Obama Immigration more efficient than Bush’s

I beleive this is the right way to address this issue. It helps to open up jobs for Citizens and Legal Residents and discourages others. Fences and more patrols just increase the profits for those who make money on bringing people in.  This attacks the problem head on.

Protests against President Obama’s immigration enforcement policies are beginning to sweep the country. In some areas the protests are directed at Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, the instrument of the enforcement policy execution, and in other areas President Obama is clearly the target. Some activists have argued that the main criticism and advocacy for a moratorium of such enforcement should be directed at Napolitano, the cabinet member responsible for defining the policy and taking it operational. Others argue that Obama is ultimately responsible for the policy and has in his hands the executive discretion to immediately put a stop to such rampant enf orcement. The growing and pressing demand is for an ENFORCEMENT MORATORIUM until fair and humane immigration reform is enacted.

No other presidential administration since 1986 has enforced employer sanctions through the named I-9 audits of personnel files of employers as broadly and efficiently as has the Obama administration. The system of employment verification, short-named eVerify, which allows employers to verify the legal status of their employees against federal government databases, has taken on a new vigorous life under Obama. The fall-out of such enforcement has been massive terminations of long and short-term immigrant workers from their employment during the worst economic down-turn in the country since the 1930s. In one company alone, American Apparel, the largest clothing manufacturing firm in the U.S. with over 10,000 employees, an estimated 1,800 workers are listed for termination. The multiplier factor of Latino family size results in a devastating economic impact on close to 10,000 lives in the Los Angeles region.

Some have exclaimed that the efficiency of these “desk-top” ICE raids and deportations under this administration mirrors the efficiency with which candidate Obama ran his presidential campaign. These raids are more pervasive, sweeping, pernicious, and devastating in terms of the numbers of individuals impacted than anything executed under President George Bush.

To the degree that the Obama administration declares that it is a crime to work, and pursues and persecutes those workers who are employed in millions of companies throughout America – making incredible economic contributions by their labor and paying the corresponding taxes – than the policy of this president is one of criminalizing immigrant workers and treating them as nothing less than common criminals. This is anathema to all that candidate Obama promised on the campaign trail, which now clearly contradicts the actions of President Obama. Which Obama is to be believed?


Obama loses immigration allies
Activists picket, feel betrayed by administration policies

By Stephen Dinan (Contact)
Originally published 04:45 a.m., July 30, 2009,
updated 03:01 p.m., July 30, 2009
Three years after President Obama marched alongside Hispanic and immigrant rights activists, they took to the streets Wednesday to march against him, saying he has betrayed them by embracing George W. Bush administration efforts to stem illegal immigration.

Activists marched in Los Angeles and picketed Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s appearance in New York, angered over the administration’s recent embrace of an electronic verification system for employers and a program that allows local police to enforce immigration laws.

The protests highlight the tough political spot Mr. Obama faces: He enjoyed strong support from Hispanics in last year’s election, but activists say he’s now risking their support in the future.

“I see the sense of betrayal creeping up,” said Chung- Wha Hong,20executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition, which organized the protest against Ms. Napolitano.
The coalition said the administration is using the right words on immigrant rights but taking the wrong actions to boost enforcement. “A lot of people see the actions of Secretary Napolitano going in the opposite direction of the reform President Obama promised,” she said. The protests erupted as a report by the Center for Immigration Studies says stepped-up enforcement since 2007 has helped cut the illegal immigrant population in the United States. The group advocates the reduction of illegal immigration through strong enforcement measures.

The report, being released Thursday morning, says the illegal immigrant population peaked at 12.5 million in summer 2007, or just as Congress was debating a legalization program, but has since fallen to 10.8 million. Steven A. Camarota and Karen Jensenius, the report’s authors, said the fact that legal immigration has not declined shows that enforcement, not the economy, is responsible for the decline in illegal immigrants. The authors said the electronic employment verification known as E-verify and the police enforcement program were among the key enforcement tools that expanded after 2007 and contributed to the drop.

Speaking in New York to the Council on Foreign Relations, Ms. Napolitano defended the White House’s decision to move forward with a crackdown on illegal immigration.
“We are expanding e nforcement, but I think in the right way,” she said. In particular, she defended the local police enforcement program – known as 287(g) because of the section of law that authorizes it – saying it was created by the Clinton administration but went astray. She said the Obama administration has taken steps to add accountability and protections to the program and to push local police to focus on dangerous criminal illegals. As former governor of Arizona with experience handling this thorny issue, Ms. Napolitano is supposed to help Mr. Obama navigate immigration by helping him craft an enforcement strategy in the near term even as she helps him push Congress for a broader bill in the long term.
Mr. Obama has called for a broad immigration agreement that legalizes most illegal immigrants. He voted for both legalization bills in both 2006 and 2007, and during last year’s presidential campaign Mr. Obama repeatedly told Hispanic audiences that he was proud to have marched with them during the nationwide immigrant rights marches on May 1, 2006.
Immigrant activists suffered a similar disillusionment under Mr. Bush, who supported the 2006 and 2007 efforts to overhaul immigration but, after they failed, said he would instead boost enforcement.

Ms. Hong said the Obama administration is using all the right words about backing a broad immigration bill but is taking “massive enforcement actions.” She also said stepping up enforcement of “dysfunctional and unenforceable” laws is not a so lution, and said the activists hope to push Mr. Obama away from enforcement and back toward his campaign promises. “Today was the one event that we didn’t want to have,” she said. “We didn’t want to be protesting President Obama’s immigration policy and Napolitano’s policy, it really pains us to be picketing.” One immigrant rights group said it expects Democratic senators to introduce legislation this week rolling back some of Mr. Obama’s new enforcement plans. Republicans have had mixed reactions to Mr. Obama’s immigration efforts, but on Wednesday they praised him after the New York Times reported that his administration would not issue rules that would allow immigrants being detained to challenge the conditions of their detention. “This decision will prevent a flood of frivolous lawsuits aimed at paralyzing the detention system,” said Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee.

But Ms. Hong and other activists blasted the move, saying that if Mr. Obama continues to pile up enforcement without any action on legalization it will cost him politically. They pointed to several recent studies that questioned the costs versus benefits of the local police enforcement program and that accused U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement of violating immigrants’ rights in home raids. Frank Sharry, executive director of advocacy group America’s Voice, said frustration with the Department of Homeland Security is growing, adding that while Ms. Napolitano20has taken some positive steps “she needs to pay attention to the growing chorus of voices … that are calling for reform of current enforcement strategies and swift action on comprehensive immigration reform.” “Not doing so could carry a heavy political cost for the administration,” he said.

Enough is enough! Tell Secretary Napolitano that it’s time for real reform! Imagine waking up to pounding on your front door, you and your kids forced to the floor in your pajamas, heavily armed agents rifling their way through your home as the kids scream out in terror. Now, imagine armed federal agents barging into your home without legal consent.
Last week, the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law called the government’s pre-dawn immigration raids on family homes “unconstitutional” and said that a “cowboy mentality” over at the Department of Homeland Security has been doing serious harm. So far, Homeland Security has refused to investigate or acknowledge these and other serious charges.
Watch a new video by our friends at America’s Voice, and Sign the petition to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano saying, “Enough is enough!” It’s time for real immigration reform, not more “cowboy” enforcement tactics. When you sign, you will be joined by communities from California to New York, whose leaders will hand- deliver all of the signatures to Secretary Napolitano’s offices across the country.

Thank you for speaking up and helping to spread the word.

Join us in this prolonged campaign for driver’s licenses and visas for our families. The first step in making change is to join an organization that pursues the change we desire. We welcome you to our ranks.
Other organizations leading this movement include: Hermandad Mexicana Latinoamericana, Mexican American Political Association (MAPA), MAPA Youth Leadership, Southern California Immigration Coalition, Liberty and Justice for Immigrants Movement, National Alliance for Immigrant’s Rights, and immigrant’s rights coalitions throughout the U.S..

About James Silverfox