Will President Obama do anything to legalize the use of medical marijuana at the federal level?
The City of Lake Forest “announced tonight that it had filed civil complaints against 35 medical marijuana dispensaries in the city and called on immediate prosecution and abatement of these storefronts,” according to the O.C. Register.
That’s a lot of marijuana dispensaries, but seriously – are these the biggest problem in Lake Forest? Really?
The median age for residents in Lake Forest, CA is 36.9 (this is older than average age in the U.S.), according to a demographics website. Could it be that the older folks in Lake Forest have a lot of medical issues and need medical pot?
I thought the Obama administration was going to chill out on medical marijuana? Didn’t California voters already approve the use and sale of medical marijuana?
I imagine the real problem in Lake Forest is the Talibani Republicans on their City Council…
Now that’s a good use of dollars for cash strapped Lake Forrest!
Leisure World is in or next to Lake Forest, that means lot’s of Glaucoma and cancer.
I’m sure the uptight bastards would rather a 100 grannies suffer than let one pot-head get away with something.
I thought Pot was only illegal for people who enjoy it?
Making sure that only big pharma owned expensive drugs are dispensed keeps the dough rolling into the U.S. Health Racket.
Never seen someone on Pot become violent, most of the time it calms a person way down, often to sleep.
Have they had a rash of people falling asleep at stops signs?
You obviously do not know anything about Lake Forest. The City is hardly “cash-strapped”. In fact, unlike the majority of cities, Lake Forest has tens millions of dollars in reserve funding.
Federal Law prohibits the use and resale of marijuana and the City has every legal right to ban it through the municipal code. Marijuana dispensaries are a form of blight because many of them in this City are merely a front for a number of other illegal activities, including the sale of weapons and other drugs.
If individuals are serious abour abiding by Propostion 215, then marijuana should be distributed over the counter at a pharmacy and in pill form for those who have legitimate needs. Otherwise, these businesses are merely fronts for other illegal activities and for those who use marijuana recreationally.
Marinol is a pill form, but for most people it does not work as well.
One of the main effects of medicinal use is to treat nausea. Try taking pills when you are already about to heave, does not work.
Pharmacies cannot distribute per federal law.
If they are doing other illegal activites then arrest them for that. If they are not doing other illegal activities them leave them alone, per state law.
Let me give you a little history lesson on America. We were once called the United States becauase we were all united but each state could vote on their own rights and the federal government was mean’t to protect those rights. What you are saying is that the Federal Gov has the right to impeade on my rights of being a citizen of the California.
The federal goverment should not have any jurisdiction in Lake Forest nor in CA. By my constitution you are an enemy of the state, traitor of the Constitution.
You have forgotten the very principles of our foundation. SHAME ON YOU!
“Marijuana dispensaries are a form of blight because many of them in this City are merely a front for a number of other illegal activities, including the sale of weapons and other drugs.”
Is these some Proof of this? Weapons, Really? Why? Why would you sell weapons at a marijuana dispensary? Why would you go through the time and trouble to get a permit to sell pot, and then throw a felony on top of it?
Under Prop 215 it specifies that municipalities can create zones to control and regulate the dispensaries – not ban them. Also SPECIFICALLY, it directs that judges, police and peace officers to follow the laws laid out in Prop 215 as well as the CA HS 11362.5 and SB420. They do not do this and the law is over 12 years old. According to the U.S. Constitution, a local municipality can inherit the laws of their county and state but federal law is superceded by State law (i.e. San Diego v. Fed Govt.) This was recently upheld.
I have personally visited most dispensaries in Lake Forest and NONE deal in firearms or other drugs.
Further evidence of your naivete is where you state, ” then marijuana should be distributed over the counter at a pharmacy and in pill form for those who have legitimate needs.” Apparently, you have NO IDEA what you are talking about and this shows it. Pharmacies, governed under the DEA and FDA, are not able to provide medicine that is federally classified as schedule I drugs. Secondly, doctors can not write ‘prescriptions’ as they are again controlled by the DEA which makes it federally against the law to ‘prescribe’ the medicine. So…if we were to use your litmus test of using the spirit of Prop 215 then we would have reccomendations from doctors and not prescriptions (which we do!) and we would have alternative sources for medical marijuana (which we do) other than a pharmacy. Hmm..short sighted?
Your lack of insight, immaturity and just plain wrong facts show what type of hater you are.
Lake Forest will be outed soon enough. How much money has the city spent thus far? How much does the city forecast to spend on this effort? What is the total liability to Lake Forest residents? Can this money be used for more appropriate means? Who brought the case/complaints before the city? Lake Forest has to answer lots of questions before continuing on this goose chase.
Live and let live.
To, Gavin and other dictative cro-magnons!
lake forest, hmm.. things that “exist already” in our town, that have an “existing” record of violence and crime, and or police visits for some sort of disruption.. as follows.. we have starbucks and liquor stores, strip clubs, and sex shops, just to name a few, Ive seen police visits and violence and other activities such as the mass sales of all drugs from car to car in parking lots. before dispensaries, lake forest was a illegal pot dealers hub, its a fact! and this ones for gavin you fucking idiot!! BIG FIVE sells guns right across from hooters a restraunt that skimply dresses lake forest’s finest big breasted leggy little high school grads!! ahahaha were so right winged and family over here, FUCK it you need 2 wings to fly and fuck you cuz you simply suck ass on this matter MR. half brain gavin.. good night dumb pride!
i could refine my argument to sound more mature and refined, I could also blitz my enemy with no class, like how i got blitzed into a cell for smoking hashish in a random commercial parking lot
Also why are we worried about people being high in lake forest, what about all the fat fucking slow thinking latte whipped bullshit drinkers who, put me in danger, while driving with their fat fucking scones, and thinking about anti-gay prop 8 cunt splat!! im more concerned about youth obesity, caffeine and alcohol dependency and violence or lude pill poppin line choppin bitch molesting behavior inspired by pop tv and music and how could we forget dumb irresponsible parents.. wow I hope you all have a good laugh at my words, we should all be smiling first.. then you fatties have some serious work to do!