Poor Chuck DeVore. He is insistent on becoming the next Republican candidate to lose to U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer, but now former CEO Carly Fiorina is in his way.
So what does DeVore do? Well, today he blasted out an email accusing Fiorina of selling printers to Iran illegally when she was their CEO. Click here to read a news report about the allegations.
OMG, how did Iran use those printers? Did they drop them on protesters? Did they use them to print fliers attacking George Bush?
Apparently there is a trade embargo with Iran. So even though the rest of the free world can sell printers to Iran, we’re not supposed to. Is it just me or is that a stupid embargo that just hurts American businesses?
Here is what DeVore had to say in his email today:
Over 20 years ago one of my responsibilities as a Reagan White House appointee in the Pentagon was to ensure the effectiveness of the U.S.-led high-tech embargo on the Soviet Union and its communist-bloc allies. Reagan strengthened this embargo and it worked, helping to accelerate the downfall of the Soviet Union and the victory of freedom that followed.
So it was DeVore who won the Cold War, not President Reagan? Amazing! And he did it by stopping the sale or printers to the Soviet Union? Incredible!
Here’s a thought Chucky, maybe we should try to get along with Iran instead of pursuing Bush’ stupid policies of pissing off everyone in the world that we disagree with?
Even now the people of Iran are bravely standing on their own against their fascist regime – and for all we know they are using HP printers to spread the word. But DeVore wants to put an end to that!
Ironically, none of this would be an issue except that we invaded Iraq and took away the only country that kept Iran in control. Now Iran virtually controls Iraq! Nice. I am sure DeVore supported the stupid invasion of Iraq since he is a warmonger.
Go away DeVore! You have NO chance against Fiorina and even less of a chance against Boxer.
We need a different nominee for the Republican Party, Larry Elder? John Ziegler?
I dont like Carly or Chuck. If Carly is our nominee Boxer is going to eat her alive and we will be stuck with Boxer for another 6 years.
We need the SAGE to lead California.
No, no, no. Chuck is fun.
The embargo only hurts the “American” businesses that don’t have any principles. Businesses that will do anything for money. There are women on Harbor Blvd. that get arrested for that.
Devore is a blowhard par excellence. And here is one more piece of evidence for that.
I think it follows the rule of law. If you want to make laws, but have no problem breaking them, should you really be in office. The fact remails, there was / and embargo against Iran. If it is right or Wrong is not the point. Furthermore, it’s kind of stupid, because who knows where distributors will send your stuff
Travis, that is officially the funniest, and the smartest thing ever written on the OJ Blog
Travis and Mark have it right. A quick review of the HP annual report or a visit to the industry website reveals: HP MAKES MORE $$$ on replacement cartriges than every other manufactuer combined, that includes the competitive hardware sales.
15mm of ink can cost the same as a barrel of oil.
THATS CAPITIALISM! and thats why Carly will beat the other losers the GOP is offering up.
Why not look deep and pick a responsible canidate.
I am not comfortable with Nuclear Energy, people do not want nuclear waste in their back yards.
I am not comfortable with a candidate who does not think I deserve equal protection under the law because I am queer.
I wonder why Boxer is going to win in 2010. /sigh