You want information? This video clip is PACKED FULL of the current health insurance reform issues. Here’s some of what’s in store:
Who are the gang of Six? Does David Vitter really want to crash the health care system of CANADA to address the issue of health insurance reform in the United States? (Sneak answer: Yes, he does! View the video and hear his plans during a town hall meeting). The Party of NO has become the MiNOrity party.
GOP Olympia Snowe gives her progress report on health care reform. Anthony Weiner outlines what works as a single payer option. Just how many Republicans are ready to vote for either of the current bills being discussed? Bachmann, Perry and Demint are showcased. Is the US becoming “just like Iran” where people will need to flee the country if health care reform takes place? Will the loser Democrats ever grow a set? Will our nation get something worthwhile or will we get shortchanged by lawmakers AGAIN?
For anyone who is trying to make sense of what all is going on, this is a “Must See”. The foremat is fast moving, easy to follow and showcases all of the major players who are trying to help/not help shape the impending health reforms. Please leave comments below.
“Why are we walking away from our base principles?” Great question!
As Health Care Reform morphed into Health Insurance Reform instead, it looks to me like the train has derailed, at least in part because there is apparently no plan – there is just rhetoric about the need to develop a plan. It is not a pretty picture.
Congressman Weiner got it right … Democratic leaders are acting like a bunch or weenies. They got the votes; Dem’s can draw up a bill and pass the thing. Then, if the American people are in fact outraged when they see working poor, the unemployed, children and elderly allowed to see a doctor whenever they get sick, they can oust the Democrats in the next election, dismantle universal health care and get back to an old-fashioned system where just the worthy get medical care. There’s no worries for the Republicans if they’re right in this.
snicker… MSNBC and Rachel Maddow a must see… how much more state-run spin can one take?
Older than – redefining the problem is appropriate, especially considering the enormous amount of misinformation out there.
SAHSteacher – the Democrats are part of the problem for sure. I think Obama is going to have to make this “his own” at some point and take the credit or take the pain for the decisions of what needs to be done about health reform.
wtf – I hear Glenn Beck has taken a sudden and unexpected “vacation” this week. I guess he needs to rest up after 25 advertisers pulled out of his so-called show. He’s BRILLIANT to call the president a racist without a shred of credibility behind his statement. So, yeah… Rachel Maddow is pretty tame in contrast.
Ahahaha! I love this one:
Source: Washington Independent
Betsy McCaughey — an outspoken proponent of the myth that Democrats’ health care reform proposals will lead to the creation of “death panels,” as well as a former lieutenant governor of New York and adjunct fellow at the Hudson Institute — has stepped down from her position as a director of Cantel Medical Corp., which bills itself as a “leading provider of infection prevention and control products in the healthcare market.”
From a press release:
CANTEL MEDICAL CORP. (NYSE: CMN – News) announced that on August 20, 2009 it received a letter of resignation from Ms. Elizabeth McCaughey as a director of the Company. Ms. McCaughey, who had served as a director since 2005, stated that she was resigning to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest during the national debate over healthcare reform.
McCaughey found herself the subject of widespread ridicule after an appearance on “The Daily Show” Thursday, during which host Jon Stewart aggressively challenged her positions on health care reform.
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