Have Red County and Liberal OC crossed the line?

Crossing the line

Have the Red County and Liberal OC blogs crossed the line by trying to ferret out Art Pedroza’s clients?

I have a pretty thick skin, but I find it more than a little creepy that both Red County and the Liberal OC have allowed comments to be posted asking who my clients are.

I work in safety.  I do not work in politics.  I am a consultant.  I previously worked full time for a company for the last three years and left them in November over a disagreement regarding my duties as their workers compensation administrator.

To be fair, Red County editor Chip Hanlon took down one comment where some raving lunatic called me a sociopath.  I hope he will take down the other comments too.

I don’t mind slugging it out on political issues, but this is just ridiculous.  Over at the Liberal OC, Dan Chmielenski is also trying to find out who my clients are.  This guy works in public relations and he is stooping to this level?  I have never gone after him as a P.R. professional.  His work involves high tech clients, not politicians.

There is a BIG difference between what I do and what Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham does, as a political consultant.  Going after my professional work is not fair game.  In Jerbal’s case, his professional work and his blogging are a blurry mess.  Most recently he admitted in a post that he is no longer working for the John Campbell campaign, after weeks of shilling for him on Red County.

Why are these hacks so threatened by me and my blog?  On the one hand they keep insisting that no one reads my blog.  Chmielenski has even written that I am somehow spiking my Sitemeter numbers, which is whack.  If my blog and I are so unimportant, why try to lynch me?

Is it just me or is it way overboard for the Red County and Liberal OC bloggers to try to deny me the right to make a living – OUTSIDE of politics?  What they are doing amounts to a witch hunt or a lynching.   Go after me on the issues.  Make fun of me personally if you will.  Put my face on funny pictures.  But don’t try to harass my clients.  That is crossing the line, in my estimate.


Typical.  Dan Chmielenski emailed me and said he was going to sue me for writing this post.  But here’s the problem – I just downloaded the post where he offered to host a Red County diary (that Hanlon deleted) wherein my last employer was named and the writer was trying to find out who I worked for.  Here are some excerpts from Dan’s post:

I think it was last week that John Seiler penned a defense of Art Pedroza and Tony Bushala on the OJ blog because an unnamed blogger at Red County posted a diary that questioned what both Art and Tony actually did for a living.  John felt its OK to attack one for their politics but heaven forbid we should go after either man for their professions.  Then John compared Art Pedroza with King Arthur (Avalon trembles at the thought).

When Red County executive Chip Hanlon pulled the post, certainly in questionable taste for Red County, Art crowed like a rooster about seeing another post of its ilk again (Art must have picked up a dictionary…ilk).

Frankly, I think Chip Hanlon ought to put the diary back up.  Chip, if you won’t put it up, send it over here and I’ll have to convince Chris Prevatt that we should host it.

In that post Dan defends Jerbal, even though Jerbal teamed with Jeff Flint to give us Prop. 8.  I had a “No on 8” sign on my lawn last year.  Jerbal promoted Prop. 8 on his blog – and his wife even was hired to promote Latino outreach for Prop. 8.

Excuse me Dan, but you and I were on the same side on Prop. 8.  So why are you backing Jerbal now?  Weird.

Of course Dan questions my conversion from being a Talibani type Republican to being a socially progressive Libertarian.  Well, it was a sincere conversion.  Is this how Dan is going to treat all ex-Republicans?  Way to build your party there Dan.

Dan also complained that he never said anything about our Sitemeter numbers.  Yet here is a direct quote from a comment he put up at Red County, “And rumors abound on the Internet that OJ’s sitemeter numbers are rigged.”  You can read it here.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.