Supervisor Janet Nguyen votes to stop the County’s lawsuit against the AOCDS

Janet Nguyen

Supervisor Janet Nguyen doesn’t like the County’s lawsuit against the AOCDS

Maybe this is why Chris Prevatt is a shill for Supervisor Janet Nguyen?  She voted today to stop the lawsuit against the Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs that Supervisor John Moorlach has been championing for awhile.

At issue is about $187 million in savings that Moorlach thinks the County will realize if they prevail.  The pension spike that a previous Board of Supervisors granted to the Deputies also was granted retroactively.  Moorlach has argued that this is illegal.  Whether it was legal or not will be for the courts to decide – but it did suck for taxpayers.

Nguyen’s voted mattered not.  The Supervisors voted 4-1 to continue the lawsuit, according to a press release I received today. 

Currently our unfunded pension liability here in Orange County is $3 billion, according to Moorlach.  He also had this to say in the L.A. Times, “For just a little bit more we can take it to the appellate level and get some resolution. . . . This is something that would pay tremendous dividends if and when we succeed,” Moorlach said. The appeal, he said, would cost a relatively small amount of money: “It’s sort of like going from the 5-yard line to the goal line, it’s not that much.”

Nguyen’s rationale was that we should drop the lawsuit so as to not waste any more public money.

I have split feelings on this.  Every court so far has found against the Supervisors.  But if Moorlach is right about the payoff, it seems nuts not to see this through.

Maybe the County can fire a few workers who don’t have degrees, if they run out of funds?  Say like Prevatt?

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.