Astroturf by any other name is still ObamaCare

The flagrant abuse of the truth by the Obama Administration and its minions, intent on either decimating the American Health Care system as we know it or subduing the Health Care choices of every man, woman and child “for their own good”, deserves some real reflection. Anyone as accustomed as Barack Obama is to having anything he says treated as “a sermon on the mount”, one can understand the fluster and the frustration at being questioned. But what is more telling is the manner in which he responds. The nature of the anointed is to treat those who disagree as “living in sin”, they need to have their “consciousness raised”, their mean-spiritedness needs to be fought and their real reasons found out. Toward this end, their is no moral absolute in achieving this goal. A lie will do just as good as the truth if it teaches the benighted how to think.

Don’t think that you need government telling your doctor what he can and can’t do? Well, he’ll tell you a SCARY, malicious story about how doctors might decide to forego diabetes medicine and opt to get reimbursed for amputations, or how they might remove a child’s tonsils instead of prescribing treatment. Now, the defamation about doctors choosing surgery for profit is striking for a couple reasons. One, that it is so provably false. Two, it is an attempt to degrade the trust between patient and doctor. Why would Obama do this? I can’t think of a profession that is more highly respected than being a doctor. That trust must be broken for government to have a purpose.

Or how about the oft-repeated lie that “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan,”. Nevermind the logic problem (inherent in most of Obamaspeak) that if Health Insurance is such a mess and needs government to fix it, why is it OK for me to keep MINE?). It’s been proven FALSE again and again according to, an independent truth squad run by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania.

“He can’t make that promise to everyone,” concluded FactCheck’s analysis, one of several that point out that the Democrats’ health care plan could lead to employers switching plans, and thus forcing their employees into different plans and perhaps to different doctors.

“Under the House bill,” FactCheck said, “some employers might have to modify plans after a five-year grace period if they don’t meet minimum benefits standards.

“Furthermore, some firms are likely to buy different coverage for their workers than they have now, or simply drop coverage and pay a penalty instead, leaving workers to buy their own private coverage or go on a new federal insurance plan.”

And don’t think that the players in this game don’t have something to gain besides their political satisfaction. The REAL players behind the scenes are making the BIG BUCKS. Two weeks ago, the White House embraced $150 million in drug industry ads supporting Obamacare. This week, Bloomberg News reported that White House senior adviser and chief campaign strategist David Axelrod’s former public relations firm, AKPD Message and Media, has raked in some $24 million in ad contracts supporting Obamacare

The ads are funded by Big Pharma, the AARP, AMA, and the powerhouse Services Employees International Union (whose Purple Shirts dumped $80 million in independent expenditures to get Obama and the Democrat majority elected). In trademark Axelrod-ian style, the special interest coalition adopted faux grass-roots names – first under the banner of “Healthy Economy Now” and more recently as “Americans for Stable Quality Care.”

Because, well, “Corporate Shills for Hope and Change” doesn’t have quite the same ring of authenticity.

The great crusades by the left all have the same key elements.

1. Great danger to society to which the masses are oblivious. (8 in 10 are happy with their health care)
2. Urgent need to avoid catastrophe (hurry up and don’t bother to read the bill!)
3. Government must drastically curtail the behavior of the many (public option for all, eventually)
4. Dismissal of arguments to contrary as uninformed, irresponsible, or motivated by unworthy purposes (hope you’re getting compensated for this!)

We are dealing with a whole class of supposedly “thinking people” who do remarkably little thinking. These are all substitutions for argument. Because they can’t have an argument about the substance of the issue itself. It wouldn’t stand up. They’re good at verbal expression, and for many that is all that is required. “He just sounds so good! That thrill runs up my leg!”

About Terry Crowley