For those who have not seen this yet, and for those who think it can’t happen here….
I found several more of Eric's comments and reposted them. One I don't see is where he identified this criminal…
For those who have not seen this yet, and for those who think it can’t happen here….
Fight for what?
Obviously no one listened to the SIX MILLION protesters about Iraq.
But we need to stand against Healthcare? WTF?
Uh…. losing your freedom, when the six million people protested, they were free to do so, so the 6,000,000 people in the minority had every right to protest the 294,000,000 other people did nothing to stop them! Where is the ACLU, where are all of you Phony ass liberals. worried about free speach?
Secondly what does a volunteer army fighting overseas, have to do with losing freedom at home…?
Nothing related to this post but I just can’t help but notice that the guy on the upper right hand corner in the sketch looks like the dictator of North Korea hahaha!
Okay number 3 didn’t save the URL here it is.
“It Ain’t America No Mo!”
“For those who have not seen this yet, and for those who think it can’t happen here….”
Are you using this clip with a comment coming from an Afro American to insinuate that a Afro American USA President has as an agenda and represents “It Ain’t America No Mo!” ????
OMG! Scary black people! We must be in KENYA!
—–>Sarcasm <------ Frankly I'd be more sympathetic if Marko was outraged at the increasingly jack booted tactics of police in general as they tazer grannies and middle easterrn college students. But that's just me...
Actually I chose this because while surfing you tube, I came accross it. Nothing to do with blacks, asian, or hispanics. the problem with tazers, and police abuse is quite often those videos are show Over, and Over, and Over, and Over again on TV. So why do they need me to post them?
cmon dr art get off your race card train and quit being so sensative like i said in a prior post there you go again you cant say anything about nobama without people like you playing the race card .
So what is the reason for the video post?
This is posted on the source of the video on their politics section:
By DJ Hopkins
There was once a powerful country that was absolutely insane about change, and one day a piece of shit white hating Muslim on the down-low swindler came to sell the country what he said was magic ideas for change. Now… they listened to his ideas and they said “These are magic ideas?” Well, the truth of the matter was… there were no ideas there at all, but the piece of shit swindler was very smart and he said “These are grand ideas, but to a fool it is a bunch of bullshit.” Naturally… the country not wanting to appear a fool said “Isn’t it grand… isn’t it fine… the most remarkable ideas that we have ever heard.” So, the country elected the piece of shit… white hating Muslim on the down-low swindler as president.
The End…
of the country!”
The great one,
I do not read anything here debating Obama’s policies. I only read deep rooted racial hatred.
When you get Hannity’s cock out of your mouth…let me know.
That guy is obnoxious. I don’t like police brutality and for once, I would have loved to see the police beat the hell out of that idiot. Kick him in the mouth and knee him in the nuts and say “here’s your sign back, you can hold it while laying on the ground dying”
Duplo, I will delete you comments in the future if you have nothing to say