When I was a kid the church we used to go to always had a potluck after the sermon. We went to a Spanish speaking church and the minister was downright scary at the pulpit. But I always knew that afterwards the pan dulce and Mexican hot chocolate would be waiting…
I remembered all that when I received an email tonight from Duane Roberts, touting a “Potluck for Progressives” to take place next Friday night, on Oct. 9. How fun! Here are the details:
You are cordially invited to attend a meeting of the “POTLUCK FOR PROGRESSIVES.”
Friday, October 9, 2009, fropm 6:30 – 9:15 P.M. (Program begins at 7:30 P.M.)
Unitarian Universalist Church in Anaheim, located at 511 South Harbor Blvd., Anaheim, California (Located on the Southwest corner of Harbor Blvd. and Santa Ana Street).
(714) 758-1050 or www.uuchurchoc.org.
The “Potluck for Progressives” is a group organized for the purpose of bringing together likeminded people on a weekly basis to break bread and talk about crucial issues affecting the community and the world.
At each meeting, people interested in peace, social justice, labor, and the environment gather to exchange ideas, talk about successes, plan actions, or just engage in a friendly discussion with one another.
Bring a dish to share! Enjoy the bounty that others bring as well! The potluck will start at 6:30 p.m. with a speaker or film to follow at 7:30 p.m. Please join us even if you can’t bring any food!
On the Agenda:
Progressive Potluck
6:30 – 7:30 P.M.
Bring along your favorite dish of food, chips, dips, or soft drinks, and spend an hour mingling with progressive people from all over Orange County.
Featured Speaker:
7:30 – 8:30 P.M.
Richard Gingery, M.D, a member of “Physicians for a National Health Program,” a non-profit research and education organization composed of 17,000 physicians, medical students and health professionals, will do a “teach-in” showing how a single-payer “Medicare for All”-type system is the best public option for solving the healthcare crisis here in the United States.
As a life-long supporter of national health care, Gingery served as the President of “Health Care for All Colorado” from 2007 until 2009. During his tenure as President, he helped take single-payer from a concept to an actual bill that was introduced in the Colorado state legislature. Although it didn’t pass, support for it is strong and will most likely be revived again in future sessions.
Open Forum
8:30 – 9:15 P.M.
Open discussion, announcements, and other news of interest.
The “Potluck for Progressives” is endorsed by the Social Justice Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Church in Anaheim and is free and open to the general public. Although a small donation might be requested to help pay for facility costs, nobody will be turned away due to a lack of funds.
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