Les Sykes interfering with democracy!
Earlier this evening I received another complaint regarding harassment of signature gatherers in the ongoing effort to RECALL Mission Viejo City councilman Lance MacLean.
Let’s begin this update by my quoting from this latest communication, which I am told is supported by multiple video’s.
“On Thur. afternoon in front of Trader Joe’s two signature gatherers, ( Mr X & Mrs Y), said an elderly man came by in his car. He was harassing them, yelling at them from his car while they were getting signatures. He returned later and walked up their table wearing his taxpayer-provided shirt with dead tree logo, (the new Mission Viejo logo), and he told them he was a city commissioner. They said he was trying to intimidate them with his remarks as a city official opposing the RECALL.”
This communication continues stating “I received a call about what was going on, and I went to Trader Joe’s. I video’d the man and took additional photographs as he was harassing the workers. Another activist also video’d the man, who can be heard to admit on the video that he was the same person yelling at them from his car. He’s Les Sykes. Ms Z also saw him when she was at Trader Joe’s, and she might have comments about this.
Today I spoke with a couple who said they were shopping at Trader Joe’s and they were annoyed by Les as they were exiting the store. They said he was blathering about some city program.
The woman said, “We asked him what he was doing, and he said he didn’t know anything about the program he was supposed to be touting. He had a fan with a printed announcement on it or something similar in his hand. When I asked him about the fan, he said it was just a prop that ‘she’ wanted him to hold when ‘she’ sent him over to Trader Joe’s.” The woman indicated that Sykes pointed at city hall when he said ‘she.” The shopper said Sykes would mention the program and then mix in pro-MacLean statements.
Note: There are three names as the referenced “she” in the communication but I shall not include them in this post. Nor will I include the last paragraph of this communication.
However, let me add some text from Les Sykes June 19, 2008 application to serve on one of our city commissions.
“I consider it to be my given duty to uphold the integrity of the city of Mission Viejo for which I have the good fortune to have been a resident for the last 20 years and also previous connections.”
Integrity? Wearing a city commissioner shirt and taking a position on a city RECALL? What instructions on “anti activism” are given to anyone in the city wearing attire adorned with the city logo and name?
I wonder what corrective action will be taken by the city council member who appointed Mr. Sykes! I might also wonder what the city manager has to say about wearing the city issued shirt as Mr. Sykes was engaging in his First Amendment Rights.
Based on activists having a “smoking gun” video, I believe Mr. Sykes crossed the line by wearing that Mission Viejo shirt which should result in his dismissal from any city commission.
If and when anything comes of this latest episode, I shall keep you posted.
Sykes should be removed from the commission. Who else in city hall would have instructed him to make a fool of himself besides Trish Kelley? She appointed him to the commission.
Is Kelley is trying to protect her lifetime medical benefits by keeping MacLean on the council? What a bunch of creeps.
Panic-driven politicians are fun to watch. If this is an example of how desperate Trish Kelley is getting, what are things like around the MacLean household?
I want MacLean’s replacement to roll back the council stipend, eliminate lifetime healthcare and take the checkbook away from the city staff.
Larry, The City does not provide any specific instruction to Commissioners as far as “Anti-Activism” is concerned. (they may cover it generically in a video, but I don’t think so)I guess they assume you will not act like a jackass…
Trish Kelley has two different sides. In public, she’s friendly and chatty. Privately, she’s cunning and manipulative. Her clueless followers take the heat, and she doesn’t get her hands dirty. Sykes is in his 80s and appears to have mental health problems. Kelley uses naive moms, old people and her church members who have no idea they’re jumping into the wood chipper.
Mark. Although I have taken the mandated AB 1234 Public Service ethics training course for every elected and appointed officials I do not recall if this topic is covered.
Larry. Did you just use the word RECALL? Is that another of your subliminal messages?
Folks. I have just seen a photos of Les Sykes standing in front of the store within a few feet of the volunteer who is holding a clipboard of petitions. Les is wearing a white city issued golf shirt which reads “City of Mission Viejo” on the top line followed by the words “Community Services Commission.”
He is a big man but not as depicted on the post.
Perhaps being born in the UK Les has a bias against those Americans who engage in legal protests.
While Mr. Sykes was appointed by Trish Kelley I will refrain from charging her with his conduct in this episode unless I learn otherwise.
Mr. Sykes even ignores the instruction on citizen conduct in speaking to the council under “public comments.” Mayor Ury tells everyone that this is the time where we can present items under city control but not on the Agenda. He also instructs speakers that we should not use the podium to engage in any personal attacks.
Apparently, Les, who attends every council meeting, ignores Mr Ury and recently tore in council member Cathy Schlicht because she opposed a costly CIP. Instead of directing his remarks to the mayor which is the correct procedure he spoke at her directly. What makes me smile is that Frnak Ury indirectly supports that personal attack by not cutting him off with words or simply hitting the kill switch on the podium microphone. You see Frank forgets that Cathy drove a rental truck with his name on a huge sign when first campaigning for office. Larry, that’s old news.
While many residents go to LA or Irvine to take in a comedy show, those of us living in Mission Viejo only need to turn on our council meetings where we can be entertained every other Monday evening at no cost (other than wasteful spending).
Hi Larry me ‘ole mate yer got it rong agin Council Member Kelly didneh happoint uz and a waek affore uz gosiped in the Council Chamber arter I anded yer me profile un yer didna say anyfing narsty abart me ven so Y der yer lett em zay i ave menthull problums. i enjide umselv artside T Js metzum very nice people world wide and it was nice ter see rezidents frum nayghburing sittyies spending their ackers (money) here. Well me ‘ole maet tel ‘e maets i luv me ffoto tuken oll der wile, haff ur guude knite ima jus guunner tek me dazy rutes orf ter eese me plates-a-maet, gew up ver apples un pares frow my cords on der bedd rale un hop in wiv me trouble an strife, nite-nite, Les xxxxxx. sp! dinna wurri abart me i not uute to maek pionts jes wont tu ‘elp me residents avv a better life as me Dad was directed to wurk for the County Council during WW 11 vats anuvver pofile i ul av tu givv ‘E.
Hey Larry me ‘ole mate i beeleve you writ alluv these trashy replies,
I was promoting the 2009 Readers Festival on September 12th as printed on the fan I was holding also I mentioned the Prelude in the Park, I identified myself to a man and woman who were there whom I presume were Mr. X and Mrs. Y when out of the blue came a screaming female Ms Z? as for my wife screaming had she have had her wheelchair she would have been nearer but her being from the Chicago aristocracy no way,
(maybe Mr. Holtzman will recognise these as co-ordinates) shouting “I have him on film” then she asked me to pose for her which I did against the pillar, I really enjoyed it 007 James Bond MI 5 & 6, FBI, CIA stuff unfortunately you chose another photo of a poor younger guy struggling to control his weight so now you have grovelled even lower than I could ever have immagined of you and your followers, by the way I was going to invite you to my 80th birthday bash now you have to earn it, I was asked at the Student Advisory Committee meeting at 5pm Sunday what action I was going to take to which I replied “nothing and went on to tell them about the wonderfull life I have enjoyed that is the reason those paper and pen bullies hiding behind nome de plume’s cannot upset me,” my only hope is that they will be able to say that one day, in closing Larry I beg to de-fur differ defer if I meet you in a pub I will always treat you to a pint, until the next Council Meeting have a good day, Les.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oops sorry my cat fell asleep on the keyboard, can’t resist a bit of humor.
OMG. He’s bonkers.
To MS. Les Sykes wanna bee. Let’s be fair here. while Les is showing his age his typing skills are much better than yours. Further, when I add comments, responding to others, I use my own name. ie. I have no idea who KAT is but we each know big Mark, each of whom added to this post.
Interesting that you introduce Joe Holtzman who has not added a single comment on this story.
His credentials as a Director at McDonnell Douglas surely trump all of your credentials but I am falling into your flytrap.
No, Ms impostor. I will pass on your generous offer to have a pint with you although I did sample some Guinness at their plant in Ireland.
Come on Kat reveal yourself, see the bright side are you another person who is unhappy I don’t know why when living here in America, my friend used to say from the time she was old enough to talk sahe was coming to America she mad it and is now retired in Palm Springs it was expected of me to come here as I had relatives whose ancestors settled in Iowa still there farming, I worked very hard in industry and now reaping the benefit, come on all of you get out and do something as pay back for being able to live here wake up and smell the roses please I don’t have many more tears to shed for you, Les. PS if I am bonkers you should try it sometime it’s wonderful, steaks, prime rib, lobster tail, crab, caviar, give to military and animal charities maybe I could meet you at some of the volunteer meetings, yes this is the real Les.
Hi Larry & Co & all of the alphabet who were the ones before the X, Y & Z Ho, Ho, Ho, pardon me while I wipe the tears off the keyboard you people really must do something useful with your lives you know it takes more energy to pull a miserable face, MS wanna bee is having a visit from her brother Topper Lantiehre and his in-laws Ralfie Pignateli, Eddy Ieradercci, Lou Lucchese & families from Chicago also her cousin who is restrained from talking by Washington only that he is returning, they usually take up a suite so our City will be even safer when they arrive. Was invited to the Police night-out in Flo-Jo park, Council Member Trish Kelley had her stall where one could sign a get well card and make a donation to Marine Minskey and Council Member Cathy Schlicht offered help to load MS wanna bee’s wheel chair I infomred her it was a light-weightthe model, children were enjoying themselves on the new play equipment mark that for later ref., also had an invite to the Heritage Committee picnic and meeting at Melinda Park and Heritage house where I learned that The Friends of the Library had donated $40k to the Reading Festival you know the one I was promoting outside of Trader Joe’s when I was harassed and accosted by a screaming female with a camera, hey! you might convey to that old signature gatherer not hit on the young girls one of whom was a G/Daughter of an aquaintance she said he was not at all well versed in the art and would not pick one up in a k years, I digress let us get back to the parks once again the children were enjoying themselves on the play equipment that some old killjoys did not want, I dont think people need the parks as the lots were full, even I being a proud volunteer with the Police Services and also a Commissioner had to wait for a parking stall, tut! tut! what ever is the City becoming, BE ‘APPY, the real Les.
Hi again I am filling in time waiting for a call from Norway, did you notice how clean the Whale Exhibit is, FYI it is next to the old KFC now TK Burgers on Chrisanta, that work was carried out by volunteers from the Heritage Committee, Dru & Jan, one of my neighbors has some spare roof tiles to donate to it, some of you young guys could replace them, Jan has volunteered at Mission Hospital even before I was employed there, 33 years what a lot of changes she has seen, that is just a hint to you folks what special people our volunteers are, the real Les.
Hi King Gilbert & Queen Lee and your subjects, you are all paranoid I found time to read your blog about the City Manager sitting by the Library, can we be sure that photo was he and was it taken at the Mission Viejo Library, now prove it and show your integrety as you are always requesting of others, look how you falsified my photo it was night time yet I arrived home before darkness fell and as I said before why pick a photo of a poor unfortunate young person who appeared to have several problems but that is typical of your miniscule group, it’s about time people cottoned onto your little game, did you say that your worked (I use that word losely) R&D at G M, if it is true then OMG as Kat has taught me SKAFOC, go away shoo! scarper, git but still keep blogging from afar, one of your delapidated followers said I had mental problems, NO SIREE if I ws running around calling my co-agitaters Mr x & Mrs Y & Ms Z taking photos of everyone who lingered long enough I would admit that I was bonkers and had mental problems, I did ask a man who had mental problems if I could help him put his wheel barrow upright so that he could wheel it to which he replied “don’t be stupid they would load it for me to make deliveries”.
I did my voluntary work at the Police Services desk this morning, found the non-emergency fire authority # for a lady and directed an enquiry about workers thefts among other things for which I will get a raise?, then we get the regulars you are familar with who wave their arms around shouting “I don’t know why they have to spend my taxes on you” and then one of the City Staff will graciously reply, “they are volunteers they are not paid”, by the way we saved the City Police Dept something around $130k last year, the real Les.
I would be happy to put your real picture on this story. I tried to find it online but could not so I opted for the comic routine.
Send me your picture, to apedroza@earthlink.net, and I will put it on this post.
Thanks – Art Pedroza, Editor, Orange Juice Blog
So it was you who posted the picture of the poor unfotunate young man, as you may know on my rounds as a Commissioner supporting Voctional Visions, The Shea Therapeutic Riding Center I see people like this trying to make a life for themselves, my photo should be on their sites to name a few maybe one on the Student Advisory Committtee as they know I am always there for them along with all of the volunteers of Mission Viejo, of course I volunteer for the Police Services and they even have my rolled finger-prints, I have a photo from the Riding Center where I spent an enjoyable few hours on a Saturday encouraging the disabled riders and presenting them with their ribbons and trophy’s I will be helping at the Reading Festival on Sept. 12 as the old signiture gatherers were aware of, the real Les.
Art. I have recently received a photo of Les that was provided by the recall committee.
Based on the multiple personalities you have shown on this blog, unless you have multiple authors using your name or others ghost writing your comments, prevents me from having a constructive debate. For example. Nothing prevents me from posting a comment on any of the Juice stories, including my own, using your name. That would enable me to paint a bogus picture of who you are.
I too attended the OSCD event at Flo Jo park and did see Trish Kelley. Cathy Schlicht also mentioned your comment to her after she offered to assist you in getting your wife’s wheel chair out of your vehicle.
Michael Gavin, MV Chief of Police Services, and I discussed the OCSD and a new public safety related topic that I am starting to support. What’s your point?
Perhaps Mr Good Samaritan, as you paint yourself, please tell our readers that you violated Mayor Frank Ury’s instructions to all Public Comment speakers by using the microphone to chastise Cathy Schlicht for her statements as an elected council member. As a regular attendee at our city council meetings, and listening to Mr. Ury’s instructions, you did this with full knowledge that we are not to engage in any personal attacks with members of the council but that did not stop you from speaking out. Yet with that history Cathy still offered to help you when no one was watching nor was it televised on Cahnnel 31 for the world to witness. She has class and sadly you do not.
If you recall I reminded you of your out of line conduct at city hall a few weeks ago.
Opps. Once again I have used the word RECALL.
Now bigger than life itself we have one of the photos of Les Sykes that I have sent to Art.
Note. Les is NOT the man with the petition clipboard.
Can someone please get this Les guy back on his medication. Don’t they lock the doors at the facility where he lives? And can someone explain the use of periods (.) to der organic brain syndrome commish.
Hi Scarlet or whatever I am going to sink to your level before I write to Art, well Pimp or whatever, by wot you ‘ave rote must have strained ee miniscule brain maybe we could ‘ave a whip around an gi yee a transplant from a sloth maybe that would extend the circumference of your head…………..ernickel or whatever…….
Larry, Council Member Schlicht attacked me in public when she stated that myself and fellow Commissioners were not experienced enougth to propose and follow through with the refurbishing of the tennis center adjacent to Cost Del Sol, the trouble with Cathy is and always has been and most of us know it is firstly she takes notice of your kind who have one thing a one track mind to destroy the integrety of every person who doesn’t want anything to do with your gang you would complain and be miserable if you were the President (OMG Kat), secondly she does not stop to think when making controversial statements then she has to stop and think in the middle, the old saying if you cannot stand the heat keep out of the kitchen. Now I am flattered by the latest photo thanks Art, it proves that I was being obstructed by the clipboard person as I was further away from the front of the store than they were no doubt a good attorney would say it was being thrust toward my sign adverising the up coming Sep. 12th Readers’ Festival at the NPM Center 10am to 6pm, hope you leave this as a free advert., by the way you can convey my thanks to Cathy again for the help she offered if that will be acceptable. Visited The Shea Therapeutic Riding Center on Saturday afternoon I think the R/R Xing must confuse some people using it. Every posting was by me I mean every bit of it you know the over active thought system and I am not afraid to give my name I would feel like a coward if I hid behind a stupid nickname, ‘ave a good day until I meet you wiv me fan advert, now that you have provided the evidence of your party’s obstruction of me, case closed, the real Les. ps my wife would sure like a copy of the photo I realy mean that.
Les, Les Les.
As you are somewhat older than me, and I was told to respect my elders, I will give you a partial break.
However. You have failed to address your ignoring the stated rules of citizen conduct as established by Mayor Ury that applies to every public speaker and commissioners, when addressing the council under Public Comment.
Let me know when you can figure out a way to escape the box you have placed yourself in.
For some reason you have dodged that question. This is your opportunity to stand above the perception many Americans have of those who were born in the UK. You know the profile. The better then thou crowd.
What is the time frame for the recall, I guess Novermember is out, so December or January.
Tough question to answer.
While all petitions must be turned in by Tue Aug
25th the petitioners are at the mercy of the city clerk or OC Registrar of Voters as to the timeframe for verificiation of signatures.
While there are a few possible outcomes, such as Lance resigning to save taxpayers the election cost, we can either coattail with a regular election or call for a special election.
One comment relating to the cost that has been raised by some in the city is more than offset by the cost of lifetime health care for Lance which is also available for Frank Ury and Trish Kelley.
Just heard from one of the recall volunteers.
Estimate for the special election to replace Lance would be between Nov and Jan. Once the petitions are in the Registrar’s hands I plan to call Neal to make sure that this citizen driven initiative does not hit any delays as we head down the road to corrective action.
Hi folks it looks as if you see me for real, I was in City Hall and met that very hard working lady Virginia whom I see when I attend her Student Advisory Committee meetings in the Saddleback Room on the first Sunday of the month at 5pm. I was given the fan by her, I informed her that I could stand outside of T Js as it must be a good pedestrian trafic area having seen the signature gatherers earlier, as I settled in with my spiel “no signing, nothing to buy just good honest information” I was attacked by two screaming women one eldery and one wearing a support boot and as you can see in the photo a clipboard is very much in view, I was being threatened but did not use my 911 speed dial I did not want them to label me a “wimp”, at no time did any woman ask me what I was doing, most were appreciative and said they would like to have more of this way to give out city information
three asked me if I was connected to that crowd and what I thought of the recall, that crowd heard me say Mayor Protem MacLean’s name and my thouhgts were the same wearing a city issued shirt or not, I could not destroy a family just for my own gain as they are trying by character assassination, look what they are doing to me telling so many lies but I am a stickler, if they are successful it will be worse than a death sentence for him, were they scared to go to Court through lack of evidence, no they know some people will sign anything against the city they live in which listening to one man who said I’ll sign anything against those tax spenders. Well fellow residents I was appointed by the Honorable Mayor Uri for which I am most grateful, I wear two hats one as a Police Services Volunteer and one as a Commissioner of Comunity Services of the California Association of Park and Recreation, COMMISSIONERS and BOARD MEMBERS. I mentioned Mr. Holtzman as Larry said I should talk to him me being an airplane inspector. He mentions my “attack” on Council Member Schlicht well she said that our Commissioners were not qualified enough to propose the upgrading of the Tennis Center (adjacent to the Olympic Aquatic Training Center which will also have a face lift after the 2012 training session)she is one of the people who do not want us residents to enjoy modern facillities for which we moved here does Larry forget the many times she verbally assaulted the then Mayor Kelley, Mayor Protem Uri, Council Member MacLean, Police Chief Bernadi, City Manager Wilberg, City Accountant Bornstien and many members of the city staff, this was before she was elected, we have worked hard and deserve modern facillities, our young people should be proud to bring competitors from other cities and from overseas and use them after all they are the majority of the ones missing out on this, if you put the money back into the bank look what has just happened bankcrupt “Golden Handshakes” that would have refurbished our whole city and all going to one person who is now living in luxury that we could never achieve, anyhow I don’t have any aspirations as an elected official just carring on volunteering and helping where I can even giving support to the many other volunteers, Good Luck, Good Living, the real Les. ps Thanks for the use of the site.