How many of these Trannies were drinking with Andy Quach on Saturday night?
“Assemblyman Van Tran was so disruptive at the scene of the police investigation into Councilman Andy Quach’s car crash that a sergeant had to threaten him with arrest to get him to stay away, according to incident transcripts released today by the police chief,” according to the O.C. Register.
If there is one thing Republican voters won’t tolerate it is politicians who are not tough on crime – and in this case Tran clearly got in the way of police officers who were trying to do their job – which was to arrest Tran’s right-hand man, Quach. It doesn’t help that Quach’s blood alcohol level was allegedly .26, according to the O.C. District Attorney’s office.
And just like that Tran’s congressional campaign was OVER.
But it gets even better…
Here are a few more excerpts from the Register:
The chief said Assemblyman Tran arrived about 13 minutes after the accident.
“I’m with Andy,” Tran told police. “I’m his lawyer.”
Tran was told to step back and away from the scene. Although he complied briefly, he stepped back in and a sergeant had to tell him one more time to stand back, Hall said.
Two minutes later, Hall said, Tran approached the officers one more time and distracted Quach to the extent that it interrupted the field sobriety test that was being administered by a DUI expert.
“I don’t care who you are, you need to back up over there,” the sergeant told Tran. “I understand you’re his attorney but you are interfering. You need to stand over there. If you come back over here, I’m going to have you arrested.”
Quach was reportedly dining with friends Saturday night at West Coast Seafood Buffet on Beach Boulevard, barely a mile from where the accident occurred.
Phat Nguyen, manager of the restaurant, said Quach left the restaurant with friends before 11 p.m. Nguyen said he had invited Quach and a few others to sample their new menu and to celebrate the liquor license the restaurant had just received.
“But we can serve beer and wine only here, and Andy, as far as I saw, had only a little bit of red wine,” he said.
Nguyen said his cooks left at 10 that night and the guests, including Quach, left a little before 11.
“I asked Andy where he was going and he said he didn’t get enough to eat at my restaurant, so he was going to go out somewhere else and have dinner,” he said. “I don’t know where he went after he left my restaurant.”
Hall said that person told police that he was eating and drinking with friends, including Quach, at West Coast and that they were drinking whiskey. The California Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control is also investigating this incident, Hall said.
Bad boys, bad boys what’cha gonna do?
Priceless! Quach’s pals on the Westminster Planning Commission approved the liquor license for the restaurant in question – and now Quach’s DUI might cause them to lose the license altogether!
As for Tran, he is DONE. Fortunately local Republicans have another candidate in the race against Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez. And I can tell you that Quang X. Pham is a law-abiding gentleman – unlike Tran and Quach.
Like 1/2 of the department is out there blocking of Main St. —and as far as I know–they’ve been there for hrs.
I came on the blog thinking someone would have emailed pictures and news by now??
Like 1/2 of the department is out there blocking off Main St. —and as far as I know–they’ve been there for hrs.
I came on the blog thinking someone would have emailed pictures and news by now??
Hello– any PAJARITOS out there????
what’s going on on Main St.
Well hopefully no one got hurt
Sean H. Mill
Blah Blah Blah Bhah!
Keep up the good work, making Sana Ana all it can be…… Like you said “wakeup and smell the coffee”.
O your right you and the rest of the political correct idiots are making alot of lives miserable, they are the lives that live in Santa Ana Gang den, murder capital of OC, highest area for babies having babies, gang daycare instead of schools. As you said yourself barrios not streets!
Yeah your doing a billiant job.
A good old Belfast term, that is very cultural to decribe you would be “wanker”. Your a huge one too!
I am bulling you good, its about time you got a bit of your own medicine, now you know what it is like.
If you would just turn off the wanker button, maybe if you read my posts, alot of what i am saying has alot of truth and experience. and alot of what i am saying is in jest, just to tease the poliical correct hacks.
But really, your a waste of my time, posting to you, i am not going to get into a fight with a wanker like you that is so anti-me!
Your the American far-left, which really mean’s people who hate your own people and your own culture!
remember hatard breeds hatard and your good at it!
The only hate monger here is you. The problems in Santa Ana cannot be laid at the feet of the Latino community as you would like folks to believe.
The decay of this city was set in place by the failed leadership that has run this city.
It was not until the last couple of years that we have had a city council concerned about the problems plauging our less fortunate.
For far too long our city leaders focused their efforts and our money on the predominately white and affluent areas.
The letter of mine that you are fond of quoting spoke to that very issue. That letter was directed towards the Anglo leadership of Santa Ana.
Do your homework and learn some history. You won’t because bigots like you want to place blame squarely on the backs of the “Mexican’s”.
Main St, some old lady was run down by a hit and run driver, from what I saw hours after the accident, she exploded on impact and the has-mat people had a lot to clean up.
It’s at least clear to me Michelle Quinn is standing up to Sean Mill and he can’t take it. Keep up the good work Michelle, I think he’s going to pop a vein and bleed to death and by what I read of his comments here, I don’t think there would be many people at his funeral. Sad…I hope he puts down the drugs and comes to his senses before it’s too late.
“For far too long our city leaders focused their efforts and our money on the predominately white and affluent areas.”….. Mr. Mill!
Obviously you do not understand the economic!
Anytime we spend money we must get Assets in return. Equity=Assets-Liability.
However, if we spend money on poor Mexicans the Assets will disappear and Equity=Liability and that is what happened to Santa Ana.
In contrast, if we invest into rich folks we get an Asset in return. i.e. 1B Plaza.
I hope that you do understand the above and will stop your silliness.
Referee – you shit head you are making some serious accusations and then you are wishing death upon someone—
God Bless you Too
It was not until the last couple of years that we have had a city council concerned about the problems plauging our less fortunate.
Tell me Sean, how are they less fortunate, less fortunate than who??
Its like a script the vunerable and underserved!
Well, The underserved have the same, oportunitity to be educated, the underserved can walk into caloptia and get free medical care for their kids, the underserved can apply and get free childcare, the underserved can apply to healthy families and get free dental care for their kids, and the underserved have so many services in social services that it make the people of socicalist countries look underserved.
So you tell me how Americans are underserving latino’s. Because I’m an Irish Immigrant and my kids get none of these little perks, so are the Irish being underserved, or am i suppose to work for it????
What i see is the break down of the familiy in Santa Ana, it would not make a difference if they were white or black or Asian, it is a fact that in Santa Ana single mothers, father’s taking off, because the local government has become the father, kids having kids and the lack of priority as far as education, is in fact the main cause for the decay of the society that reside in Santa
Ana. It is not new to this city or to this county, take any country in the world if you have the same social satistics, you will have the same results!
What is the solution.
1. Education. Have you heard of Steven Perry, he is the priciple at a charter school called Captiol prep school, Black and Hispanic kids, from a very low ecomonic area. He is brilliant, he is very strick with the kids and expects nothing but the best from them. His results are outstanding!
2. Welfare. Welfare in my eyes should only be used if you have lost your job,husband. It should only be used for a short time until one gets on their feet. In Santa Ana, it is a satistic that generations of Welfare users are growing!
3.Parents should be made responsible for the behaviour of their kids. The city took a great step by making the parents of the taggers responsible.
4. I think it would be a brilliant idea if we could get the kids out of Santa Ana and come into other communities ie. playing football,competeing in school science projects,ect…
I even think it would be wonderful if Sana Ana’s residents offered Spanish classes, cultural cooking classes to other residents from other cities. Its would allow the communities to unite.
Gang members is an easy fix, Send them into the poorest and most dangerous neighborhoods of Mexico as community helpers then when they get back home, they will not feel so underserved!
Like i said everyone who comes to this country, has a choice, then can make it if they work hard enough for it or not! its that simple.
And Sean Mill the Jesus Christ of the Latino people, are nothing but a pity chain around their neck!
Just a reminder. Andrew Do of the GG city council is actually living quite comfortably in his and Cheri’s 3500 square foot 20000square foot lot 1.3 million dollar digs in Santa Ana. The more that gets revealed in this Quach/Van debacle…the more we realize how sad it is to have the likes of either of them in elected office. I defy anyone to point out any qualification any Trannie has to be in elected office. They are ONLY in office because the Viets have tweaked the system with these absentee ballots and going to every Viet house with 10 and more occupants and “convincing” all of them to register and then vote for their Trannie. (or Jannie as the case may be) Then we are all stuck with this bullsh**.
i also agreed with watch dog, i often wondered why she would pick a guy like this loser Andy Quack, cuz she seem pretty bright to me!!! He is a sinking ship!!!
Adios senor Andy!!! It’s only a matter of time before all the Trannies clear this town.