a six figure paycheck.
I would not blame Kring for considering either position.
I agree that she is a longshot to run for Supervisor, but she would probably do better than Daly…
Art, you have know idea what you’re talking about. You probably felt you needed to “break a story’ so you turned some anon commenter on another blog into “rumors abound.”
You don’t know a thing about Kring. She isn’t in politics to get a job. Do you have some insight into her mind that she is?
Daly is much stronger than you think. But then again, I’m talking to a guy who thinks that having another GOP councilperson in the 4th Supe race actually helps Shawn Nelson.