Why does anyone care what Jon Fleischman has to say?
“California Republican Party leaders, in a move that could reshape state primary-election politics, are preparing a move to bar decline-to-state voters – now 20 percent of the electorate – from casting a GOP ballot in statewide and legislative primaries,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
And who is leading the charge of the stupid brigade? None other than California Republican Party Vice Chairman Jon Fleischman, the former public relations hack for disgraced criminal Mike Carona, who used to be Sheriff of Orange County. Fleischman also owns the “Flash Report,” a GOP blog that has very few readers.
Fleischman says his proposal will strengthen the party – how will that happen when it will push independents out of the primary – and right into the Democratic Party’s arms? Studies show that these voters tend to vote blue again in the general elections.
Go Jon!! Great Idea we love you. Thank you for some more moderate democrats.
I guess Jon still thinks we are living in Reagan Country. Jon most of those voters LEFT CALIFORNIA and the voter demographic is purple not red. And since we are pissing off the independents, Mexicans, gays and moderates we are not going to win jack squat and become the Massachusetts Republican Party.
If someone wants to vote in a republican primary then they should register to vote as a republican. How hard is that? Its a private organization. You don’t let just anyone write for Orangejiuceblog, do you?
And what does preventing DTS voters from voting in a primary have anything to do with “hating” anyone? That is simply a stupid statement. Anyone can register republican. You though that word around so much it has totally lost value.
Didn’t you read my post? Keeping DTS voters out of the GOP primary will drive them to the Dems! What a stupid idea!
If you Reeps want to go extinct, be my guest. But don’t complain when there are no more Reeps left in Sacramento.
Thanks, but I don’t really see much need for Tom Campbell and Mario Rodriguez in the party. The Dems can have them. I am sure the Dems don’t want a bunch of conservative “independents” voting in thier primary any more than the Reps want moderates “independents” voting in ours.
If someone wants to register for a party, they should do so.
Problem is the Republican Party needs to be more inclusive of different factions of the party. The Party has to realize that not just white christian conservatives can not make a majority party.
The Latina Business owner may not like how the California Democratic Party makes it difficult for her to do business in her small business she opened up around town, but she is not likely going to vote Republican because they treat latinos as wedge issues to scare the white voters in voting for the party.
The gay male who was a closeted marine and served in the 2nd gulf war who is proud of his nation is not likely going to vote Republican because they do not believe that his Canadian partner should reside in the United States with him.
Same thing with black voters. We alienated black voters historically because we joined forces with southern dixiecrats and those were the people who made african american lives miserable before the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s.
This is how we create a permanent minority political party.
Republicans do not treat minority groups as equals historically and that is why we are irrelevant in many parts of this great state of ours.
“I am sure the Dems don’t want a bunch of conservative “independents” voting in thier primary any more than the Reps want moderates “independents” voting in ours.”
Why not? What is there is fear? Most independent voters are honest and will vote for who they think is best for the job. Independents are not sheep, so you wouldn’t have to worry about us following some manipulating, FRAUD leader and do something as pathetic as “Operation Chaos”.
But you are right, it’s your party and you do what you want. You want to play the “if you’re not with us, you’re against us” strategy, then so be it. I’m against ya!!!