Santa Ana just handed almost $5 million to their lowest ranked transit design bidder, Cordoba Corp. Oh the irony then when you view their transit video, which I have posted above. Wait until the final screen and you will see that the video is the work of the two companies who lost the bid to Cordoba!
But I am told that it was Santa Ana City Manager Dave Ream’s assistant, Jill Aurthur, who came up with the idea of using a U2 song on the clip. Ruh-roh! That is ILLEGAL infringement of U2’s copyright! I already alerted the Recording Industry Association and Island Records, which is U2’s label.
Beyond that however, the video shows you just how ridiculous Santa Ana’s transit plans are. NONE of the money for this plan is guaranteed. There are numerous other cities bidding to blow the wad on their own taxpayer funded transit plans.
Here is how one of our readers summed up the Santa Ana transit video, “Thanks for sharing the video. I had no idea of the enormity of this cock-up. Fixed rails, ethnic cleansing on Bristol, auto traffic of the PE right-of-way, pointless bus connection, etc., etc. It’s really too bad the OCTA hornswoggled the public with that Measure M extension. The boondoggles were forseeable.”
This bogus transit plan is indeed the bitter fruit of Measure M – the sales tax increase that was heavily promoted by Red County’s Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham and Jeff Flint – the same red-faced weenies that gave us Prop. 8.
Wrote about this a while back:
You never miss a beat!
Let’s see if Island Records or the RIA actually go after Santa Ana for ripping off the U2 music.
I hope they do!
This is a stupid video !!! Waste of tax dollars on making it!!!
That seems like a waste of money and an ill-thought out plan.
Little bus routes/free trolleys would be a much better and more flexible solution. Not to mention they would be MUCH cheaper to run and maintain.
The tiny route in the video really is ridiculous. That’s a puff piece of a video.
On the link that Gustavo referenced, i noticed that the city used U2 AGAIN according to Gustavo’s comments. However, if you look at the video, it has a different song. You’d THINK the city bunglers would have learned by NOW not to use that U2 song in all their videos.
They need a spanking for being so dense!
The whole thing is rinky dink. I mean everything.
And the fired Transportation Manager from Irvine, Cindy Krebs, “consulting” on the mess! Can you find a bigger loser??