Martin Wisckol over at the Register wrote about the possibility of Mrs. Linda Ackerman, wife of former State Senator, Assemblyman, Fullerton Councilman, and gerrymandering par excellence , running in a special election to replace disgraced Mike “the Big Dripper” Duvall in Sacto. You can read about it right here .
Several thoughts spring immediately to mind. First, Wisckol reached Mrs. Ackerman while she and Dick were vacationing in France at the home of the Marquis de Sade. We’ll just let that one go except to add that that’s a pretty apt place to announce you’re might just replace Mike “Spanky” Duvall.
Dinner with the Ackermans
“Let’s see Dick, Should we take another trip to Europe or move to Yorba Linda and run for another political office? I’m tired of these lame Water Board Junkets. I want some real polical fun.”
Another husband-and-wife political tag team. Is anyone not sick of this? One Acerman is more than enough.
Serio, the Marquis de Sade? That’s these Repugs’ idea of fun or a joke? Have they read his horrific writings?