“Take us out to the ball game!” says OCTA!

OCTA gifts

A year or more back the Editor of the Orange Juice Blog, our beloved Art Pedroza was the first to nail down “freebies” to members of the Orange County Fair Board.  We were talking about giving away free entry and primo seats at the various concerts to VIP’s, Family Members and Political cronies.

Well, it seems these “goodies of influence” were just a little “wine from the tea spoon”.   The hallowed OCTA…..has been doing their dipping excercises evidently….as well.  The OC Register reports today that biggies like Peter Buffa and others have been on the recieving end of various dinners, boxes of chocolates and baseball tickets!  Lots’s of baseball tickets!  The Orange County Register report today by Doug Irving  and Serena Maria Dainels points out that “limited free gifts” maybe OK in California – but may broach a stricter Federal Law!

When they start getting a couple of thousand  bucks in”freebies” from any source or sources…..it does have to make one  wonder……why?    What is most disturbing is the fact that these “pillars of our society” protest vehemently that “You can’t buy ME with baseball tickets!”  Which obviously “begs the question”:  What will – buy you then?

Junkets, free bus rides, free lunches at tax payers expense, free trips to various local and distant locales for study or board meetings, commemorative watches, badges and other goodies – all come with the job:  Right?

Some corrective action is in order and we believe at the next meeting of the OCTA…..that a new SOP…(Standard Operating Procedure) element be instituted:  “NO acceptance of freebies to any member, members of their families or direct business associates! EVER!”  None, Nada, Nothing please!

If people on the OCTA board find that new concept beyond the pale…..please step down now.  Please resign immediately!  Please send your resignation letters early and frequently…..especially if it is not immediately accepted!  The grey ghosts of the New Jersey Transit System circle like vultures over any transportation system which utilizes giant amounts of taxpayer money for a variety of sometimes unrealistic, unreasonable or overpriced purposes.  Does anyone recall “Light Rail”?  How many Dodger or Angel Tickets were involved in any of those decisions?  Probably not too many……but that was only because the people spoke up often and loudly!

It’s time again for the people to tell OCTA (Orange County Transportation Authority) Members – “No Box Seats bubba! – EVER!”  No “Manny Bobble Head Night” goodies and no FREE Parking at the Park either!

“How do you get access to the Visitor Clubhouse again?  My kid needs an autograph!”  “Remember, YOU can’t buy me!”

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk show...is the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.