The bravest astronaut ever – Astro Jose Hernandez
What a great story! NASA astronaut Jose Hernandez didn’t speak English until he was 12. But his family settled in Stockton and he excelled at math. Today he is floating in the International Space Station and millions of Mexicans are following him on Twitter, where he posts as “Astro Jose.”
Hernandez was in the news this week for saying that we need immigration reform – and that we need to help our 12 million immigrants to become citizens. As one might imagine, NASA officials had a cow. But he is right!
Hernandez said that when he looked down on our globe from outer space there were no borders. How poetic – and true.
Hernandez told the L.A. Times, “I work for the U.S. government, but as an individual I have a right to my personal opinions. Having 12 million undocumented people here means there’s something wrong with the system, and the system needs to be fixed.”
Gracias Astro Jose for being a great role model and for having the huevos to tell it like it is… This man is proof positive that Latino immigrants can do anything that other Americans can do. Sorry haters! You are wrong about immigrants again.
Bravo Astro Joe!
Mr. Hernandez is spot on about taking care of our planet and that there are no borders from outer space. Beautiful sentiments.
I agree with his comments on immigration. We (USA) are most fortunate to have him as a citizen.
Art says: “Sorry haters! You are wrong about immigrants again.”
Lo Siento Carnal,
Just because another “minority” figured out how to take advantage of Affirmative Action in the school/job world does not prove anything. You are like the officials of the Santa Ana Unified school district who point to a handful of Affirmative Action admissions to Ivy League schools each year while 99.999% of SAUSD students are performing WAY below grade level. That’s right Astro Joe, let’s erase the borders so all U.S. cities can be like your lovely Juarez and T.J.! I do like his Jose Solorio bushy, bushy, bigote! How about a photo of Joe with a sombrero on his head sitting under a tree! Odale!
I wonder if the family of the husband and two sons that were murdered in SF would agree. I think it is brilliant that Mr. Jose has done so well.
I wonder what the dreams of the two kids were, that died because one very bad illegal immigrant was not deported!. How many more criminals, have come over the border and we have idea who they are??.
And if Mr. Jose story was the norm, instead of what is really happening with the large influx of Third world latina’s, then i think the hispanics would have a great chance of becoming Citizens. But the adverage Amercan is the one’s sending their kids to public school’s, getting treatment at emergency rooms and passing the Welfare office. And that is the real image of the hispancics in this country. Poor student performence, welfare use, and entitlements.
Again, stating that people “Hate” hispanics because they can see the problems that is plaguing the Neighbourhoods, because of hispanic illegl immigrantion is just nothing but nonsense. “American’s, dont like spongers,” plain and simple”. And they dont like foreginers coming to their land and expecting entitlements, or citizens right, when infact they are not citizens”. It has cause a back lash aganist immigration, due to the problems with hispanic illegal immigrants. So basiclly people who want to come to this country and do well, have less of a chance now!.
Did you write anything about the father and sons that lost their lives in SF to A Mexican Gang banger, “I doub’t it”.
You need to remember Art, people see the truth, i don’t need to convince anyone of it. Hispanics are not making a great impression in this country. one guy in space is not going to make a differnce in school scores, if he talks about immigration instead of education!.
Though i will tweet to him myself and pass my suggestion on!.
Just for once write about the problems that Americans are facing due to the influx of illegal third world hispanics, its all around us. Just start with public schools!.
I would support giving the amnesty as long as we lock up our borders tight for five years to absorb the new immigrants. When a nation has unchecked immigration look at England, the Islamic community is taking over cities and forcing their culture on the native population.
One of the major issues I disagree with the Libertarian Party is open borders. Open borders leads to problems. We sadly do not live in a perfect society.
Michele Quinn,
Mexicans in space! Surely your worst nightmare?
Face it – you are a RACIST. That Latinos in this country could excel in school and end up in NASA is an affront to your racist beliefs that Latinos are worthless.
Turns out they aren’t…too bad for you racista!
The good news is that from space you racists just look like wee little specks.
The First Amendment protects the right for Quinn to post on this blog, unfortunately there is no law against stupidty or Quinn would be locked up for a very long time. Que lastima!
Michele is a very wise woman when she says:
“Again, stating that people “Hate” hispanics because they can see the problems that is plaguing the Neighbourhoods, because of hispanic illegl immigrantion is just nothing but nonsense. “American’s, dont like spongers,” plain and simple”. And they dont like foreginers coming to their land and expecting entitlements, or citizens right, when infact they are not citizens”
You don’t hear most American complaining about the Vietnamese who come here. Why is that? Could it be that they work hard in school, love the U.S. and don’t live life like a begger on the streets of Tiajuana with their hand out?
Take a peak into just about any Home, apartment, (or garage in many cases) in Santa Ana and you will find big flat screen T.V.’s, Cable T.V., cell phones, Video Game units and lots of empty bear bottles. Since the kids get two free meals a day in Santa Ana regardless of need, they have the extra cash for toys. Thanks Michele for saying it like it is and putting Arturo in his place.
“Mexican is not a race”, it is a culture, Mr. Art. And i don’t mind you calling me a “Racist”, because you and the likes of,” AL not Sharp”, have watered down the term so much, it means nothing anymore!. Though i do think that stylish KKK getup would look just fabulous on me!.
And why would it be my worst nightmare. Is their welfare out in space??.
My worst nightmare, is the kids comming out of Santa Ans schools without having a command of English or math. Because the next stop for them is a job at Mcdonalds or my worst nightmare, “the welfare office.
Really Art, Race to you is everything, to me its eithter pale or tan.
“bad choices and irresponsibity come in all colours”.
stupidty or Quinn would be locked up for a very long time. Que lastima
I wish you could lockup for stupidy, we could start with La Raza (the race).
Then, ACLU, the Orange Country Supervisors, Santa Ana school district ect…
Man, we better build bigger jails, because their is alot of Latina activists in this country!.
Face it – you are a RACIST. That Latinos in this country could excel in school and end up in NASA is an affront to your racist beliefs that Latinos are worthless.
I think your ideology is worthless, no human being is worth more or less than anyother human being.
All have potential, all can balls it up!.
Hopefully, Quinn isn’t a product of our public school system or she’d be the perfect argument for their elimination.
At least most of the undocumented seem to be working as they don’t collect unemployment like our legal spongers, rather citizens.
“Closing the Border” would shut-down the tourist industry and raise taxes astronomically – makes you wonder how many of these “anti-illegals” are really in some related busines – much like prison guards for 3 strikes and lockem up forever.
The majority of USA citizens agree with Astronaut, Jose Hernandez.
[edit] Illegal immigration issues
See also: 2006 United States immigration reform protests and Illegal immigration to the United States
Illegal Mexican immigrants have long met a significant portion of the demand for cheap labor in the United States.[citation needed] Fear of deportation makes them highly vulnerable to exploitation by employers. Many employers, however, have developed a “don’t ask, don’t tell” attitude, indicating a greater comfort with or casual approach toward hiring illegal Mexican nationals known as Wetbacks. In May 2006, hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, Mexicans and other nationalities, walked out of their jobs across the country in protest to proposed changes in immigration laws (also in hopes for amnesty to become naturalized citizens like similar the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which granted citizenship to Mexican nationals living and working illegally in the US).
In the United States, in states where Mexican Americans make up a large percentage of the population, such as California and Texas, illegal as well as legal immigrants from Mexico and Central America in addition to Mexican Americans combined often make up a large majority of workers in many blue-collar occupations: the majority of the employed men are restaurant workers, janitors, truck drivers, gardeners, construction laborers, material moving workers, or perform other types of manual or other blue collar labor (Source, U.S. Census Bureau, American community survey data.). Many women also work in low wage service and retail occupations. In many of these places with large Latino populations, many types of blue-collar workers are often assumed to be Mexican American or Mexican or other Latino immigrants (Although a large minority are actually not. -Source, U.S. Census Bureau, American community survey data.) because of their frequent dominance in those occupations and stereotyping. Occasionally, tensions have risen between Mexican immigrants and other ethnic groups because of increasing concerns over the availability of working-class jobs to Americans and immigrants from other ethnic groups. However, tensions have also risen among Hispanic American laborers who have been displaced because of both cheap Mexican labor and ethnic profiling. African American workers in lower-wage jobs have been displaced by undocumented Mexican laborers and their neighborhoods have been transformed from majority black to majority Latino, which has caused some racial tensions between African Americans and Mexicans in the Southwest US. Even legal immigrants to the United States, both from Mexico and elsewhere, have spoken out against illegal immigration. However, according to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in June 2007, 63% of Americans would support an immigration policy that would put illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship if they “pass background checks, pay fines and have jobs, learn English”, while 30% would oppose such a plan. The survey also found that if this program was instead labeled “amnesty”, 54% would support it, while 39% would oppose.[31]
Alan Greenspan, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, has said that the growth of the working-age population is a large factor in keeping the economy growing and that immigration can be used to grow that population. According to Greenspan, by 2030, the growth of the US workforce will slow from 1 percent to 1/2 percent, while the percentage of the population over 65 years will rise from 13 percent to perhaps 20 percent.[32] Greenspan has also stated that the current immigration problem could be solved with a “stroke of the pen”, referring to the 2007 immigration reform bill which would have strengthened border security, created a guest worker program, and put illegal immigrants currently residing in the US on a path to citizenship if they met certain conditions.[33]
What Michelle Quinn does not know or wishes to ignore:
Barrow (2005) finds increases in average personal and household incomes for Mexican Americans in the 21st century. U.S. born Mexican Americans earn more and are represented more in the middle- and upper-class segments more than recently arriving Mexican immigrants. It should be noted, however, that Mexican Americans are not well represented in the professions. Most of the immigrants from Mexico come from the lower classes with lineage of family employed in lower skilled jobs. Thus, the kind of Mexican that arrives in the United States doesn’t have a history of being involved in professions. Recently, some professionals from Mexico have been migrating, but to make the transition from one country to another it involves a lot of re-training and re-adjusting to conform to US standards—i.e. professional licensing is required.[citation needed] According to James P. Smith of the Research and Development Corporation, the children and grandchildren of Latino immigrants tend to lessen educational and income gaps with native whites. Immigrant Latino men make about half of what native whites do, while second generation US-born Latinos make about 78 percent of the salaries of their native white counterparts.[57]
Adaptation of Mexican food tailor for the mainstream America marketHuntington (2005) argues that the sheer number, concentration, linguistic homogeneity, and other characteristics of Latin American immigrants will erode the dominance of English as a nationally unifying language, weaken the country’s dominant cultural values, and promote ethnic allegiances over a primary identification as an American. Testing these hypotheses with data from the U.S. Census and national and Los Angeles opinion surveys, Citrin et al. (2007) show that Hispanics (in general but not Mexicans specifically) acquire English and lose Spanish rapidly beginning with the second generation, and appear to be no more or less religious or committed to the work ethic than native-born non-Mexican American whites.
South et al. (2005) examine Hispanic spatial assimilation and inter-neighborhood geographic mobility. Their longitudinal analysis of seven hundred Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban immigrants followed from 1990 to 1995 finds broad support for hypotheses derived from the classical account of assimilation into American society. High income, English-language use, and embeddedness in American social contexts increased Latin American immigrants’ geographic mobility into multi-ethnic neighborhoods. US citizenship and years spent in the United States were positively associated with geographic mobility into different neighborhoods, and coethnic contact was inversely associated with this form of mobility, but these associations operated largely through other predictors. Prior experiences of ethnic discrimination increased and residence in public housing decreased the likelihood that Latino immigrants would move from their original neighborhoods, while residing in metropolitan areas with large Latino populations led to geographic moves into “less Anglo” census tracts.[58]
Hopefully, Quinn isn’t a product of our public school system or she’d be the perfect argument for their elimination.
No love i am the product of the Catholic school system in N.Ireland, and war!. But i seam to know more about your Public School System than you do,”Mr Brain’s”. State 30% drop out rate. Santa Ana School district with all of the schools failing, except one. And you don’t think elimation of public schools are needed in many districts?. Or is it because most of the schools that are failing happen to be schools with the marjority being hispanic?? “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil”, that is the quote of the hispanic leadership, when it comes to there own!.
I hate to bring you down to earth, but many “Illegal immigrants”, use false SS# and not only clain unemployment, but can walk into any Calworks office with their American born child.
Closing the Border” would shut-down the tourist industry and raise taxes astronomically – makes you wonder how many of these “anti-illegals” are really in some related busines – much like prison guards for 3 strikes and lockem up forever
Are you on “crack” have you been to the border lately. And again are you on “crack”, the Jails, schools.. love illegal immigration.. “BIG MONEY IN IT’, of course they do use taxpayer money to fund their little scam!.
I get it Doc… But, the rich benefit from cheap labor, not the working class.
All your satistic’s does not change the fact that “HISPANIC, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, IS A BIG PROBLEM, FOR THE AMERICAN WORKER”, in all aspects, whether it is safety, public schools, welfare service, hospitals.
We need to reduce the numbers, so we can handle the problem, instead of adding to it.
Let me put how i feel about the hispanics in perspective!.
Last night my 6 year old got really mad because i would not let him play games until he finished his home work and read a book.
He said to me,”mom your not my bestfriend anymore’, to which i said to him “your right i am not your best friend, i am your mother”. Then he ask “what does that mean”, and i said, “you might not always like what i say to you, but i need to get you on the stright and narrow”.
That’s how i feel about the Hispanics, they are not going to like what i say to them, but maybe they will listen and know that i only mean them well.
“I get it Doc… But, the rich benefit from cheap labor, not the working class.
All your satistic’s does not change the fact that “HISPANIC, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, IS A BIG PROBLEM, FOR THE AMERICAN WORKER”, in all aspects, whether it is safety, public schools, welfare service, hospitals.
We need to reduce the numbers, so we can handle the problem, instead of adding to it.”
Michelle for your benefit and the benefit of others like that generalise in order to fit yourr agenda:
[edit] Taxes and social services
The IRS estimates that about 6 million unauthorized immigrants file individual income tax returns each year.[12] Research reviewed by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office indicates that between 50 percent and 75 percent of unauthorized immigrants pay federal, state, and local taxes.[12] Undocumented workers are estimated to pay in about $7 billion per year into Social Security.[13]
Professor of Law Francine Lipman [14] writes that the belief that undocumented migrants are exploiting the US economy and that they cost more in services than they contribute to the economy is “undeniably false”. Lipman asserts that “undocumented immigrants actually contribute more to public coffers in taxes than they cost in social services” and “contribute to the U.S. economy through their investments and consumption of goods and services; filling of millions of essential worker positions resulting in subsidiary job creation, increased productivity and lower costs of goods and services; and unrequited contributions to Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance programs.”[15]
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reviewed 29 reports published over 15 years on the impact of unauthorized immigrants on the budgets of state and local governments. While cautioning that the reports are not a suitable basis for developing an aggregate national effect across all states, they concluded that:[12]
State and local governments incur costs for providing services to unauthorized immigrants and have limited options for avoiding or minimizing those costs
The amount that state and local governments spend on services for unauthorized immigrants represents a small percentage of the total amount spent by those governments to provide such services to residents in their jurisdictions
The tax revenues that unauthorized immigrants generate for state and local governments do not offset the total cost of services provided to those immigrants, although the impact is most likely modest.
Federal aid programs offer resources to state and local governments that provide services to unauthorized immigrants, but those funds do not fully cover the costs incurred by those governments.
Aviva Chomsky, a professor at Salem State College, states that “Early studies in California and in the Southwest and in the Southeast…have come to the same conclusions. Immigrants, documented and undocumented, are more likely to pay taxes than they are to use public services. Illegal immigrants aren’t eligible for most public services and live in fear of revealing themselves to government authorities. Households headed by undocumented immigrants use less than half the amount of federal services that households headed by documented immigrants or citizens make use of.”[16]
Editorialist Robert Samuelson points out that poor immigrants strains public services such as local schools and health care. He points out that “from 2000 to 2006, 41 percent of the increase in people without health insurance occurred among Hispanics”[17], although he makes clear that these facts are true of legal as well as illegal immigrants. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, in March 2000, 25.8% of Mexican immigrants lived in poverty — more than double the rate for natives in 1999.[18] In another report, The Heritage Foundation notes that from 1990 to 2006, the number of poor Hispanics increased 3.2 million, from 6 million to 9.2 million.[19]
Michael D. Antonovich, a board member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, has said that welfare costs for illegal immigrants in LA County were over $37 million in September 2007 and that they had increased $2 million over the previous two months. He also said that 25% of all welfare and food stamp benefits go directly to children of illegal aliens and that the projected annual cost in welfare and food stamps for illegal aliens would be $444 million – including public safety and healthcare, the total cost for illegal immigrants to the County exceeded $1 billion a year – not including the millions of dollars for education. [20]
Ernesto Zedillo, former President of Mexico and current Director of the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, asserts that illegal immigrants are only a drain on government services when they are incapable of paying taxes; and that this incapacity is the result of restrictive federal policies that require proof of citizenship. He further argues that the US economy has “crucial” need for migrant workers, and that the current debate must acknowledge this rather than just focus on enforcement.[21]
The Internal Revenue Service issues an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) regardless of immigration status because both resident and nonresident aliens may have Federal tax return and payment responsibilities under the Internal Revenue Code. Federal tax law prohibits the IRS from sharing data with other government agencies including the INS. In 2006 1.4 million people used ITIN when filing taxes, of which more than half were illegal immigrants.[22]
Empirical studies on links between immigration and crime are mixed. Certain studies have suggested that immigrants are underrepresented in criminal statistics.[106] An Op-Ed in The New York Times by Harvard University Professor in Sociology Robert J. Sampson says that immigration of Hispanics may in fact be associated with decreased crime.[107] A 1999 paper by John Hagan and Alberto Palloni estimated that the involvement in crime by Hispanic immigrants are less than that of other citizens.[108]
Immigrants, both legal and illegal do not raise the rate of crime in the United States and native born Americans are five times more likely to be incarcerated than immigrants.[109] In a study released by the non-partisan research group The Public Policy Institute of California immigrants (legal and illegal) were ten times less likely to be incarcerated than native born Americans[110].
In his 1999 book Crime and Immigrant Youth, sociologist Tony Waters writes that immigrants themselves are less likely to be arrested and incarcerated. He also noted, however, that the children of some immigrant groups are more likely to be arrested and incarcerated. This is a by-product of the strains that emerge between immigrant parents living in poor inner city neighborhoods, and their sons.[111] According to Bureau of Justice Statistics, for example, as of 2001, 4% of Hispanic males in their twenties and thirties were in prison or jail, compared with 1.8% of white males. Hispanic men are almost four times as likely to go to prison at some point in their lives as white males, although less likely than African American males.[112]
There were an estimated 30,000 street gangs and more than 800,000 gang members active across the U.S. in 2007, up from 731,500 in 2002. New immigrants are susceptible to gang influences and activities because of language barriers, employment difficulties, support, protection, and fear.[
“bad choices and irresponsibity come in all colours”.
Indeed. Your posts show nicely that you are irresponsible and racist.
Great post, Art.
This is a great story, and proves all the racists wrong. No wonder they don’t like it…
18 is the age.
Why don’t high schools teach citizenship classes in addition to the required Civic classes?
How many of the reported ‘12 million illegal aliens’ grew up in the USA as Americans, only to become an unemployable undocumented alien on their 18th birthday?
Michelle Quinn,
You don’t mean well because you are incapable of that.
Just look at yourself. you boldly write, “Though I do think that stylish KKK getup would look just fabulous on me!”.
You are trash, and my kid will out do your kid in anything academic- and that is a promise.
My child is your child’s age and reading at high school level, a math and science genius, and an IQ that breaks the scales. and guess what?,
100% Mexican!
So listen here, pea brain, stop the chatter out of your caboose because you are merely making a terrible fool out of yourself with all your ignorant rants.
Now you are saying you are a product of Irish Catholic Schools— you have repeated numerous times that you blame your poor spelling, grammar, and typing to SAUSD? Make up your schitzophrenic-mind, Ms. 51-50.
Its a waste of time trying to reason with your lunatic cabooze, you scooby poo.
Micehelle said,
“Mexican is not a race”, it is a culture,”
Mexican is a nationality, a term given as a result of your place of birth.
Mexicans can and do have many varied cultures as does the USA and all other countries of the world.
I agree that you would look fabulous in a KKK getup. It is you baby, you go girl.
Doc L.
I agree that you would look fabulous in a KKK getup. It is you baby, you go girl. 🙂 LOL
Way to go, way to talk to a retard! hahahahaha
THE SPACE CADET is wrong . illegal is illegal . great points michell . of course art n little joe if you dont belive in ILLEGAL immigration your a racist . in his stories he will twist n turn the story the get everyone to feel sorry for the LAW BREAKERS who suck up on service . you want them here YOU PAY FOR THEIR COST . NOT ME .
Will someone please teach the good Doc how to post a link instead of posting such long passages from documents?
#16 Michelle…
Although I appreciate your spirited though misguided comments at times, your post #16 is a true window into your mind…and yes…it is a very racist mind.
You are crystal clearly making an illustration comparing “Hispanics” to your six year old son. If that is not the most patronizing, and just openly racist thing typed at your fingertips i don’t know what is. Thanks for showing your true colors.
And my goodness…the arrogance there is just shameful. You truly believe you are imparting wisdom and parenting to all “Hispanics.” Because after all, they are just like whiney six year olds!!
Sorry joe, i may be many things but i am not the one down at the local welfare office with my hand out. At 27 i owned my own home, and have ran my own businesses for years. Yes i am giving myself a little pat on the back, because it is not bad for a girl from Belfast who came here with 80 bucks in my hand:) You try going to some other country and doing the same!. JOE!. By the way i left home at 17!.:P
You don’t mean well because you are incapable of that.
Just look at yourself. you boldly write, “Though I do think that stylish KKK getup would look just fabulous on me!”
Its a bloody sheet with a hood, i am not a bad looking chick, but even i could not pull of a sheet. Really wise up and get the humor in the fact that the pope would be a racist if he were to say anything that makes “hispanic’s look bad”.
But the fact is Santa Ana looks bad, real bad!. And the fact is the majority of Welfare users, high school drops out ect.. are hispanic. But i guess to you lot, “Image is everything”.
My child is your child’s age and reading at high school level, a math and science genius, and an IQ that breaks the scales. and guess what?,
100% Mexican!
Thats great, I am delighted for you. And i am sorry you think that being Mexican decrease’s the chances of being born a genius!. Like a said before, “every one has the potential, its what they do with it”.
We must have a play date some time or do lunch:)
So listen here, pea brain, stop the chatter out of your caboose because you are merely making a terrible fool out of yourself with all your ignorant rants
O ok i will listen to you. But first can you stop re-living your high school chatter!. Its way to girlie for me!. Name calling is something i left at the door of my pre-school. poo pants:)
Ignorant, bigot, racist, fool, scum, ect… is there some sort of La Raza bible out there on “words to demolish, other races”, its almost like the vunerable, underserved, disadvantage ect.. just a wee script!. Like i said before “sticks and stone”. Miss La Raza
I think your the one with the “little Voices” telling you wee white mice. “If i grew up in Ireland, then most likely, i would have gone to a Irish School. I dont know, you tell me!.
You think its hard to reason with me, try reasoning with an Hispanic:) o yeah you did say your 100% pure Mexicana:)
“Mexican is not a race”, it is a culture,”
Doc, “Mexican is not a race”.
Good night, my spicy little friends, i really think were getting some where!
“Mexican is not a race”, it is a culture,”
Doc, “Mexican is not a race”.”
Michelle I know I was correcting you.
My post # 22:
Micehelle said,
“Mexican is not a race”, it is a culture,”
Mexican is a nationality, a term given as a result of your place of birth.
Mexicans can and do have many varied cultures as does the USA and all other countries of the world.
I agree that you would look fabulous in a KKK getup. It is you baby, you go girl
Michelle Quinn says:
“Thats great, I am delighted for you. And i am sorry you think that being Mexican decrease’s the chances of being born a genius!. Like a said before, “every one has the potential, its what they do with it”.
Michelle, how have you made it this far in life- with your poor judgment, poor reading comprehension skills, and evidently remaining a high functioning 2 yr old trapped in an adult body? Don’t distort my message to you.
“We must have a play date some time or do lunch:)O ok i will listen to you. But first can you stop re-living your high school chatter!. Its way to girlie for me!. Name calling is something i left at the door of my pre-school. poo pants:)”
Like I said, ” You are a high functioning 2 yr.old trapped in an adult body- when did you graduate from pre-school? Yesterday? Because with all the name calling you do on this blog==
Mist I remind you of your prior rants and name calling, here are just a few:
Just in Time “for crap”
Doc “Affirmative Action”
Sean “thug”
I guess you are high on bat shit when you go off with your usual name calling, that now you don’t remember?
Entertain us some more…
Back to the post
Let’s celebrate our U.S Astronaut, Pepe Hernandez.
I am soooo proud of Mr. Jose Hernandez
Amnesty next year, Obamanomics–
$25,000 a head in penalties plus processing fees, government financing available-
ooolala–$$$$$$ and we illegals keep supporting ppl like Muchalloca Quinn in Spanglish, La Reina de las locas—esa mi loca…. LOL
Jose is of course a member! (as listed below)
#25 Drill Your smart aleck head
We know how to post links, scooby. We copy these long articles for the hard headed, high functioning toddlers -trapped in adult bodies by choice such as yourself and M.Quinn.
(copied from Wikipedia)
Jose Hernandez
B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of the Pacific, 1984. M.S., Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of California-Santa Barbara, 1986.
[edit]Awards and honors
NASA Service Awards (2002, 2003), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory “Outstanding Engineer Award” (2001), Upward Bound National TRIO Achiever Award (2001), U.S. Department of Energy “Outstanding Performance Commendation” (2000), Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists (MAES) “Medalla de Oro” recipient for professional and community contributions (1999), Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Award, “Outstanding Technical Contribution” (1995), Graduate Engineering Minority Fellow (GEM) (1985), Eta Kappa Nu Electrical Engineering Honor Society member and awarded a honorary Doctor of Laws degree from University of California-Santa Barbara.
[edit]Engineering career
1987-2001 were spent at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California.
[edit]NASA career
Nasa career
In 2001, Hernández joined the Johnson Space Center, in Houston, Texas.
Selected by NASA in May 2004. In February 2006 he completed Astronaut Candidate Training that included scientific and technical briefings, intensive instruction in Shuttle and International Space Station systems, physiological training, T-38 flight training, and water and wilderness survival training. On completing this initial training, Hernández was assigned to the Shuttle Branch to support Kennedy Space Center Operations in support of Shuttle launch and landing preparations. He worked various technical assignments until his selection on July 15, 2008, as a mission specialist of the STS-128 mission, which launched on August 28, 2009. While in orbit, Hernandez became the first person to use the Spanish language in space on Twitter. [5][6]
STS-128 mission ended its 14 days journey on September 11, 2009 at Edwards Air Force Base, California at 5:53 pm PST.
Entertain us some more…
Michelle, how have you made it this far in life- with your poor judgment, poor reading comprehension skills, and evidently remaining a high functioning 2 yr old trapped in an adult body? Don’t distort my message to you.
Because: I work my ass off, but, mostly because i am cute and smart:) And i don’t take life too seriouly, because, “dead is for good”.
“High fuctioning 2yr old”, wow, you are too kind:)
I like to think of myself, as a wee rascal!.
in an adult body- when did you graduate from pre-school? Yesterday
FYI. Adults dont go to pre-school!. Though i think it would be a good idea to have Adult pre-schools in Santa Ana to teach the basic’s of parenting!. What do ya think??.
Mist I remind you of your prior rants and name calling, here are just a few:
Mist i remind you of your’s:
bitahhh (some sort of Mexican way to say Bitch).
I say you are being a wee bit more bratty!. Yes??.
Man, i know your roots are from a Country that export’s two things: people and drugs, but now the drug cartels are exporting Bat Shit??. I suppose getting high, is getting high!.
Thanks for the offer but i don’t need bat shit, you keep sniffing it!.
And again race,culture, ect.. does not make a genius, it is all down to the brain!.
So who cares if your kid is “100% Mexican”, but i quess it is more important to you that he is!.
I like to not confuse my kids, i tell them, “your mum and dad are Irish, you are “100% American and your lucky that you are”.
On a serious note, i feel very sorry for the Kids in Santa Ana, it really much be hard, not to know which country to call home!. Lost kids, equal disfuctional kids, who drop out of school and get knocked up young!.
Did i entertain You??. If not keep posted!.
Anyway, good for Mexico sending a man to the moon!. O yeah, he is American.
Ah well, good for Mexico. keeping sending your people through the desert to get here. Some live to go to the Moon, alot die in the desert!.
really, please wise up!.
Have you forgotten the fate of the Donner Party?
They ate each other in the snow…
Amnesty next year, Obamanomics–
Due to the fact that illegal hispanics walked up American street’s waving Mexican flags and demanding Citizen rights, thanks to the brilliant leadership of groups like La Raza. And due to the fact that you can not walk passed a local welfare office without seeing a majority of hispanics standing waiting for their food stamps, wic, ect.. Mexican’s have screwed up any chance of being legalized in this country.
And the little booing feast toward Miss America, did not do them any favors either!.
think, before ya jump in with both feet!.
The truth hurts, and it sucks for the people that really want to make it here!.
Yes, Art, they were hungery???
keep up the good work michell i renember them booing the national anthem at soccer games . tossing piss in cups at the american soccer team . years ago screaming at delahoya at a delahoya julio cesar chavez fight . beacuse delahoya was a mexican /american NOT MEXICAN . im glad chavez got his ass kicked that night .
the great one,
“keep up the good work michell i renember them booing the national anthem at soccer games . tossing piss in cups at the american soccer team . years ago screaming at delahoya at a delahoya julio cesar chavez fight . beacuse delahoya was a mexican /american NOT MEXICAN . im glad chavez got his ass kicked that night .”
What is your point? Immigration reform is not a good idea for Mexicans because some do what you and Michelle post? I guess in both of your views it is un-American behavior?
Far right conservatives call our president Hitler, a commie, an illegal allien and a pimp daddy. Is this less or more American than some Mexicans waving a Mexican flag?
Where should we send left and right extremists when their behavior is considered un-American? Who decides what is un-American?
Should we revoke left and right extremists of their citizenship and ship them back to where their ancestors came from?
For the record, Michelle Quinn is quite right.
My former-illegal alien mexican ex-hubby got the 1986 amnesty AFTER I had already filed for his papers. We saw criminals get the amnesty and all were illegal hispanics..90%+ were mexicans. We have seen the welfare fraud and food stamp fraud and other fraud and also the great deal of crime by illegal hispanics, mostly mexicans, who come here illegally because these foreign criminals and trespassers have zero respect for our laws and our morals.
They are NOT dying of starvation in Mexico. They quit their jobs in Mexico to come here to the U.S.A. to steal our good-paying jobs or else to work only long enough to have an anchor baby on U.S. soil so these criminals and trespassers can get welfare and food stamps and to prevent these freeloading criminals rightful deportation.
About 90% of these lazy bums come here to sell drugs or to get on welfare and food stamps, and any other benefit these criminals can get.
And, get this…my mexican ex-hubby, a former-illegal alien who got the 1986 amnesty [it was my idea, to save money and time]…well…
he SAID that mexicans are stupid, too stupid to know any better…he ought to know. I dumped him because of his alcoholism. And when he gets finished crying like a baby, he will tell you that I was the best. That is why he refuses to remarry because he will only remarry me or nobody and I am 8 years older than him.
About 90%+ of mexican men, if you can call one a man, are alcoholics. My mexican ex-hubby said that all mexican men are alcoholics and he said that you cannot find a mexican man who does not drink…that ALL are drunks or druggies.
He ought to know. He is a mexican. He has seen the great deal of crime and welfare fraud by these freeloading criminals. He knows how it is. He is the one who corrected me on feeling sorry for these freeloading criminals. He told me that they came over here to steal our jobs and to put our citizens out of work and that there is work in mexico, but they quit their jobs and that they are NOT starving in mexico and where did I get the idea that they were starving in Mexico?
He has also seen those freeloading parasites sitting there and laughing at and making fun of those stupid gringos who are too stupid to stop these freeloading criminals from coming into this country illegally and too stupid to stop these criminals welfare and food stamp fraud and other fraud and other crimes.
Oh, and lest I forget the best part…when he started that stupid “mi querido mexico” nonsense and “the U.S. is bad” nonsense…well, I put a stop to that fast.
I asked him if the U.S. is SO bad, and mexico is SO wonderful…then why is he here in the U.S. and why doesn’t he go back to mexico if it is SO wonderful and stay there and don’t come back ever? Why would he want to be in a country that is SO bad, if mexico is SO wonderful? He looked at me with his mouth hanging open in pure shock. Then I explained it to him and he got it and he has never, ever said that again. He got the point and said that it would be ungrateful to say that and he said he is very, very grateful to the U.S. and its people.
I know all this because I have close ties to the illegal community and have had more than 24 years and counting.
If you have any doubts, ask my ex-hubby…his name is Jose L. Garcia.
Oh, and one last thing…70%+ of the applications for amnesty were FRAUDULENT…pure and simple. You figure that out and now you know why I am dead set against another amnesty for these freeloading criminals…
they called all their friends and relatives south of the border to come up here illegally and lay low until the stupid, gullible gringos give them another amnesty.
Jean, you obviously suffer from an identity problem.
Start by relinquishing the “Garcia” last name, if you are so bitter for having been left by a mexican man. Calling yourself “Jean Garcia”, says way too much about you, basura!
Re-read what you wrote, please.
“90% of Mexican men are alcoholics…” etc. etc.
It is aweful that your shallow mind and ignorant mentality has you spreading misinformation.
Fraud and abuse is everywhere.
I suggest you conduct your own observations— field work that is.
Track a WIC office near Korea Town in L.A or a local Asian Super Market in Monterrey Park or Alhambra. I’d love to be a fly on your shoulder when you see some asians in luxury cars: Mercedes, Lexus, etc. arriving and leaving from the WIC Office, or when you seen them using food stamps at their Asian super-markets!! LOL
Also, educate yourself- and read, track actual numbers- stats- it is the white community that access services in larger numbers, then blacks,then asian, and lastly latinos.
I think you see only as far as you want to see. You are exposed to one particular ethnic group so you thereby make “hasty generalizations”.
One day,mark my words, you shall apologize- even if you repent in silence- for being such a hater.
Jean Garcia,
You base your stereotype of Mexicans based on your bad relationship with your ex Mexican husband??????
Could your story be sour grapes or made up? I beleive it is either or.
You are as ignorant or bigoted as Michelle.
For a generalized view outside your story to encite, read this:
edit] Taxes and social services
The IRS estimates that about 6 million unauthorized immigrants file individual income tax returns each year.[12] Research reviewed by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office indicates that between 50 percent and 75 percent of unauthorized immigrants pay federal, state, and local taxes.[12] Undocumented workers are estimated to pay in about $7 billion per year into Social Security.[13]
Professor of Law Francine Lipman [14] writes that the belief that undocumented migrants are exploiting the US economy and that they cost more in services than they contribute to the economy is “undeniably false”. Lipman asserts that “undocumented immigrants actually contribute more to public coffers in taxes than they cost in social services” and “contribute to the U.S. economy through their investments and consumption of goods and services; filling of millions of essential worker positions resulting in subsidiary job creation, increased productivity and lower costs of goods and services; and unrequited contributions to Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance programs.”[15]
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reviewed 29 reports published over 15 years on the impact of unauthorized immigrants on the budgets of state and local governments. While cautioning that the reports are not a suitable basis for developing an aggregate national effect across all states, they concluded that:[12]
State and local governments incur costs for providing services to unauthorized immigrants and have limited options for avoiding or minimizing those costs
The amount that state and local governments spend on services for unauthorized immigrants represents a small percentage of the total amount spent by those governments to provide such services to residents in their jurisdictions
The tax revenues that unauthorized immigrants generate for state and local governments do not offset the total cost of services provided to those immigrants, although the impact is most likely modest.
Federal aid programs offer resources to state and local governments that provide services to unauthorized immigrants, but those funds do not fully cover the costs incurred by those governments.
Aviva Chomsky, a professor at Salem State College, states that “Early studies in California and in the Southwest and in the Southeast…have come to the same conclusions. Immigrants, documented and undocumented, are more likely to pay taxes than they are to use public services. Illegal immigrants aren’t eligible for most public services and live in fear of revealing themselves to government authorities. Households headed by undocumented immigrants use less than half the amount of federal services that households headed by documented immigrants or citizens make use of.”[16]
Editorialist Robert Samuelson points out that poor immigrants strains public services such as local schools and health care. He points out that “from 2000 to 2006, 41 percent of the increase in people without health insurance occurred among Hispanics”[17], although he makes clear that these facts are true of legal as well as illegal immigrants. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, in March 2000, 25.8% of Mexican immigrants lived in poverty — more than double the rate for natives in 1999.[18] In another report, The Heritage Foundation notes that from 1990 to 2006, the number of poor Hispanics increased 3.2 million, from 6 million to 9.2 million.[19]
Michael D. Antonovich, a board member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, has said that welfare costs for illegal immigrants in LA County were over $37 million in September 2007 and that they had increased $2 million over the previous two months. He also said that 25% of all welfare and food stamp benefits go directly to children of illegal aliens and that the projected annual cost in welfare and food stamps for illegal aliens would be $444 million – including public safety and healthcare, the total cost for illegal immigrants to the County exceeded $1 billion a year – not including the millions of dollars for education. [20]
Ernesto Zedillo, former President of Mexico and current Director of the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, asserts that illegal immigrants are only a drain on government services when they are incapable of paying taxes; and that this incapacity is the result of restrictive federal policies that require proof of citizenship. He further argues that the US economy has “crucial” need for migrant workers, and that the current debate must acknowledge this rather than just focus on enforcement.[21]
The Internal Revenue Service issues an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) regardless of immigration status because both resident and nonresident aliens may have Federal tax return and payment responsibilities under the Internal Revenue Code. Federal tax law prohibits the IRS from sharing data with other government agencies including the INS. In 2006 1.4 million people used ITIN when filing taxes, of which more than half were illegal immigrants.[22]
Empirical studies on links between immigration and crime are mixed. Certain studies have suggested that immigrants are underrepresented in criminal statistics.[106] An Op-Ed in The New York Times by Harvard University Professor in Sociology Robert J. Sampson says that immigration of Hispanics may in fact be associated with decreased crime.[107] A 1999 paper by John Hagan and Alberto Palloni estimated that the involvement in crime by Hispanic immigrants are less than that of other citizens.[108]
Immigrants, both legal and illegal do not raise the rate of crime in the United States and native born Americans are five times more likely to be incarcerated than immigrants.[109] In a study released by the non-partisan research group The Public Policy Institute of California immigrants (legal and illegal) were ten times less likely to be incarcerated than native born Americans[110].
In his 1999 book Crime and Immigrant Youth, sociologist Tony Waters writes that immigrants themselves are less likely to be arrested and incarcerated. He also noted, however, that the children of some immigrant groups are more likely to be arrested and incarcerated. This is a by-product of the strains that emerge between immigrant parents living in poor inner city neighborhoods, and their sons.[111] According to Bureau of Justice Statistics, for example, as of 2001, 4% of Hispanic males in their twenties and thirties were in prison or jail, compared with 1.8% of white males. Hispanic men are almost four times as likely to go to prison at some point in their lives as white males, although less likely than African American males.[112]
There were an estimated 30,000 street gangs and more than 800,000 gang members active across the U.S. in 2007, up from 731,500 in 2002. New immigrants are susceptible to gang influences and activities because of language barriers, employment difficulties, support, protection, and fear.[
#37, the great one:
Your greatness:
Why do you generalize and fill your soul with hate and negativity over the actions of a few.
if it at all helps-
I apologize for the actions of those few- I hope your resentment may be lifted- and may you find it in your heart to be less judgmental. I don’t expect you to apologize for racially driven hate crimes, nor do I expect you to apologize for Michelle Quinn, and Jean wanna be Garcia forever’s hatred and ignorance.
I understand that the actions of a few can be inflated and may many times overshadow the goodness and value of the rest.
I am not at all obsessed with being accepted, nor do I want you and others to accept Latinos– no one can force themselves on others.
However, we can sit here all day and rather than trying to reason with you or MQ and company–
if culturally, we Latinos were hateful– we could sit here and highlight all of your race’s defects, faults, unlawful actions,etc. However, it is not our intent.
Why would I generalize,I’d be offending a white friend,neighbor, relative, etc.
Anyway, it saddens me that emotions run high with some ppl., who wrongfully blame the wrong ppl.
We Americans have lost our sense and ability to pinpoint where the true culprits of a dysfunctional economic system lie.
When we as Americans realize that we are fighting for pennies— and we are complaining over who’s children get fed for free in public schools, over how the test scores reflective of the community being served, over how my race or his race or culture is better, for God’s sake—
I’m sure each one of you knows at least one hypocrite that is passing the UNICEF box around or getting deductions for World Vision, or contributing to whatever org. where we never know where that money ends up.
Why are we complaining over free lunch at schools.
Have you ever looked into a child’s eyes- whether brown, blue, large,oval, slanted or whatever–
a country , borders, whatever- so if that child were hungry- you’d stop and wonder what the parents’ finances are—- heck no— feed them!!!
its just FOOD—-.
we are one race–you’ve heard it before-
the human race.
Jean , all of us Mexicans are alcoholics— common sense WOMAN- you know you are talking out of your ass!!~!
this is not what life on earth is about!
Life is too short.
Come on with all the $$ spent in Iraq, with the billions in contracts to Cheney’s co. and the like, with all the billions in bail outs to banks,
how much does it take to ensure that we stop hunger and illness in our own front yard???
And stop the “Not with taxpayers’ $$$, b.s!”
Do you know that with what we spend on National Defense, we can afford to buy every U.S Adult Citizen a brand new Honda Civic? standard transportation–M.Q don’t go off on a tangent over this statement!– just reason with us for a minute.
Use your energy for a more “purpose driven life”.
Jean—if you run into abuse, injustice, ignorance—fix the world one person at a time.
I have hope and compassion for you and your hatred- don’t generalize. Move on about your ex-husband, and common sense, woman. It’s not very “becoming” to be quoting an alcoholic—-consider your source— you are mighty gullible when it comes to your man- so now you are making excuses for him by generalizing—–I wonder why McCain and Co. sold Amheiser Bush / Budweiser if business was that good!!! Hey they grabbed the 52 billion and hauled ass before the crash!
Your greatness,
I have never peed in a cup at a soccer game- and neither have millions of other Latinos.
So Michelle blames the Mexican gov’t== OKAY
so now you are lashing out at Latinos.
Our life’s path is long, yet life on earth is but a blink of an eye if we are not careful in wasting it on minutia – as is “hate”.
Can you imagine if the world would lash out at us Americans for the fallacies of our gov’t and the war crimes of the few U.S Leaders that have served our country wrongfully??
I refuse to believe that there is no goodness left in the world
I’ll keep the faith — even Darth Vader had it in him.
44 IDONT HAVE A PROBLEM AS LONG AS YOU DO THIS LEGAL . GET IN LINE WITH EVERYONE . i dont have a problem if they follow the law . i dont have a problem unless they START DEMANDING ENTITLEMENTS. i have a problem when they put down this country . and i have a big problem that everyone is a racist if you dont agree with them
the great one,
I and others agree with you. The astronaut and 63% of US citizens agree with you too. It is why all of us that agree with you support immigration reform.
There is a constructive way to a solution- reform. There is a unconstructive approach- division, demonization,marginalization, and presenting lies by those interested in political manipulation.
Not everyone is a racist that has the unconstructive approach. Some ARE racists. No one has said all are racists. Read #44 again his post is all about not generalizing. Please absorb his message it is genuine and is reaching out to you and others.
Actually, everything I said is quite true.
Mr. Garcia is very unusual for a mexican. By the way, I left him…and I divorced him. When he gets finished crying over the breakup…he will tell you that I am the best and that’s why he will never re-marry unless he can remarry me. He even called me up in Michigan while I was in bed with my white husband at the time and DEMANDED that I divorce Mike and return to him and re-marry him. Talk about NERVE!!!
Also, he HATES jalapeno peppers with a purple passion. He cussed me out one time for putting a jalapeno pepper in the food I cooked for him. I never made that mistake ever again.
And really and truly, he insists that I continue using his name. However, I changed it because my boyfriend at the time, demanded that I change it to my maiden name because he was jealous. Mr. Garcia wasn’t happy about that. I did not mind having the name Garcia.
He speaks English very well, he HATES jalapeno peppers with a purple passion. He does NOT celebrate mexican holidays, but he DOES celebrate American holidays. Also, he does not display the mexican flag, nor does he like displaying the mexican flag. He, however, does like wearing caps and t-shirts with the American flag.
He HATES lazy people, has a bad attitude, would argue with a stop sign and for some reason, maybe it’s the lawless culture in mexico to blame, he lies a lot for no reason at all.
He is one of the CLEAN mexicans and Mr. Clean works his butt off. I have to give him that. He is a good worker, bar none. He makes about a thousand dollars a week…according to him. However, I still will NEVER go back to that nut.
Like the time the cop in Florida went to arrest the little twerp for drunk driving. When the cop went to put the cuffs on hardhead, he stepped back and shorty took a swing at the cop. Florida cops are HUGE!!! The cop probably laughed at the little pip-squeak, because shorty made his day, and eased his boredom, and hit him on the shoulder, back of the legs, slapped the cuffs on the little pipsqueak, in the cop car, and straight to jail. Ha Ha!!!
I also have had hardhead jailed 3 times for domestic violence. The little pipsqueak thought he was so bad…well the cops were badder than him.
He bit off more than he could chew when he got me. He thought he was bad…well I was badder. He thought he was tough…well, I was tougher. When I get mad…Mr pipsqueak gets out of my way big time. Ha ha!!!
PSS: Mr. Garcia SAID that all mexican men were alcoholics and that I could not find a mexican man who doesn’t drink and every mexican he knows is a drunk.
I did NOT say this…my mexican ex-hubby said this.
Argue with him, not me. He ought to know, right?
Here is more talent to be proud of
from Guadalajara, Mexico- immigrant on America’s Got Talent–
Hopefully we can dedicate a post for her????
So we can all comment.
just in time,
Jean Garcia as you might have also concluded is a WHACK job not to be taken seriously and to be taken only as amussing insight at a desperate agenda.
Ms. Barbara Padilla is a unbeliable talent. Hispanics are as rich in talent as other nationalities are.