Some random thoughts
Why are corporations making billions called greedy, but those in government who take 30% and do nothing to create it are not?
The top 50% in this country pay just about all of the income tax, but those that pay nothing keep telling us the top “Rich” need to pay their fair share?
Why can people who make a good income never be called “working families”
On the same note, our politicians get paid more than most people do, but they tell us they are working for us?
How do budget cuts on items such as the Post office and the DMV always hit the poor the hardest?
If $10 per hour is good….why isn’t the minimum wage $300 per hour?
Will doctors be able to go on “Strike” under the public option?
If people die in accidents without helmets, or seat belts, why are we forced to wear them, to save money on care?
If guns are dangerous, why don’t we see killing sprees at shooting ranges?
Why aren’t our elected officials forced to fly “coach” when they travel?
The State and Federal government make more on a package of smokes, than the tobacco companies do. Shouldn’t people be suing the Government for damages?
I found several more of Eric's comments and reposted them. One I don't see is where he identified this criminal…
Why is there a lock on the door of a liquor store when they’re opened 24/7?
Some random answers;
“Why are corporations making billions called greedy, but those in government who take 30% and do nothing to create it are not?”
* Government provides corporations with the means to create wealth, i.e.; roads, ports, security, currency, courts, water and sewer systems etc., they SHOULD have to pay their fair share to build and maintain this COMMUNAL infrastructure, but according to the GAO two-thirds of large US and foreign-controlled companies operating in the US managed to pay NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX on a combined 2.5 TRILLION dollars in sales between 1998 and 2005. Greedy? Absolutely!
“The top 50% in this country pay just about all the income tax, but those that pay nothing keep telling the top “Rich” need to pay their fair share?”
*The top 1% of Americans receive MORE INCOME than the bottom 40% .
In 1999 the poorest fifth of the US population received less than 4% of the total US income. The second fifth received 9%. The middle fifth received 15% (scorecard so far; 60% of americans getting only 28% of income). The second richest fifth received 23%. THE RICHEST FIFTH RECEIVED 49% .
So 20% of the people are getting ALMOST HALF OF THE INCOME !!!!!!! No wonder they pay the most taxes!!!!!!!!! These statistics have only gotten worse since George W. Bush’s presidency, taking this country to income disparity levels not seen since 1929.
Bill Gates is worth 40 billion dollars, that is more than the bottom 40% of americans or about 110 MILLION people. That means you could fill Angel Stadium (43,000 + or – ) EVERY DAY for SEVEN YEARS, collecting all those people’s assets before you equaled just ONE MAN, Bill Gates, net worth.
People are worried about socialism, but what these fools REALLY need to worry about is an oligarchy, where more and more of our country’s wealth (and power) is being highly concentrated in a relatively few hands.
“If $10 dollars an hour is good….why isn’t the minimum wage $300 dollars an hour?”
* The Federal Minimum Wage is $7.25 an hour, that totals up to; 58 dollars for an 8 hour a day, 290 dollars for a 40 hour a week, 1,160 dollars for 160 hours a month,13,920 dollars for 1,920 hours a year.
The minimum wage was created to help maintain a decent standard of living for WORKING people. It also helps prevent the exploitation of workers by employers by giving a baseline value for work.
Today’s minimum wage level is so low that it’s the modern day equivalent of serfdom. Shameful.
Your feeble atteplt to answer these questions, has served my point. Keep going anonster, keep going, your demonstration of your statist views is excellent!
I think the word “earned” is what you are looking for not “received”
But Why isn’t $300 the minimun wage?
You didn’t answer any of the questions, just spewed the liberal party line drivel.
Really, I didn’t answer ANY questions? Then let’s start at question #1;
“Why are corporations making billions called greedy, but those in government who take 30% and DO NOTHING TO CREATE IT are not?”
Did you just not like my answer or do you truly believe that government provides no services that allow businesses to “create wealth” ?
Hey, Bigmarkod I’m waiting for your reply. You ACCUSED me of NOT answering ANY questions, c’mon now, PUT-UP or SHUT-UP!
No, I just know it’s pointless to argue with you, and your blatent lack of economics. These companies do not force anybody to use their products, Bill Gates made Trillions of dollars, by providing a service to his fellow man, and having them GIVE him their money, not take it under the threat of force.
Is your rectal cranial inversion so severe, that you don’t see a problem with
I cannot debate tax policy or economics on a blog, it is just pointless. But here is the question.
I have a corporation, I am about to file my taxes for 2008, and How do I know the Coproration Will pay no taxes????
Hin’t. It is not foreign, and I did make money…
BTW Leys use your number from 1999 Your numbers
” So 20% of the people are getting ALMOST HALF OF THE INCOME !!!!!!!”
So way are they paying 86% of the taxes??? Is that a fair share?
Percentiles Ranked by AGI
AGI Threshold on Percentiles
Percentage of Federal Personal Income Tax Paid
Top 1% $410,096 40.42% of taxes
Top 5% $160,041 60.63% of taxes
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Bottom 50%
Note: AGI is Adjusted Gross Income
Source: Internal Revenue Service
Hin't. It is not foreign, and I did make money…
As difficult as it is to try and make sense of your disjointed and rambling reply, I will try.
*Let’s try and address one question at a time, as you have AVOIDED my question in post #4, I will assume that you have conceded the point.
Corporations RELY on government to provide the infrastructure they need to create wealth and therefore NEED to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE OF TAXES.
“I have a corporation, I am about to file my taxes for 2008, and how do I know the Coproration Will pay no taxes????”
“Hin’t. It is not foreign, and I did make money…”
*I don’t quite understand your question, I did NOT make up the figures on the number of large domestic and foreign businesses who paid NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX on income of 2.5 TRILLION dollars between 1998-2005, those figures came from the Government Accountability Office.
Oh,and FYI ; the word “hint” is NOT a contraction.
Company has arrived, will continue later.
#6 continued
It is true, that the more you make the more you pay (up to a point), due to our progressive income tax, but those are not the only taxes we pay. The poor pay a far higher percentage of their income in sales tax and as Warren Buffet has so aptly pointed out, in payroll taxes (social security}.
The progressive income tax is the traditional, fundamental philosophical difference between liberals and conservatives, what kind of society we want and what balance of taxation and free market principles it takes to achieve it.
The concentration of too much wealth and power in too few hands threatens our democracy and our ever growing “wealth gap” is not good for our society.
You fear “socialism”, I fear a growing “oligarchy”, the statistics you have cited and the statistics I have cited, support my fears, not yours.