Gay ministers will be allowed to lead parishes, representatives of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) voted today in Minneapolis. The 559-451 vote marks a historic change for the 4.8 million ELCA members, including 830,000 in Minnesota. The vote repeals the ELCA’s ban on gay clergy unless they agreed to remain celibate. The new position allows the installation of gay pastors but leaves the decision to call a gay pastor up to individual congregations and synods.
Delegates heeded warnings not to react as the outcome was read, but onlookers in the gallery hugged one another in celebration. LINK
The proposal would not go into effect until November, allowing three months for emotions to cool. Will God have second thoughts by then?
Happy Sunday to ALL. 😉
1. Soldier Steven Green: Num.31:17.
2. Obamas Inauguration: Num. 31:17-18.
3. ELCA+SOCOM Nuclearwar in Iraq: 1.450.000 died Iraqis!
4. “I am Soldiers of Jesus Christ” Psalm 144:1.
5. Adolf Hitlers Bible
6. Adolf Eichmanns Bible
7. Nazi-Bible
8. Obamas Bible
Atheist 100%