Being a huge fan of professional football since the days of Norm Van Brocklin, Otto Graham, Bob Waterfield, Y.A. Tittle and Sonny Jurgensen……sometimes you just have to wonder: Who are these newbie personality quarterbacks?
The Manning Brothers are a prime example: Althought Eli is most likeable, Payton and his daddy Archie…..have always been bugging examples of condescending eloquence. Fran Tarkenton was another example of just awful ego self aggrandizement. Today, we are fast accumulating a vast array of very jerky quarterback personalities. Let’s start off with the resurgence of Michael Vick. Mikey is going to have a tough time getting the “doggie doo doo” off his shoe in the coming season with the Philadelphia Eagles! His solo winning record of 10 and zero will be required for him to reach any sort of redemption.
Then there is Jay Cuttler……what a nerd. He was stupid in college and he is even worse now that he has left Denver and gone to Chicago! Mouthy Quarterbacks are not attractive… matter how cute people have told them that they are. We offer strong advice to Detroit quarterback rookie Matthew Stafford and to our own Mark Sanchez of the New York Jets……to stay relaxed and keep your mouths shut. Let your skill and ability show itself on the field of play….not at the press conference afterwards. Cuttler’s blaming his poor performance on Devon Hester or the fact that it was just a pre-season game……tells volumes about his character. As traditional Bear fans for many years…… will be hard to root for “the other guys” in 2009!
How about Ben Rothlesberger? We still love Terry Bradshaw. But, “Gentle Ben” of Pittsburgh – is neither Gentle or aware much of how his character affects kids around the nation and the world. He has been a constant center of controversy, starting with the motorcycle accident, rape allegations and what more…..we have no idea! We keep waiting for the next shoe to drop!
Luckily, there are a bunch of new kids coming on board to the NFL which might be able to change the negative impression…..that Quarterbacks are all jerks today! Tony Romo with Dallas is OK….but seems to suffer from “tragic flaw syndrome” as well – whether that includes the ghosts of Terrell Owens or Jessica Simpson we will have to see. How about Tom Brady….Mr. Perfect? We love Tom, but can he maintain his technical and mechanical perfection? Luckily, Tom has learned to “shut up” nicely… matter what the latest Patriot controversy.
How about Donovan McNabb? He now has Michael Vick backing him up in his waning last years….The Eagles have now lost their “animal lover” fan base! Or what about Brady Quinn? The Cleveland Browns have been just so pathethic……and Brady Quinn was always “jerky”, even at Notre Dame! If Quinn can’t keep his mouth shut……..this is going to be another very terrible year for Cleveland.
So, who are the good guys? Are there any quarterbacks that are worth their salt? Where are the John Brodies? Where are the Joe Montana’s? How about Phillip Rivers of the Chargers? So, so? Let us hope that many of the “rookies” coming out of college will get the message and realize that talent is based most on the “likeability” from your teammates. Based on your own native humility! Based on values and teaching that offer others and the younger generation a strong sense of giving and caring by example.
There is also Joe Flacco, the new Quarterback for the Baltimore Ravens. So far, he has not stepped on his own shoe…..and we wish him well in 2009. How about Matt Ryan? Will this kid be able to push Chad Pennington off the starting grid in Atlanta? We never liked Pennington much and Matt seems like a nice guy – with ability! Perhaps, we can hope that the creme will rise to the top!
Make a pick! Choose a QB you think exhibits the leadership, ability and values becoming a great NFL Quarterback in 2009! The Steve McNair…….tragedy has told us all….that fame is fleeting and that feet of clay can become any of our so-called heroes. Therefore, it is so incumbent that those that become our “transitory heroes” maintain their decorum in society and respect the position that they have obtained……with the willing cooperation of the public. This should go for every politician in our country as well! ” Great Rewards require…..Great Responsibility!”
Orange County’s own Mark Sanchez.