How many of these Trannies were drinking with Andy Quach on Saturday night?
“Assemblyman Van Tran was so disruptive at the scene of the police investigation into Councilman Andy Quach’s car crash that a sergeant had to threaten him with arrest to get him to stay away, according to incident transcripts released today by the police chief,” according to the O.C. Register.
If there is one thing Republican voters won’t tolerate it is politicians who are not tough on crime – and in this case Tran clearly got in the way of police officers who were trying to do their job – which was to arrest Tran’s right-hand man, Quach. It doesn’t help that Quach’s blood alcohol level was allegedly .26, according to the O.C. District Attorney’s office.
And just like that Tran’s congressional campaign was OVER.
But it gets even better…
Here are a few more excerpts from the Register:
The chief said Assemblyman Tran arrived about 13 minutes after the accident.
“I’m with Andy,” Tran told police. “I’m his lawyer.”
Tran was told to step back and away from the scene. Although he complied briefly, he stepped back in and a sergeant had to tell him one more time to stand back, Hall said.
Two minutes later, Hall said, Tran approached the officers one more time and distracted Quach to the extent that it interrupted the field sobriety test that was being administered by a DUI expert.
“I don’t care who you are, you need to back up over there,” the sergeant told Tran. “I understand you’re his attorney but you are interfering. You need to stand over there. If you come back over here, I’m going to have you arrested.”
Quach was reportedly dining with friends Saturday night at West Coast Seafood Buffet on Beach Boulevard, barely a mile from where the accident occurred.
Phat Nguyen, manager of the restaurant, said Quach left the restaurant with friends before 11 p.m. Nguyen said he had invited Quach and a few others to sample their new menu and to celebrate the liquor license the restaurant had just received.
“But we can serve beer and wine only here, and Andy, as far as I saw, had only a little bit of red wine,” he said.
Nguyen said his cooks left at 10 that night and the guests, including Quach, left a little before 11.
“I asked Andy where he was going and he said he didn’t get enough to eat at my restaurant, so he was going to go out somewhere else and have dinner,” he said. “I don’t know where he went after he left my restaurant.”
Hall said that person told police that he was eating and drinking with friends, including Quach, at West Coast and that they were drinking whiskey. The California Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control is also investigating this incident, Hall said.
Bad boys, bad boys what’cha gonna do?
Priceless! Quach’s pals on the Westminster Planning Commission approved the liquor license for the restaurant in question – and now Quach’s DUI might cause them to lose the license altogether!
As for Tran, he is DONE. Fortunately local Republicans have another candidate in the race against Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez. And I can tell you that Quang X. Pham is a law-abiding gentleman – unlike Tran and Quach.
I don’t see the connection to Van Tran other than what is written here. Why would Van Tran suffer for this, he wasn’t involved.
You need to read it again. Tran interfered with a police investigation. He also said he was Quach’s lawyer – but guess what? A different lawyer bailed Quach out of jail.
And Tran has admitted being at the restaurant with Quach. Did they BOTH drink whiskey in a restaurant that was licensed to sell only beer and wine?
Tran is DONE. Good riddance!
Red wine with fish?? He should’ve been arrested just for that.
This was because he thought he was “SOMEONE”. Great work GGPD.
What a MORON. But, honestly, doesn’t surprise me…
Right you are! Pride goeth before the fall…
Art, can you name all those people in the picture?
That’s Van Tran on the left. Andy is in the middle and is flanked by Dina Nguyen and I think the other gal is a Westminster planning commissioner named Roxanne. Trung Nguyen is on the right. I recognize some of the others but don’t know all their names.
Van the Man covering up AGAIN.
What a bunch of blowhards.
Have you heard that Tran used to bring his gun, which Carona gave him, to local bars and put it on the counter while he drank? What an S.O.B.
Now Tran is as done as Carona – with any luck all of the Trannies are done.
The Democrats need to work double-time in Little Saigon. There is an opportunity to elect new leaders and say adios to the Trannies once and for all!
Dont forget about the Jannies they suck too!
Janet Nguyen is a fake and the next time she runs for election, no one will vote for her in the Asian community!
Roxanne is not just the commissioner of westmisnter, she was the xfiance of that loser!!
everyone was saying how bright she is, if she was so bright, how the hell did she end up with a guy like this joker to begin with? Dina, I understand, she’s ditzy and dense…
Very true! The Jannies are as bad as the Trannies…
Thanks Art for naming those people. Roxanne is hot, she doesn’t look like a “trannie”.
“Have you heard that Tran used to bring his gun, which Carona gave him, to local bars and put it on the counter while he drank? What an S.O.B.”
Yes, I have. He often flashes his gun to reporters as well. Guess what? He’s not an SOB, he’s a PUSS. Anyone who carries a concealed weapon and continuously flashing it is all show.
“The Democrats need to work double-time in Little Saigon. There is an opportunity to elect new leaders and say adios to the Trannies once and for all!”
Art, it is NOT hard at all for Democrats to win votes in Little Saigon. Unfortunately, the Dems are too dumb or have not found the right political adviser. I’ll say it again, it’s quite easy for the Dems to overtake the Republicans in Little Saigon.
And Tran has admitted being at the restaurant with Quach. Did they BOTH drink whiskey in a restaurant that was licensed to sell only beer and wine?
Yeah so Art, have you ever been out drinking with friends?? But not everyone gets into a car while drinking!
And i really don’t understand your loyality to Loretta, your schools are all failing, crime and gangs on on the increase.
Can you tell me anything she has done for the community??
Or is it becauses she is Hispanic, that makes her the ideal candidate???
You do not want anyother race running for your district if possible!
Trannies, next it will be the crackers!
Your district is doomed to self distruct, based on picking colour not qualifications or character!
The Democrats need to work double-time in Little Saigon. There is an opportunity to elect new leaders and say adios to the Trannies once and for all!”
I hope the Asian Americans, can vote based on record and not time spent!
Van Tran did not “perjure” himself. Just because he wasn’t the same attorney to bail AQ out of jail, doesn’t mean he isn’t AQ’s attorney @ all.
Also, perjury requires one to lie underoath. VT wasn’t being questioned, wasn’t filing a report or writing a statement. & I’m pretty sure the officers didn’t swear him in while he was standing there.
Regardless of his position in politics, he is still a normal human being. VT had all rights to show up to see if his friend is okay. I’m sure if any of you were in this situation, your mother/brother/friends would come rushing to the scene “disrupting” the investigation just the same.
Anyone who uses this incident against VT’s campaign obviously has no knowledge of politics. People are always committing the ad hominem flaw. You should be more concerned about the platform, plans, and policies of the campaign, not the person standing as merely a figurehead.
@Watch Dog
Dina & Andy never dated. Check your sources.
How much do you actually know about Quang X. Pham’s policies and politics anyways? Are we voting for one because we hate the other?
Seriously? This like reading trash magazines. Stop gossiping. Go learn something about politics.
I want to see the drunk guys mug shot to see if he looks as wasted as he was!
I have known Pham for over ten years. He is a great candidate who has served his country as a U.S. Marine.
Pham by the way recently appeared on TV and you have a chance to find out more about him: Quang had his first television interview as a political candidate on Rick Reiff’s Inside OC Show which is broadcasted on KOCE, a PBS affiliate in Orange County. You can watch it online via this link, The show is 23 minutes long and he appears in the second segment which begins around the 8:38 mark.
Show me proof that Tran has ever been Quach’s attorney. If you look up Quach’s previous traffic violations, his attorney was NEVER Tran, period.
I know Tran’s platform quite well. He is a typical Republican hater. No thanks!
Pham has my endorsement and full support. He will be a leader who will not bring shame to the people in the 47th Congressional District.
You are quite quick to attack Latino’s as we all know. Now you are attacking Loretta Sanchez.
Why don’t you offer up the name of a person you deem qualified to replace Loretta.
You’ve spewed a lot of hate here FRAUD, let’s hear some answers and solutions.
How about Me:)
You are quite quick to attack Latino’s as we all know. Now you are attacking Loretta Sanchez.
The only hate i have seen coming out of anyone is you and Mr. Lomeli. And if you want i can call you and see if i am really a fraud or not??
Then you can call me all the Frauds,cows,scumbag names under the sun, it might relieve some of that pent up anger you have toward women!
Here you go:
Its as plain as day!!
Good old eilitist latino’s racism as its finest, you maynot be in the wacko area of lomeli, but you share the same views!
Don’t be such prudes. So the guy has a few drinks and gets in a fender bender. So what? No one was hurt. Stick to the facts. This will soon be forgotten and Mr. Quach can get back to the job he was elected to do, serving the people of Westminster. I’m sure no one who has ever attended a “Drinking Liberally” event in Downtown S.A. has ever had more than the legal limit and driven home? Right! All he needs is one Vietnamise person on the jury and he is home free!!!
Put your money where your big mouth is bigot. Go ahead and run for office. “junior” and “the great one” will help you out on your campaign I’m sure.
I have no issues with women FRAUD. I have issues with hate mongering bigots like you.
You created this false persona to spread your hate in anonymity. Not only are you a FRAUD, you are a coward as well.
Stand behind your bigotry, not some fraudulent persona.
I thought so, big boy behind a computer!
cant even have a wee irish woman call you!!
And the only Coward is you, you want to know if i am a fraud or not, i am giving you a golden oppurtinity to voice your hatard to me in person!
Just like any thug, or wife beater, no real reason for abuse, just to feel more in comand!
How funny,
My friend just sent me a picure of you, and who your friends are “one of them just got done for voter fraud”.
Your not only a thug, you hang around thugs!
nice gang member look, what to fit in do ya!
So keep harrassing me, big boy, i’m well aware of what type of man you are and ready to take you on brown noser!
I agree with Jesselynn, Tran had the right to interfere with the sobriety test. He was his attorney, don’t you people understand that? The police should have given him a chance to speak, and what Tran wanted to say was… “Officer, as his attorney, let me take the sobriety test instead. I’ll walk the line, touch my nose, do the tango… what ever you want, I AM HIS ATTORNEY. And while we’re at it, test my blood too instead of Andy’s”
“@Watch Dog
Dina & Andy never dated. Check your sources.”
hahaha, and how exactly do you know this jesselynn? hmmm, since Hilary has never seen Bill and Monica together, it must mean that they have never done “it”.
Art, tell me more about Quang Pham.
Also, if you are close to him, give him a couple suggestions from me. I checked out his website out a few months ago. First of all, it WAS boring. I said WAS, because maybe it’s been updated now, I don’t know. Second, tell him to answer his email.
Quach and Tranies are the chokes! period!
I have no desire to speak to a narrowminded bigot such as yourself. If I want to do that I will talk to one of the infamous “usual suspects”.
Feel free to post your phone number and I am sure someone will give you a call and they can pass along what they find out to me and the others.
None of my friends have been “convicted” of voter fraud. Accusations have been made, nothing has been proven.
Again I have no problem with women whatsoever. I just don’t like loud mouthed bigots like you.
You are so right I was going for the gang member look FRAUD.
You moron, I was at a Chargers game at Wembley Stadium in London on a rainy day in late October thus the ski cap.
Sean, why do you let Michelle get to you?
Just take a deep breath, relax… you can win the argument, quite easily, if you’d just calm down.
I’m not sure you understand how the process works. Just because you are someone’s attorney does not mean you have to represent them in court. An attorney can be an authorized professional you turn to for legal advice in and outside of the court.
No comment with regards to your remark about political party affiliation. That’s really none of my business.
@ Lam Pho
Although I do appreciate your sarcasm, I don’t understand why you compared them to Bill & Monica. I don’t think AQ was ever the president of the US & he’s not married so there’s no wife (Hillary) & thus there exists no affair. That was definitely an irrelevant/faulty analogy.
Why would Andy turn to a lawyer who no longer practices law, when in fact he has a lawyer that he uses for his many traffic cases?
He called Tran for ONE reason – to run interference with the cops.
Now Andy and Tran are both ruined! Good riddance…
You’re definitely missing the point. I never said that calling VT was his best legal decision. I was merely pointing out that you were incorrect when you said Van Tran “perjured.” AQ called a friend who happened to be VT & who also happened to be an attorney.
The fact that VT is an elected official played no role in this. Your comment about AQ using VT to run inference is merely your biased view on the situation. Especially since you clearly dislike both.
“@ Lam Pho
Although I do appreciate your sarcasm, I don’t understand why you compared them to Bill & Monica. I don’t think AQ was ever the president of the US & he’s not married so there’s no wife (Hillary) & thus there exists no affair. That was definitely an irrelevant/faulty analogy.”
Jesselynn, my point is that just because you have not seen it or heard it, doesn’t not mean it does not exist. Whether we’re talking about a BJ or just date, just because they deny it or you have not seen it, does not mean it’s not true.
Now answer my question, how exactly do you know they have never dated?
They don’t look like real trannies to me.
Then stop harrassing me, thug. If you can not say it to me personally, then your the only fraud here!
i get to him, because it is the truth and he is not use to hearing it from a woman! He can not believe that i am an immigrant and that i have an opinion on why Santa Ana has become a gang infest whole. He refuses to listen to any other opinion, other than his own. He is in general a bullie and a thug working for a local city. And i think he should not be working in any city office!
And it has never been a argument, but a debate, that i can have with Real Men like Art P.
I am sure he is completely aganist everything i write, but he has never called me a pit,moran,and i am sure it would be alot worst.
Thats what Thugs do!
Get a girlfriend Thug, i am taken!
Your meanspirited, narrowminded bigotry is better suited for the OC Register blog or FREEPER sites.
Maybe you should mingle with your own.
Your persona is a complete fraud and I will tell that to your face and I will continue to say it here.
Feel free to post your phone number.
No i’ll stick around here, so people can have other views other than your scripted one. thug!
And if i am such a fraud, how come your afraid to find out!! i am not going to post my phone #, but i can call the city and talk with you!
Too afraid.
your girlfriends must look like panda’s after your done with them with all the pent up anger you have!
Stick to your LiberalOC crap! this place is not for thugs, it is for Americans, able to use and share “freedom of speech”.
Don’t try and spin this into you are the “victim”. You are hateful and quite meanspirited and are the bully.
You and your false persona have come onto this blog and tried to hijack the discussion with your anti “Mexican” vitriol. I am not going to give a bigot like you a free pass.
No matter the subject you hijack it with your anti “Mexican” rants. Others may let it go, however Dr. Lomeli and myself have had enough of those like you.
You are like these right wingers that are disrupting the town hall meetings about health care. You yell, bitch and spin just like they do in an attempt to twist the focus. You want to drive everything towards your anti “Mexican” beliefs.
Not gonna happen FRAUD. You open your mouth with that anti “Mexican” garbage and I will be there.
This is my blog FRAUD, not yours. If you don’t like that go elsewhere. Art, myself and the others work hard to make this blog go. I am not going to allow some anti “Mexican” bigot like you to hijack it FRAUD.
I don’t care if you are man or woman. You are a bigot and a FRAUD.
I am no victim, thug,
your the one spinning it, the truth is the truth, until we can get brown noser out of the way and start working on the Social and cultural problems, things will only get worst. And cities around Santa Ana will start to decay like your city. It is thugs like you, that are stoping any progress. your a union thug, working for the Govenment. Your wages are paid by the public, your healthcare is paid by the public and you betray them just with your presents here in this country!
Your a disgrace to the Country!
And you must be joking, I lost my claim to victimization the day i walked onto this land!
I’m anti-thug and anti-american, why do you think this country is the greatest country in the world, immigrants keeping other immigrants in line!
Do your homework FRAUD!
I work in the private sector.
“He called Tran for ONE reason – to run interference with the cops.”
Yep, we all know this. No doubt about it.
“Now Andy and Tran are both ruined! Good riddance…”
Unfortunately, they are not ruined. Why? Because voters are stupid. How in hell did Andy or Janet get in their position in the first place? Believe me, their long political career will continue on and on and on…
“Good”, one less idiot to pay for, thug!.
now stop harrassing me, and go play with you thug friends!.
I am hardly a “thug” as folks that actually know me can attest. Art Pedroza, Dr. Lomeli, Terry Crowley and others all can vouch for me.
What I am is relentless when it comes to dealing with bigots and bullies such as yourself.
In OC bigots like you get a free pass from folks. Well I make it my lifes duty to make life miserable for bigots and haters.
You routinely tell us all that you are “anti-Mexican”. That being the case I am “anti-you”.
These 2 guys think they are above the law and should be recalled! They’re not in Vietnam where they can do whatever they want.
Oh, having a second thought, maybe people shouldn’t complain since these 2 guys belong to the Republican Party, i.e. party of ME FIRST & SCREWED EVERYBODY.
This may be a stupid question — and out of topic here–…
but does anyone know what is going on on Main
-right by the Santa Ana Business Bank??
We saw tons of black & whites–