There is a plague of misinformation out there about the upcoming Health Care Reform legislation that is being drafted up as we speak. I’m sick of the same folks who fawned over Quitter Queen Sarah Palin, who teabagged and Birthered up -these same people- NOW telling us what Health Care Reform is going to look like. They have been wrong all along and they CONTINUE TO BE WRONG about this important issue. The discussions have gotten so ridiculous in some circles, that blog wars have erupted over who can post the most outrageous lies about health care. In the above video, Linda Douglass, the communications director for the White Houses Health Reform Office, addresses a story that makes it look like the President intends to eliminate private coverage, when the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. Hmmmm…… Now where have we seen that hunk of dishonest crap? Oh yeah! Right here on the Orange Juice! blog, courtesy of Mr. Terry Crowley. In case you missed it, here’s the LINK
Here’s another proud moment for the Orange Juice! blog, in a thread penned by Larry Gilbert, in which he reposts a stupid email with the stupid speculation that Obama wants to kill people who would be covered by Health Care Reform. LINK
As has been pointed out, repeatedly, Larry is already covered under government sponsored Health Care Reform: MEDICARE. Yet, Larry doesn’t want anyone else who hasn’t reached his age, to get the kind of health care coverage he feels entitled to. So instead of finding out the TRUTH about the Health Care Reform discussions and posting those findings HERE on OJ, he resorts to reposting lies and misinformation for his Health Care Corporate Insurance Masters.
What makes the Orange Juice a fun read is that we bloggers are free to attack issues from all points of view. IMHO, it must be nice for Larry to be retired, have a ton of time, have cushy health care coverage and spend lots of energy trying to scare other people into voting against their own health and welfare interests. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!
For anyone else who is fed up with smelly email lies, you can report them AND smelly blog posts directly to the website dedicated to debunking deliberate fibs:
Hi Travis,
Nice of you to stop by.
Happy with your current HC insurance situation?
The Left’s all-consuming desire to enslave themselves never fails to amaze me. We’ve all seen the Obama clip where he says health insurance ‘reform’ is the first step to the ultimate goal of one-payer insurance. We have seen on page 19 provisions in the health care bill that forbids insurance companies to recruit more members or write more policies.
Sorry, but these are facts. Google it. Check the sources. You’ll deny them, demonize the messenger, try every pity ploy in your community organizing play book, but it doesn’t change videotape or the written word.
And yeah, 85% of Americans are happy with their health care situation. Google that too.
Hey Lincoln,
Please provide your links. No being a lazy butt and telling others to back up what YOU claim. Put em up, dude!
Whether or not HC Reform is going to be passed is a non-issue. It will be passed. HOW it will look is the question.
The early video shows it clearly, and he has also said in the past that “I happen to be a proponent of a single Payer health insurance”
The video where he says he is not against private insurance, does not make it true. So he was lying earlier or he is lying now….
Here is a link
“If it ain’t perfect and I have mine…..don’t bother to fix it!”…says those that supposedly
People forget that this is a program to identify
the illegals within our society. If someone uses the Medical System….in the future….with or without Obamacare…..they will be reported. The true issue…is….what will the Insurance Companies do with info. Deny those with “pre-existing issues…or past cancer therapy or those that once used a aspirin.” Whatever happens is going to major. Whether the Republicans go along, don’t go along, change the system, don’t change the system…..the dialogue has begun and the bureaucrats will now be in total control. The Congress is just icing on the cake at this point. Real ID will finally finish off any slim idea of Personal Privacy in the United States and it was Obama that did it. All of our electeds are quite at fault. They all need those paychecks from Special Interest…whoever they are!
The one tiny tot light at the end of the trail might be a slow transition to bring people without insurance into the system…say over three to five years. Will anyone address the “transitioning phase”?….doubtful.
“The Congress is just icing on the cake at this point. Real ID will finally finish off any slim idea of Personal Privacy in the United States and it was Obama that did it.”
What was meant to say” …and it wasn’t Obama that did it.”
You need to drink more Orange Juice not Kool Aid
85 per cent are happy with their private health insurance. the ones who would be unhappy, since they cannot get insurance, are dead.
Red. “Stupid email with stupid speculation.” When you have no come back you start name calling?
The nice thing about drinking OJ is that even Art’s bloggers can disagree on issues.
I do not recall saying that president “Obama wants to kill people.” Was that you way of getting more hits and comments on your post?
Have you read the 1,000 page House Bill or are you referring to a third party just as I did?
What makes yourself, and your source, more believable especially if it comes to us via this White House known for truth.
Have you watched the video clips of Obama from today and his prior comments on health care? Should we ignore his earlier remarks as the Junior Senator from IL now that he lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in DC? sounds like a fair and balanced web site? Are you joking?
Yes it is nice for Larry Gilbert to be retired. While the bloggers at the OJ do not know who mystery blogger RED is, myself included, let me report that Larry Gilbert is 71 years young. As such I guess it was OK for me to eventually retire to make way for a younger person to take the same risks that we made in order for me to retire. In fact, my retirement may have opened the door for someone out of work.
Sounds like someone is jealous of my having worked 80 plus hours per week to achieve this new found freedom called retirement.
And lastly. Red. Who exactly are “my Health Care Corporate Insurance Masters” as stated in your post? Sad to tell you but I do not directly or indirectly own stock in any insurance company and have nothing to gain by making readers take the time to ask questions, something that most of those in Congress about to vote on this massive socialized health care program/experiment have chosen not to do.
If it elevates your ratings, feel free to use my name to give a boost to your name calling post.
Folks. Not only did this mystery person chastise me in her story but she, or he, sent me a direct email off line to make sure I checked out this story. Class? I don’t think so.
However Red, as I put on my armor every morning, feel free to go on the attack.
Larry! The invitation worked! Welcome!
Have you read the 1,000 page House Bill or are you referring to a third party just as I did?
It’s not actually written yet – what did you actually read? U get it by UPS or do you have a link for the document online?
You deserve every single thing you can get as a retiree. Thanks for being a taxpayer and productive member of society for all those years, Larry.
However, would you have any problem with say…. letting a person get your same retirement benefits at say… 55 instead of 65? And if that was okay, then maybe let the 45 year olds have it… and then so on?
Have you been hearing about those bus loads of people showing up at the townhalls to shout down the discussions about health care? Someone is paying for all that as well as paying for the nonstop propaganda that is designed to thwart information.
That video of Obama was from six years ago, Larry – a lot of the conversation has evolved since then.
You look so dapper in that flameproof armor, Larry. Thanks for stopping by to “boost” my post 😉
Yep the current program is great, let the rates continue to rise at five times the rate of inflation to pay insurance company salaries, pay for the people who use the ER for regular care at 10 time the cost and let the drug companies make huge profits with no bid contracts like the republican reform of madicare did.
What is the cost of that over ten years? I would bet it is a lot more than any proposal currently in congress. But fine it is the way to do it, let those who can afford to continue to pay under the current system do so. But looking down the road about 10 years or less the current system is in for a huge train wreak.
Perhaps we should wait, in about 10 years the government will have to pay for all but about 10 or 15% of the populations care, nobody else will be aboe to afford it. Doing nothing now is a guarentee of a single payer system in the future.
You are welcome whomever you are. In fact, you might be my next door neighbor.
Assuming you are younger than myself I would say don’t be naive. “bus loads of people showing up at the townhalls.”
Are you referring to Louis Farrakhan’s (Nation of Islam’s) “million man march” on Oct 16, 1995?
Now that’s bussing.
Having been around the block a few times all sides play that game. And those who particpate are generally not paid for being “extra’s” in this saga. We covered Arnold when he campaigned at Tri City Park in Placentia a few years ago. Trust me when I report that every person in the crowd was a Republican. In fact Ron Winship and myself were the only media present covering the event for the Cutting Edge-a talk show program.
Having White House credentials for his appearance I covered President Obama a few months ago when he did a Town Hall in downtown LA. I watched as the crowd entered the school gymnasium. Venture to guess how many Republicans were at that event?
When Governor Davis was to speak at the Bonaventure Hotel in LA a few years ago one of our unions had busloads of members lined up at the front door. Gray went home leaving Bill Simon without someone to debate.
Closer to home simply attend city council or school board meetings where “special interests” show up in mass such as reducing class size where hundreds of parents drag their children to be pawns in the guilt game.
In Mission Veio we just saw a large number of tennis players show up and sit together to put pressure on the city council to fund a several million dollar special interest tennis expansion CIP while we are taking money from our reserves to balance the budget.
My point is that there are John & Ken’s who rally the troops to fight a cause such as the April 15th Tea Parties around the country. No one paid the participants to be there. I covered the Fullerton, Santa Ana and Mission Viejo rallies and can report that the people were there to send a message to our elected officials. They didn’t need to be compensated for their time. Hope this puts your mind at ease.
Red. Did you read what you wrote. The health care bill hasn’t been written yet?
Where then do we find page after page of text? Perhaps you mean that “it hasn’t been voted on” as of yet. There is a difference don’t you think?
As to my retirement benefits. Are you my CPA? Do you have any idea of what my retirement benefits are to make that statement?
I generally do not engage in winging it and my recommendation to you is to refrain from same.
Have a great evening.
Do you believe in satistics, or just lets try it and see what happen’s?
Every country except for sweden, have awful and i mean awful, public health care. Long waiting lists, beds piled up in hallways, MRSA epidemic,old and dirty hospitals. It is just a fact!
I am not going to try to convince you, because you have the mentality of, “don’t kick it, till ya try it”.
The USA is a massive country with an out of control flow of everyone’s poor. This country can not sustain health care for everyone!
Sweden has strick immigration laws, it takes 10yrs to apply to reside in Sweden! They people of sweden pay for their health care only!
NOW have a look into British Health Care, it is a disgrace!
Their is no need for public health care for young, to middle aged people, except of course if your a loser and want someone else paying for it. You think underage pregnancies are bad, now. Just you wait!!
Like i said this will benifit the imported poor and the rich, the American middle class will get screwd!
The actual bill –
A list of the bill’s ‘highlights’ that cause concern in conservative quarters —
The video of Obama stating he is for the government run, single payer system is above. Thanks Bigmarkod!
Hey Red.
Just turned on FOX to see Gibbs steal your thunder. FOX posted the idential DNC statement on Town Hall busing that you blogged. You should be happy that they are quoting from your Orange Juice account. Would you call that plagerism?
Wow! I don’t know where Michelle gets her statistics on the quality of Canadian and British Heath Care, but Gallop shows this information comparing British, Canadian, and American views on health care:
On the Quality of Health Care:
“The results of three recent Gallup Polls show that more than half of residents in the United States (53%), Canada (52%), and Britain (55%) describe their respective healthcare systems as “excellent” or “good.”
On Affordable Health Care:
“44% of Americans are very dissatisfied with the availability of affordable healthcare, and nearly three-fourths (72%) are either somewhat or very dissatisfied. The 44% in the United States who are very dissatisfied with healthcare availability is significantly higher than corresponding figures in either Canada (17%) or Great Britain (25%).”
And if our health system is so good, why would Americans consider traveling abroad for health care?
“A recent Gallup Poll finds that up to 29% of Americans would consider traveling abroad for medical procedures such as heart bypass surgery, hip or knee replacement, plastic surgery, cancer diagnosis and treatment, or alternative medical care, even though all are routinely done in the United States.”
I guess I’ll have to look at more biased sources next time.
Perhaps our system is too antiseptic, as the US ranks 47th on the country list for longevity.
My mother died in a hospital in Belfast, when they diagnosed her with the flu, while really her heart rate was 38, and she was in massive heart failure. 10yrs later. My aunt Eileen, it took her three years on a waiting list to get a knee replacement, when she did, to make a long story short, they sent her home without after care, blood pressure meds and no blood thinners. She had 3 massive strokes, she is now unable to speak, or stand.
In Britain and Ireland their is a massive epidemic of MRSA cases. People are treated in the hallways, people are sent home without any care. My nephew has a lump on his throat that is without a doub’t a tumor on his thyroid, “the doctor gave an 18yr old male,steriods to reduce the tumor”.
Doctors don’t give a crap, because they are paid, crap.
polls are polls, you need to listen to real people!
Perhaps our system is too antiseptic, as the US ranks 47th on the country list for longevity.
Americans work too hard and play too little!
National Health Care is not going to be the fountain of youth!
Isn’t it convenient that Michelle has “personal” experience regarding every issue.
“Michelle Quinn” is a fraud!
The gig is up and we all can see you have created a false persona to spew right wing bigoted propaganda.
I am lucky to have the experience’s that i have had, they have given me a great deal of “Common Sense”, Something you lack in!
Well, i have never considered myself a “right Winger”.
but if your what they consider the “left winger”, then “right wingers unite”!
Fly Fly Fly:)
“Michelle Quinn” is a FRAUD!
I have enough common sense to know that you are a scared bigot too afraid to use your own name and persona to push their twisted agenda.
I have enough common sense to know that you are a
Ok my Name is: Mark Smith, and i only write like a girl!
scared bigot too afraid to use your own name and persona to push their twisted agenda.
Crap, do you mean the FBI might be reading this right now??? I wonder if i can ask them about the X Files!
Good night Cranky, Your a blast!
It matters little what your name is. You are a FRAUD plain and simple.
All these tales you tell to help reinforce your twisted positions are fraudulent too.
Call yourself whatever you like. I will be there to call you a FRAUD.
Wow, You must have lead a boring life, I find my life, turbulent, but not that uncommon, while you find me so unbelievable to believe!
Thanks for the boost:)
Feel free to share your family and friend’s experiences under my ‘persona’! Maybe Sean “left-winger” Mill will accept them now.
By the way, I read an article on Yahoo (written by a liberal journalist) about the top 5 wastes in the health care system. #3 was hospital readmittance. Do you know their (the Obamanation) plan to fix this? Fine hospitals for readmittance of patients within 30 days! What a great way to create revenue. While I do agree that some stupid people need to learn how to follow the doc’s instructions so that they don’t have to come back, but why don’t we not pay ALL of their bill for them that way that will only come back if it is a necessity. This something for nothing deal is already wrecking medicare. I have a pharm friend. He says that medicare/caide patients come in and asks which pills are free and only buy those, even if they have to pay $4 for their seizure pills they tell him that they can’t afford it. Then after he has filled the free scripts they come back to pick them up and ask if he can ring up their cigarettes with their drugs. What a system we have now; and you think the government can run a HC program for everyone?
P.J. O’Rourke: “If you think health care is expensive now—just wait until it’s free.”
Also, my name is not Mark Smith. I don’t want you to get confused.
My only question for now, how is universal health care, which it’s very obvious Pres Obama wants, will be paid for when none of the cost cutting features work. How bout we try these cost saving features first then pass universal health care, maybe because it won’t happen. Just a thought from the middle.
“Their is no need for public health care for young, to middle aged people, except of course if your a loser and want someone else paying for it. You think underage pregnancies are bad, now. Just you wait!!”
Wow! You sound just like Scrooge. I don’t know how you got ‘yours’ in life, as you’re basically functionally illiterate. Not everyone who can’t afford health insurance is an unemployed loser. Perhaps, Scroogette, you should learn who ‘losers’ in this healthcare fiasco really are and learn the facts about the uninsured before you go opening your ugly mouth.