According to witnesses, an African-American man wearing an SEIU uniform approached Gladney Thursday about 8:30 p.m. as Gladney showed his buttons and flags to the wife of a minister. The SEIU thug said, “Why is a n***** handing out ‘Don’t tread on me’ flags,” before punching Gladney to the ground. According to video taken at the scene by numerous witnesses, other SEIU thugs joined in to kick and beat Gladney.
These union thugs were directed by the White House to go to the protests and “punch back twice as hard.” And they did. One of the six men arrested is Elston K. McCowan. McCowan is a former organizer – now the Public Service Director of SEIU Local 2000 – and board member of the Walbridge Community Education Center, and is a Baptist minister, has been a community organizer for more than 23 years, and now, he is running for Mayor of the City of St. Louis under the Green Party.
The mainstream media and the Democratic Party are working in concert to make sure that what happened to President Bush — sustained organized grass-roots protests (“mobs,” if you will), relentless media criticism and permanent opposition-party obstructionism — does not happen to their guy. Complicating matters, the media’s fate is directly tied to the president’s. Without them, Barack Obama would still be a backbencher from Illinois. That’s why the media and the Democratic Party are scared and are throwing outrageous and hateful accusations at everyday Americans — hoping that people stay home out of fear.
But the mockery. The recklessness. Unsupportable libel isn’t working. The tea parties and, now, the health care protests at town-hall meetings have only gotten bigger and stronger. The anti-big-government movement is pure. Its participants represent something close to what used to be considered normative in this country.
If you still aren’t motivated to get involved and stop the Chicago thug intimidation politics being played out here, then perhaps you can just stand in solidarity with Kenny Gladney. Patriots deserve no less.
**Editors Note: As pointed out in comments, the YouTube selection did have an Obama-Joker face on it. A clean copy of the broadcast has replaced it. No need to go down that road again.
terry a black man got attacked . where is jesse and rev al . oh its a black conservative its doesnt count .
Looks like a hate crime. He’s already got a lawyer, and they should figure that out.
Side note, where does the Obama qua Joker picture come from? How does it appear in the upper right hand corner?
Does “African American” mean Black?
The video was made available by
This is their Quote of the day:
Quote of the day
Our country’s founders cherished liberty, not democracy. Ron Paul
The whole incident smells staged.
Perhaps you can ask readers about Italian-American, Irish- American, German-American, Polish-American, etc.
Somehow we simply cannot get away from hyphonated
labels when I thought we were all Americans.
Perhaps we should establish a ruling that unless you are her from a foreign country you can no longer use the hyphenated name which in my opinion is “un-American”
We have third fourth and fifth generation of all races, religions and creeds who continue to use the hyphenated label when the USA is alleged to be a “melting pot.”
Having worked in a stainless steel foundry where various metals were put into an oven the molten stainless steel that came out removed any clue as to the original content and so should those living in the USA.
Hate crime on video, but the good lomeli screams “staged!” What a voice for the leftist of today! True social progress. He doesn’t see it on state-run media, it didn’t happen.
The country won’t hold its collective breath waiting for leftist outrage over Union Thugs hijacking political events with physical violence.
The guy in the video and his lawyer do not claim it was union members that assualted him. The lawyer says he believes they were but will only comfirm through discovery. The alledged victim makes no claim on the video that union members were responsible.
The victim states a caucasion hit him, did not say union black member as Crowley posted. The Afro American victim could of been assaulted by the racist faction that frequents the disruptive town hall meetings. We will have to wait and see who committed the assault.
I believe opposing union groups are being encouraged to carry guns by the extreme right fringe to town hall meetings. Talk about thugs.
Gosh Art, its amazing how much additional information you have about an event to which you were not a percipient witness, and how your corrections are fitting into your preconceived bias. It must be comforting to know that union members are incapable of violent behavior and all reports to the contrary are false propaganda.
Its nice to be me, by the way, because as a non-union member and as an English/Irish/Scottish/German/Dutch/Russian/Romanian/Native American-American I’m allowed to have any opinion I want to have.
Gee, Ron, I don’t see you complaining about all of the “information” added to the original blog without source or attribution. I don’t see you pointing out that the blog also is finding evidence that confirms its author’s preconceived notions about Obama or the Democratic Party, etc.
Rush Limbaugh,
I DITTO that!!!