Say it ain’t so Loretta! Apparently Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez used federal money to essentially go on vacation, according to the O.C. Register.
“When 10 members of Congress wanted to study climate change, they did more than just dip their toes into the subject,” The Wall Street Journal reports. “They went diving and snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef. They also rode a cable car through the Australian rain forest, visited a penguin rookery and flew to the South Pole.
“The 11-day trip — with six spouses traveling along as well — took place over New Year’s 2008,” the paper says. And the total cost to taxpayers was about half-a-million dollars!
Voters have a choice next year. They can vote for Sanchez or they can vote for Quang X. Pham – a successful businessman and author who served our country in the U.S. Marines. Click here to learn more about Pham’s campaign.
vote her out step one and then shoot for that pompus boxer and feinstein .
That’s enough for me. Out.
Voting is fine, but shooting? Last I knew that was a felony. When we go to shooting and not voting we no longer have a democracy.
I am sure that whatever she did it was within the law and nothing that any other member of either party has not done. Ever take a business trip that included a lot of pleasure?
Besides if you wanted to look at the effects of climate change, one of the most impacted creatures so far is coral, which happens to make up the Reef. SO one would think it might be a good idea to look at it.
Nice work if you can get it. But c’mon Art. You’re surprised? I’d be surprised if she hadn’t gone.
mr benson i think you missed my meaning . i dont want to shoot her i meant shoot for her postion
Loretta is actually fairly conservative on fiscal matters. She did not vote, for example, for the $700 million save the wild horses bill that both Ed Royce and John Campbell supported.
But going on vacation at public expense is wrong! I am beyond disappointed.
This was a fact finding mission that makes her a better leader. Do you want Congressmen/women who have never traveled outside the U.S. voting on International issues? I’m glad Ms. Sanchez does the research she needs to make informed votes.
Unfortunately, Congressional “fact finding” trips like this are nothing new. Sounds like she is neither better nor worse on this issue then her Congressional colleagues.
A fact finding mission? Too funny. It’s amazing how these politicans (and bureaucrats) have to junket around the world in order to understand a problem. Ais being there in person is going to keep someone from misleading them. The junkets to improve understanding of political/military situations are probably downright counter productive to understanding anything.
What a scam.
She just hosed America for another ten grand.
What a disappointment. but not surprising.
It is her job to make sure and to go to investigate that what she is being told about the enviroment is actually happening. How better to do it? I am sure it was fun, but it has always been said it is best to get a job you enjoy.
As far as being mislead on a fact finding trip it would depend on the person. Some people can see through a snow job some cannot.
“I wanna run against “Loretta Airhead #1
Battle of the Airheads 2010
OC voters love airheads….
Travelling costs for 12 ppl = $500,000
omi god maybe I can get this done for $499,000.”
Then maybe I may be the better airhead!!!
That is what video is for.
The fact that the congressional reps took their spouses tells you all you need to know.
They ought to each pay back the U.S. taxpayers for this gigantic waste of money!
I know, but when in Rome you do what the Romans do.
If someone takes a trip for business and they can get some pleasure in also or even mostly pleasure, would anyone reading this not put the trip down as at least partly a busines expense? How may for writing off the whole thing?
I am not saying it should be allow or condoned, but it seems to be part of the culture and not just in Washington.
We need to get away from this culture of greed that has developed and get back to looking out for each other first.And no government cannot pass a law to make it happen.
No suprise, what about trips to Mexico, Italy and New Orleans…….with all her friends from OC.
Next will be a private plane, as a Ca.Governor…around the world.