It’s time to educate our children outdoors!

Children Hunting

Many of you are thinking, “what is Mark talking about, we have been outside all summer?” Well, that may be true, but the best part of the year is here, Hunting Season! It does not matter if you are out for Deer, Elk, Bear, or Birds all of the seasons are going to be open soon, and what a better time to spend quality time with our children and families!

The timeless tradition is still going strong here in the Great State of California! What great life lessons are there to be taught to our children with this great American Tradition!

“What do you mean learning, and teaching?” You may ask. Well… Starting with, but not limited to, Gun Safety, Self reliance, Responsibility, Value for life, the circle of life, patience and the list goes on and on. Few things can be an all inclusive instructor like a week in Deer camp. I can’t count how many times I have told somebody that I hunt, only to be asked “Do you eat the meat, or do you just get the rack, and leave the meat?” and every time I am shocked by their ignorance, not only do hunters eat what they shoot, but they share in Gods bounty with those who did not get their tags filled or who are in need. In many parts of the country this is the primary way of stocking the freezer with meat. In addition, no real hunter shoots for the trophy, and lets the meat go to waste, it is not only Illegal, but completely unethical, every hunter I know would trip over themselves to turn in and arrest such poachers.

But Value for life? You are killing things! Yes, and what better way to actually learn about the life cycle and life itself than to see it first hand, and what better way to teach gun safety and responsibility than for them to see first hand, the damage that can be done with a firearm if you are not careful. We are the beneficiaries of things being killed every time we eat a steak or burger as well, but few think of that.

How often do children get to spend true quality time, learning things from their parents or family? With no TV, No Radio, Microwave, nothing but a family, or a group of mentors to the next generation, teaching learning, and growing together. Lessons like teamwork butchering and field dressing the animal, sharing with those who were not as fortunate, helping those who need it without being asked, sharing the workload around the camp.

The lessons go on and on, I could go on all day, while some may love it, some may not, but what a great way to teach, bond, learn, and enjoy the greatest time of the year!

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