Are Republicans racist?

Obama Witch Doctor

Rush Limbaugh thought this racist picture was funny…

“Stung by accusations from some Democrats that bigotry underlies virulent opposition to President Obama and wary of further setbacks among minority voters, some Republicans are lashing back with a new mantra: We are not racists,” according to the L.A. Times.

Are most Republicans racist?

I don’t think so – but I think most Republican leaders in Orange County and in California certainly are.  And the Southern Republicans are a lost cause.

You think you can round up ten Latinos who feel otherwise?  Or ten black Americans?

Jesus was brown

Sorry nutters – Jesus was brown!

The GOP is a party of white, Christian conservatives.  They like to trot out minorities, on a leash, to show they aren’t racist but most minorities don’t buy it.

Republicans in California, in particular, like to blame immigrants for all the state’s ills.  That this is a lie doesn’t stop them.

As for their feelings about President Barack Obama, just listen to Rush Limbaugh for a little while and you will hear one racist onslaught after another.  I tuned in the other day and heard Rush spend an hour laughing about a picture of Obama where he was caricatured as a witch doctor.  Rush cracked up – but all I could think was Rush is a RACIST PIG!

Is there hope for the GOP?  I really don’t think so.  They have painted themselves into a white corner.  Good luck with that.  You can’t turn back demographics…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.