All too often in the process of living our lives, we don’t pay attention to what is going on around us, we are busy with our family, friends, our careers, taking the kids to school, planning our weekends, and so on. And that is OK. We slowly slip away from politics and government until the next election rolls around, where we “wake up” and get involved to some extent. Some contribute money, time, or participate, by supporting local or national representatives. Others simply vote for their candidate, some don’t vote at all. In most cases if “our” guy wins or loses we don’t see any impact on our day to day lives. While many complain about taxes or spending, abortion or guns we are seldom greatly affected by the changes. So we slouch into apathy and go on with our lives.
With our current political landscape, all of that has changed. Our system has now gone off the deep end; it has been allowed to continue on, unchallenged growing farther and farther from what the founding fathers had set out to create. There is no one group that can be called the “Villain,” nor is there a single group that can be the “Hero” but we are facing a very serious situation.
Our elected officials are completely out of control, at all levels of government, From the MV City Council Majority that is in a race with itself to spend down their long and hard saved reserves on special interest projects; to an appointed Orange County Sheriff, that upon replacing a convicted criminal, decided that legally issued licenses can be revoked without cause from law abiding citizens. Being informed, her deputies were in violation of state law, by riding their motorcycles on the sidewalk, in order to “radar” speeding cars. She “shared our concerns,” but the practice still continues today.
Our state leaders have carved out their own little kingdoms, where they may hand out gifts of public money to their supporters with no fear of recourse. Now in their “no fear” system they have run out of items to tax, to sell, to borrow and to steal from to fund their orgy of spending. No longer able to raise taxes, they threaten to cut most services, they portray the citizens who pay their bills as the villains, they portray the layoffs and the budget cuts on their empire are somehow our fault. They are now about to do nothing less than declare war on the residents of CA possibly releasing 27,000 prisoners out on the streets from PRISON! They are declaring war on the people of this state, so they can keep giving out money to their political special interest groups! These are not people who are in jail for unpaid parking tickets, of for smoking some weed, they are convicted Felons, who WILL RAPE, STEAL FROM, and KILL our Families! The blood of our citizens will be on the hands our own representatives!
Our Federal Government has completely discarded the Constitution. With one party control of Congress and the White House, both now and over the past 8 years, we have seen new “Entitlements” come out of thin air, hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars have been squandered on companies that have made poor business decisions, wildly loaning money to people who had no chance of ever paying it back. When the house of cards inevitably fell apart, rather than let them fail, their greed was rewarded with taxpayer funds. We now have a Government that has stolen two of the big three automakers, throwing the traditional bankruptcy rules, and protections out the window and that same Government now owns them with the Unions. The bondholders were thrown to the wolves by their own government. They now socially engineer our lives, just like mommy and daddy did when you were young…”I’ll help you pay for that car, but you have to buy what I tell you to” and like lemmings millions of them were bought with their own tax money. Three times more than planned, unpaid dealers, and the destruction of the other markets involved with older cars. Such as repair, parts, junkyards, free market be dammed! We will now break the Camels back with the Public Healthcare Option. Regardless of what we are told, this option has clearly been written to put as many people, legal or not, on the healthcare dependence list. Make no mistake about it; if this passes we are done.
All too often the basic lessons of economics and freedom, are lost not only on our representatives, but on the people as well. They have all forgotten that anything the government can give you, they must first take away from somebody else. This country was founded on rugged individualism, not on groveling to the State to provide for you. We do not have the right to provide everything to everybody, our current politicians would dismiss as “Extremist, Racist and Right wing nut jobs” Great men Like Jefferson, and Madison. They would in turn ask where is our country.
If we do not stop this progressive and ongoing seizure of our liberty NOW, we will never get it back. The majority of Americans are comfortable not doing anything, because in the past it has not cost us anything, this is no longer the case.
The town halls are the American equivalent of Tiananmen Square. We can all look back at the image, 20 years ago, of a single person standing up, in front of 4 tanks, and they were stopped in their tracks! But one person can only stand alone for so long, before they get crushed, we must rush to join those brave few who have stepped up, and confronted their “leaders”. A lone woman standing up to Sen. Specter at the town hall, standing alone, voice quivering, making herself heard! This is the American Equivalent of that picture! The opposition, recognizing the power of this one person, ridiculed those who rushed to her side, calling them Nazi’s and “Astroturf” and were dismissed as “Partisans”.
We can stop them, The fight has begun! People are standing and being heard! In CA a few months ago, we blocked massive across the board tax increases! We have the Congress so afraid to “Hear” from their constituents at their own town halls, they have taken to bussing in supporters, showing their disdain for debate, they are taking phone calls during the meetings, and with their willing accomplices in the Media, are portraying those who stand and are heard, as “extremists”. But we can win, we must fight this at all levels. In the city of Mission Viejo they have just started counting Ballots to Recall a Councilman with a penchant for assault, and spending! In Orange County there are many groups, and candidates gathering to remove the appointed Sheriff. At the State level, those who promised to not raise taxes, who lied and went back on their word, are in the process of being recalled! And on the Federal Scene the Senate Majority Leader is trailing anybody and everybody who polls against him!
Now is the time, this is the place to stand up and fight! It is not going to be good enough to simply vote for YOUR congressman, we must act upon those who can effect change NOW, We must contact and pledge to support those conservative “Blue Dogs” who can put a stop to this, contact them, support them in their opposition to this bill in the house! If you can contribute to them, and they stand with us, do it! Support the opposition against Reid in Nevada, Send money, make calls, send E-mails do all you can. Stand up for race for Kennedy’s seat in MA, support the opposition candidate in the state lets take that Senate Seat! We must stand together, wherever, whenever, and however we can to STOP THIS, because if we don’t mobilize Here, Now, for this…we never will. If we do not act now, those who stood up to be heard, will soon suffer the same fate, as those who did in China 20 Years ago.
How can you make a people fight for their country, when in general they have no clue, how good they have it??
How can you make a people love and protect a country, when they dont trust their fellow citizen’s. there are so many division’s here in this country i don’t dont know where to start. black whites, brown’s, blacks, browns, blacks and whites, religions, politic’s, gender, babies, poor and the middle class!
Christ, it makes Northern Ireland look Normal!
though i think the big bang is about to happen, because all these people have only one thing in common, they don’t want to live in any other country but, “the United States of America”.
Looks like you were wrong Bigmark. You wrote that last night, but yet here we are, it’s tomorrow. I’ve read some crazy stuff on the web, but this paranoid babble might take the cake. Time to double up on the tin foil on your head, else those government Gama rays might steal your thoughts.
BTW – nice way to diminish the lives of the hundreds that were actually killed in Tienanmen Square twenty years ago by comparing those events to these town halls. Absolutely ridiculous. Unlike Tienanmen, the only folks that are armed in your example are the protesters. One more aside to tuck under your tin foil hat, the largest special interest lobby in California are the prison guards. I doubt if they are happy about Arnold s threat to release inmates. It might cut into their double overtime hours.
Just in case BM is right, and there will indeed be “no tomorrow”, I’d like to give Art and this site props for opening up to all view points. Well done sirs. Rest assured you can now put a check mark next the Thorazine blogging demographic.
Baxter- while I appreciate your commentary, it really dosen’t make a point, Other than name calling…The no tomorrow is regarding, fighting for our liberty tomorrow. I would like you to explain where I am wrong. Or how I am in a “Thorazine induce haze” Is it the City, The County the State, or the Federal analysis? The Thousands killed in China, were standing up for freedom and were crushed, killed and imprisoned. There is no diminishing them, to not stand with, and support those who decide to stand and fight, for freedom and liberty, is to diminish them, and all of those who have in the past.
In the past, you glib comments may have passed as acceptable, but no longer….What have I written that is Crazy, please, expose my “tin foil hat” Your commentary has no, point, nor fact, nor ideas or thought, Why don’t you just call me a racist, and be done with any attempt at debate…
“this country was founded on rugged individualism”
More nonsense, this country was founded by rich Southern Planters and New England lawyers that were more then willing to let the poor farmers get their asses shot off so they wouldn’t have to pay taxes.
Not much different than the previous administration.
As soon as someone starts caring about the “Poor Farmers” the stuff hits the fan.
This country was built on the sweat and blood of the under-served, and underpaid,not by whining tax protesters that want to insure that they can keep their three bathrooms and still keep their one ass out of anything resembling a real fight.
“Great men like Jefferson and Madison would ask where is our country” More nonsense they would probably say “How the hell did you do all this without slaves?”
Pete, you should really leave as soon as possible, this is a terrible oppressive place to live! Your complete lack of any intellectual honesty is only surpassed by your total lack of historical knowledge.
I would refer to your writing as incoherent babble, but that would be giving your intellect way too much credit. Rather than come with a reasoned argument, complete with facts, you ramble on like a refugee from a mental hospital, that has missed his afternoon snack! You make no point, nor is there any reason to your writing. You throw out broad Hyperbole as if it outweighs any reasoned thought. The only thing you may be coherent on is the fact that there are those who are standing up now, that have not stood before, but I feel you and your merry band of freedom hating Nazis will soon find yourself in a very real fight.
This post is truth!
Maybe the light is bad here in the nuthouse, but where did I say I wanted to leave this country,or hate freedom?
I did not assume to know what Madison or Jefferson would say I used the word “Probably”. You however must be channeling their spirts, good for you.
There is nothing historicaly inacurate in what I wrote.If the Framers of the Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence were not Rich Planters and New England Lawyers who was it The Indians?
Hyperbole? The nut house dictonary describes it as Excessive exageration, Like comparing Tianimen Square to Yellow Elephant tax protesters.
The only merry band I belong to is the VFW.
Baxter….and Big Pete…you both make me sad for the future of our country
BTW The Hitler Wikipedia this was actually kind of funny, but it applies in your case.
BigMark, that’s funny, because Pete and Baxter give me hope. You are hysterical and both Pete and Baxter called you out on it …simple as that. You can’t even compete.
Hysterical really? Once again, please elaborate where I am wrong….City, state, Fed? Where??
Keep up with the name calling, because you can’t hurt my feelings, and every time you attack me, and not the message, you expose yourself for the statist that you are.