Quang X. Pham’s congressional campaign is picking up steam as Van Tran’s cabal deals with legal problems
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“Quang X. Pham has taken a step toward the big time in his congressional primary bid against Assemblyman Van Tran, the golden boy of much of the Republican establishment and the favorite among oddsmakers to make it to the general election against Rep. Loretta Sanchez, D-Santa Ana,” according to the O.C. Register.
Pham has announced a fundraiser at the Pacific Club on Sep. 10. Check out the list of big hitters that Pham has listed as supporters of this event:
- Gen. William Lyon, real estate mogul and major GOP donor
- Tom Davin, president and COO of the Panda Restaurant Group
- Rod McDermott, managing director of the McDermott and Bull recruiting firm and a New Majority member
- Robert Mosier, president and CEO of the Mosier & Company crisis management firm
- Marjie Shahani, CEO of QTC Management
- Doug Hamlin, CEO of autoMedia Solutions
Here is Pham’s campaign email regarding this fundraiser:
August 18, 2009
Dear Friends,
These are challenging times for our country. We face uncertainties overseas and at home. The Congress and President are spending trillions of dollars and plunging our nation into insurmountable debt in nearly every part of our lives. The people of California’s 47th Congressional District deserve better representation in Washington, DC.
Please join us in supporting Republican Quang Pham in his campaign for Congress. As a healthcare entrepreneur, Marine Corps war veteran and active member of the community, Quang Pham is the best candidate to defeat Loretta Sanchez. He is clearly the candidate she fears most.
We need independent, fiscally conservative leaders in Washington with strong values and real world business experience. We need leaders who will help create jobs, advance entrepreneurship, reward innovation, improve education, and reduce our staggering national debt. We need leaders who have a deep understanding of national security issues plaguing our country and who have served our nation first-hand in harm’s way. Quang Pham is just that candidate.
When Quang arrived in America as a boy from Vietnam, he had lost his country, his freedom and his father. Many would have buckled under those circumstances. Yet the American Dream was alive and well in Quang Pham’s life. It took dedication, encouragement, hard work and perseverance. Today, Quang Pham is a successful business and family man. We need leaders who will emphasize self-sufficiency and who will inspire others to seek opportunities–not just government handouts.
We hope that you will join our cause and make a contribution to Quang Pham’s campaign to displace Loretta Sanchez. On Thursday, September 10, 2009, please join us for a reception at The Pacific Club in honor of Quang Pham’s campaign for Congress. Attached is an invitation. Please take a moment to complete the form and RSVP today. For more information about Quang Pham, visit his campaign web site.
We look forward to seeing you. Thank you in advance for your support.
Just out of curiousity, is there any public policy difference between Pham and Tran? Skip the personalities, war stories, legal problems, adultery rumors, etc. Is there some hypothetical legislation that might actually come up in which Tran would vote differently from Pham?
Absolutely! Tran is pretty much a Talibani Republican. Pham is a Libertarian-leaning moderate.