Former State Senator Joe Dunn and Past 68th A.D. candidate Paul Lucas
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“Joe Dunn, an attorney and former state senator representing an Orange County district, said Tuesday he was stepping down as chief executive officer of the California Medical Association, which represents some 35,000 doctors statewide. He also said he hoped to remain with the CMA in some capacity,” according to Capitol Weekly.
I doubt Dunn will stay on the sidelines for long. I think he could easily win the 68th Assembly District, which is being vacated by termed out Talibani Republican Van Tran. The leading Republican candidate for this seat is the nightmarish Allan Mansoor.
Dunn already defeated a Republican legislator in Garden Grove when he whacked former State Senator Rob Hurtt back in 1998. It would be no big deal for Dunn to move into the 68th, which he already represented in the State Senate. Dunn would have name I.D., money and lots of support from the D.P.O.C.
Mansoor would be toast!
Dunn could serve three two year terms in the 68th then run for the Supervisorial seat held currently by Republican Janet Nguyen. Dunn would easily prevail over lame Assemblyman Jose Solorio for that seat. And I doubt the Republicans would be able to field any credible candidates for that seat. The only elected Republican left in the area is questionable Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante.
I suppose a slew of Trannies could run for Nguyen’s seat, but after the fall of Andy Quach this week they are all suddenly on shaky ground.
Welcome back Joe – please run for the 68th and do us all a favor by defeating the crazed hater Mansoor!
Ya wana bet!
if your man win’s, i will let you know who i really am, “YOU’ll LOVE IT”.
If i win, you will send a big bunch of flowers to the Minute Men office and not stinky one’s, or posionous one’s. But really, really nice, one’s with a card saying “KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK”.
deal or no deal??
Extremist Republicans are not in vogue any longer. I have no doubt that Dunn would cream Mansoor. It would not be close…
Maybe we need a good latino gay person to run against Mansoor in the Republican Primary. Since he’s allegedly afraid of gays, and afraid of latinos.
Make Allan Mansoor waste his money in the primary have him defend his record to Republican primary voters and the Orange County Register.
According to Art, Dunn is invincible. Like a superman defeating every evil republican, Dunn can just move into any district and win. Using that logic, Dunn should just run for governor or senator or even president.
Dunn already tried to win a statewide office. That did not work out for him. But he would be better than Newsom and Brown…
I had always hoped that Joe Dunn would move back to RSM where he would be in a position to take on “dirty Gary” in the 42nd.
Regardless, Dunn would polish the floor against Alan Who?? He’s got the money, the backing and the experience. It’s just a shame to learn that he’s jumping on the Sacramento merry go round.
Then again, he could be gearing up for a run against pulido (NOT).
I think you are referring to Tom Umberg. Different white Democrat…
I dont think any of you have the foggiest idea what Dunn is up to. This is all speculation – which, I might add, is way off the mark.
It is fun to speculate. God only knows what he is up to. In the meantime we can all dream of him destroying Mansoor…
Didn’t Dunn sale out? Taking that ½ million dollars BS job in the medical association after dropping his investigation into what happen to the 8 billion dollars the state gave the big there electric companies.
Maybe we need a good latino gay person to run against Mansoor in the Republican Primary. Since he’s allegedly afraid of gays, and afraid of latinos.
he is obviously not afraid of the activist Mexican’s, because he is the only one with the guts to remind them that this is America not Mexico, and American citizen come first!
Why the constant referral of Mexican’s as latino’s when Latino’s are the race and Mexican’s is the culture. Its is the Mexican Government and Illegal Immigrant’s from Mexico, that is the problem here in California.
Ok Art, its a deal:)
“Why the constant referral of Mexican’s as latino’s when Latino’s are the race and Mexican’s is the culture.”
The FRAUD(Michelle Quinn) is wrong again with her generalizations.
In Santa Ana we have immigrants from all over Latin America and not just Mexico.
There is a large presence of El Salvadorans, Guatamalens, etc. Yes we have Mexicans too.
However bigots like the FRAUD are too lazy or too ignorant to get the facts. To them if you have brown skin and speak Spanish you are a “Mexican”.
The reason we use the term Latino is because it is the appropriate one to use.
I would love to see Joe Dunn run for this seat. He was a wonderful State Senator and I was sorry he did not win the State Controller seat.
However, if Joe wants to run for office in Santa Ana that would be great too.
Mayor Dunn has a nice ring to it.
mostly Mexican, give me a break!
And calling me a fraud as if i don’t exist won’t work, because nothing gives me greater pleasure in that fact i exist to pee you off:)
And most of the other latina’s crossing through Mexico are deported right away, you see the Mexican Government do not mess when it comes to crossing their boarder!. Its a felony ya know, never could understand that one, “who the heck, with any sense, wants to move from one third world disaster to another”?.
You have white skin, and don’t speak Spanish, your more intolerable to alot of people it seams, in both races:)
keep going Fat Chops, i think the lazy one is you! a few runs around a pitch, might help you not only shead a few of those tires, but help the anger problem:) just joking, don’t want to seam angery and nasty like yourself.
I don’t think you like me much?? GOOD:P
There is a large presence of El Salvadorans, Guatamalens, etc. Yes we have Mexicans too.
Large AHH, as large as the Illegal Immigrants from Mexico???
Maybe if we can get your crappy city to start finding out who exactly is living in your city then, just maybe, you could clean it up!
Art, i wish you could post other topics, other than “Latina Power”, topics, I am going to give
Fat Chops a heart attack, his cats would be devastated!
Would it be Mayor Dunn or MaYor DUNG!
I would love to see Joe Dunn run for this seat. He was a wonderful State Senator and I was sorry he did not win the State Controller seat.
Yes just peaches, California is such the Golden state, or is it the WELFARE STATE, o yeah 30% of all welfare use is in California, Man those LATINA’s sure need Calforina Senators like
senator Dung!
I just want to let the far left wingers know, keep ridiculing your own Citizens, because it only make’s the ridiculed stronger in their convictions!
And you wonder why us independents are now the growing party!
However, if Joe wants to run for office in Santa Ana that would be great too.
O how nice, someone else’s arsh you could kiss!
I can just see you all dressed up in your tradional hispanic outfits, Gang member’s coming down Santa Ana on their Gang member Floats and Mr.Joe Dung, gleening over his faithful folk of people from all over latin America. But wait Crap they can’t vote. Well thats not true the kids just be close to voting age right???
OHH NOOO, MICHELLE, Sotomayor confirmed!! We now have a Mexican in the Supreme Court. What will become of us? Soon, Congress will have to do the Macarena before every meeting. What to do, Michelle? You’re surrounded by foreigners now.
The FRAUD continues to demonstrate his/her/its bigotry for the whole world to see.
You are so ignorant it is sad. The overwhelming number of gang members in Santa Ana are American citizens. Most of the street gangs can trace their roots in the community back to the 50’s and 60’s.
But you are so ignorant that you think that anyone with brown skin is “illegal”.
You’re an absolute moron and prove it every time you post FRAUD.
Anytime you want to race around the “pitch” you let me know. I am far from lazy you ignorant FRAUD.
big suprise!
I like sotomayor, i think her case with the firefighers was stupit, but she has a good record!
I am a foreigner”) and i love the Macarena
You are so ignorant it is sad. The overwhelming number of gang members in Santa Ana are American citizens. Most of the street gangs can trace their roots in the community back to the 50’s and 60’s.
sure!!! your so full of your own poo, that i actually think you believe what you write!! But then again you do work for the WORST city in Orange County! all of your schools failing, kids getting knocked up by the Hundards, Gangs, crime.
Your city happens to be all brown, if it was all white with the same satistics, it would be still a gang infested crime whole! The fact that a large majority of the residents of your city are illegal or UNDOCUMENTED it makes it worst!
Anytime you want to race around the “pitch” you let me know. I am far from lazy you ignorant FRAUD.
They do say fatties are light footed”)
by the way keep kissing those arshes, that’s the best way to get anywhere in Santa Ana if your white or black or Asian!
“am a foreigner”) and i love the Macarena”
Now that’s the spirit. You goo girl!!
Ok, I change my mind about Congress doing the macarena. Not a pretty picture… worse than them singing “God Bless America” and changing a name of a food to “Freedom Fries”. That really caught on, didn’t it?
Yeah those crazy devils singing “God Bless America”. In AMERICA. What the heck are they thinking!
OOOOOOOOOOOOO Macarena! Now you have it in my bloody head!
Michelle, COOL IT.
I have to scoll up to remember what this post was all about.
Cook. (Somewhere in the 10-20 posts) good point. The dude did take the gig that paid, interestingly most politicos don’t because they don’t have the training. Take a Van Tran, what’s this guy gonna do? Run a gas station franchise?
Solorio is educated and ripe for upward (political) mobility, but the others, will likely never survive in the quasi private sector.
Get a law degree or run for office.
If someone attacks me, i will give them an answer!
And no i shall not “Cool it”.
“Michelle Quinn” is a FRAUD. It is a totally made up persona by a cowardly bigot too ashamed or too afraid to use their own identity or real life story.
Just another immigrant bashing bigot from OC. He/she/it created this fake persona to stand above her fellow bigots.
As you know people that bash immigrants are a dime a dozen in OC. So this FRAUD had to make her story more compelling.
I don’t think he is running, but Ken Arnold has one thing over the other candidates and potential candidates, he actually lives in the district. He did not just move there in order to be eligible to run for state assembly. What I don’t understand is what makes Art Pedroza, or anyone, think that Dunn or any other candidate could easily win in the 68th AD. Here are the numbers from the last election:
VAN TRAN (REP) 72,034 54.0%
KEN ARNOLD (DEM) 61,239 46.0%
The Democrat would have to come up with 10, 795 votes, or 8%. What makes you think that can, let alone will, happen?
The situation in Sacramento is not in Democrats’ favor, and the DPOC is not registering voters in the 68th. So what will the Democrat in that race do? Will he/she pull a rabbit out of his/her hat? And what makes you think that what we need in the 68th is a former State Senator, who does not even live in the district, to run for state assembly? How will that look to voters? Do you have any reason to think that Joe Dunn would move to the 68th and get in the race? If you don’t, then why not try blogging about a candidate who lives in the district.
You make it sound like politics is some kind of Nintendo computer game or fantasy baseball. People are losing their jobs because of the gridlock in Sacramento, and meanwhile, in DC, we have Blue Dog Democrats obstructing healthcare reform because they don’t want to lose campaign contributions from the healthcare industry. This is like environmentalists investing large sums of money in oil companies or the Pope investing in Hustler magazine.
We have to think carefully about who should be our candidates for office in Sacramento and Washington. So excuse me if I don’t find it fun to play your speculation game. What I want to know is who can do us some good in the 68th and how can we get them elected.
You are right about one thing. Joe Dunn would serve California well in a state-wide office. His role in cracking the Enron scandal was significant, so maybe he would make a great AG.
Michelle Quinn” is a FRAUD. It is a totally made up persona by a cowardly bigot too ashamed or too afraid to use their own identity or real life story.
I love they way i really really really get to you and Mr. lomeli (affirmative action Doctor, talk about fraud). O yea Mr.Mills I am not your wife so stop beating me when i comment on posts. I think that is what Red, mean’t about harrassing the poster’s. You DONT AGREE WITH ME FINE!
If you and Mr. Lomeli dont agree with me then, just let it go, don’t try to beat me down like a controling wife beater. Ok both of you are obvioulsy smarter,nicer,kinder,people than I. So just go on your merry way posting what you want to say!
I can understand why the Santa Ana city countcil told you to cool it with the nasty crap. I would not want anyone like yourself working near me!
Richard Lara,
I like Ken Arnold, but he could not win with Obama on the ticket – and he cannot raise money. And note that in the survey attached to this post he has zero votes.
Dunn already represented this district as a State Senator. It would be no big deal for him to move into the district. He has name I.D., can raise money and is a darling of the DPOC.
Would Dunn prevail over Mansoor? I don’t see why not. Dunn would rock the independent and Democrat vote. Mansoor, as a Talibani Republican, would turn off moderates and Independents. Mansoor would be burnt toast!
Art Pedroza,
Ken is a great guy, but I was not defending his candidacy because I don’t think that he is running.
Electability is an important consideration, and Joe Dunn certainly does have that, but what would be his reason for running for State Assembly? As you point out, he has already represented the district as State Senator. I won’t publish my answer to this question because it is mere speculation and because it would not help Dunn if he decided to run.
Don’t get me wrong, I would probably support Dunn if the Democrats in the 68th got behind him. But if we find a candidate who lives in the district, that candidate would have grass roots credibility: the credibility that comes with being a neighbor of the constituents of the 68th. This is an important consideration.
I think that the image of Democrats in Orange County, especially the image of Democratic Candidates, needs this kind of grass roots foundation in order to command trust and respect. If the Democratic party wants to make progress, it should empower THE PEOPLE of Orange County and not peddle professional politicians.
I think we should look for a candidate who will give THE PEOPLE of the 68th a voice in the State Assembly because if the DPOC stands for EMPOWERING THE PEOPLE, then the people will stand behind the DPOC.
Again, I will support Dunn if he decides to run and the 68th supports him, but I want to broach this issue as to whether that is really our best move.
By the way, unless I am mistaken, Steve Young is in the race for the 68th. I don’t know if he lives in the district, and if he doesn’t, then what I said about Dunn applies to Young as well.
Nevertheless, Young is a Democrat, and if he is in the race, I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to brush aside a fellow Democrat. If you really are a Democrat, and I am guessing that you are, it is not your prerogative to treat Young’s candidacy as though it were of no account. Real Democrats believe in democracy, they practice democracy, and they don’t undermine democracy.
Steve Young’s Assembly Campaign website:
My bad. Forgot Steve. He is a good guy but he is also a carpetbagger in this case. And he has lost so many races.
Dunn would offer the DPOC the best chance of victory in the 68th – that is simply irrefutable.
Young should run for DeVore’s Assembly seat. That is where he really lives.
Okay Art,
Like I said, I have an open mind about this.
But don’t underestimate the power of a home grown candidate.
Your response perfectly illustrates the diffaculty in debating through the blogesphere.
Well meaning, well spoken people message’s get lost in the translation to the written word.
Your passion and points are well taken, but frankly, they come across as bigoted, uninformed and fuel the opposition.
My comment “Cool It” was intended to coa you to settle the rhetoric and and carefully choose your words. I don’t disagree with much that you say regarding immigrant exploitation of public programs, but you’ll never get there using your aggressive approach.
SETTLE DOWN and discuss your issues. would have been a better choice of words.
Try walking Monday through Friday Bristol to I% on 17th street. A mile from the Mayors house. Do that for a month and then begin to post abot Santa Ana and it’s imigrant population.
Dip your beek Mija.
I be thinkin’ “Michelle Quinn” sells real estate in Floral Park!
Your passion and points are well taken, but frankly, they come across as bigoted, uninformed and fuel the opposition.
If i come across intolerant of latino’s then i will say that i am not intolerate of any human being, but i am intolerant of any race or culture that directly effect,s others around them with their irresponsible behaviour. And i believe right now that Hispanic’s in Orange Country/California are on a downward sprial of social decay.
It must be addressed even if it offends the Culture to hear it. I believe that the Mexican Government are scum, that have for too long, taken advantage of the mild nature of the American people, by encouraging its citizens to leave their own country and flood the American school system and public services. And absolutely i agree that American business have been hiring illegal immigrants for low wages. And i believe that the American Government love this influx of the poor because the poor are needy and thats good for Government Growth. It is also good for the growth of all sorts of business and Non-profits that deal in the business of socical services.
But it has gone too far when any immigrant whether they be legal or not, are considered more important to serve than the citizens themselves. And that is Why you see the Anger and mistrust the Americans have for the Government, they do not believe that the Government of this country has the working Class people’s interests.
In all the groups i have looked at just in Orange County alone, whether it is Caloptima, Healthy families, social services, public schools, legal organizations,foundations, governemental polices all are geared toward hispanic immigrants legal and illegal over American Citizens, and this i swear is a fact!
And the Fact that it is Mexicos poor and other Latin Countries, it a matter of who are neighbor is, And that is all!
In England and Ireland it is the poor surrounding them and all are white countries!
Polish, Romanian, ect…
I mean’t our!
i also want to state that it is not illegal immigrants that end up be a social problem, but their Children!
No i find the people of Floral Park to be upper crust shites:) No one is immune, if they need a reality Check!