“Danny Pang, an Orange County financier who faced charges of massive international fraud and whose wife’s unsolved murder 12 years ago prompted questions about his possible ties to organized crime, died Saturday. He was 42,” according to the L.A. Times.
Pang, as we previously reported, was a major contributor to the Republican Party. Here are a few excerpts from our previous post about Pang:
Pang also gave some of his Ponzi money to Republican candidates! He gave $5,000 to Congressman Ken Calvert (that figures) and he gave $4,300 to Rudy Giuliani’s presidential campaign. Click here
to see the campaign reports.
Pang also gave $2700 to the Republican National Committe, according to the Asian American Action Fund blog
“A court-appointed receiver accused Pang of using his investors’ money “like his own personal piggy bank” to finance “a lifestyle that only the richest individuals enjoy,” according to the L.A. Times.
Shouldn’t the GOP give the Pang money back to the investors he ripped off?
As someone like you, who lost a family member under similar circumstances, I would think you would show a little respect for Mr. Pang’s family during these difficult days.
I don’t have a lot of mercy for those who allegedly rip off investors.
According to the L.A. Times, Pang was also investigated for allegedly killing his own wife and there were rumors that he was involved with the Triad as a “Money Man.”
This does NOT appear to have been a good man. That he gave so much money to the GOP figures…
the key word is “does not appear”
what if you are wrong? do you believe every peice of media you read?
i wish i was god and could judge people like you.
I don’t have a lot of mercy for those who allegedly rip off investors.
you seam to have a lot of mercy for the Mexican Government that rips off its people. who try to invest in their country and also for the American people who have been rip off from their investments in Mexican homes!.
Not a bad word about it!.
post 3 art probally gets his stories from the huffington post or daily kos . can we get a list of dems who where up for investagating for fraud . oh its dems that list dose not exsist .
Just a faux paux at timing of this post – wait until he is buried at least. It’s called “etiquette”, obviously of which you have none.
I wonder if Danny Pang worried about etiquette when he was “allegedly” whacking his wife and ripping off investors?
He now goes to his grave with so many questions left unanswered…which perhaps explains why he died so young.
you are a sick puppy Mr. Art!.
Come on by when the dust settles, I am sure you’ll like it down here.
Kenny Boy
Really? I would think the sick puppy is the guy who was under criminal investigation…
Of course he has now escaped justice, permanently.
Too bad. It would have been nice to see Pang go to jail.
The true Irish and true Mexican, respect the dead and their family, they do not, i repeat do not attack them when they are down!
Dont do it!
Pang does not deserve my respect. Why he has yours is a real mystery.
I know you hate Mexicans – but I guess you like corrupt Asians?
i do not hate Mexican’s and you know that!. your Mexican so is Dr.l, so is Need to know, so is my best friend. I can not stand bull crap.
and their is nothing more painful than the loss of a son or a husband. I know nothing about this man, but he was a son and a love of some one,s life.
No matter what all men/women have been loved!
you forget your roots Art, dont!.
Well, let’s see if any of Pang’s alleged victims feel sorry for the guy…
Hey Art, Why do you promote these “gang walks” which pay tribute to gang bangers who are killed by other gang bangers. Do you think most people really care when a gang member dies? Do one of your famous polls and see what you find from your readers…
The “gang walks” are not “gang walks” at all – they are marches for PEACE. They do not pay tribute to gangs but rather they offer residents a chance to unite against gang violence.
And yes it is sad when youngsters are gunned down by gangs. Can you really lay blame on a 12 year old that goes astray?
Pang on the other hand was a rich guy who apparently preyed on other rich guys. But what he did exactly we might never know as he has taken those secrets to an early grave.
You can’t feel sorry for a dead guy, but you can feel empathy for his family.
Its so funny Art, we need to feel compassion for some who break American laws, but not for others.
Again, he was investigated for killing his own wife. If anything, some members of his family may be relieved he is dead.
Gangs walks is like having taliban walks!.
scum, are made not born, and its up to the scumbag themselves to get themselves out. Walking with a bunch of scumbags won’t make peace. Sending them off to Iraq will!.
with the blessing of the Mexican Governemnt of course!.
Was he convicted??. And if no one in his family is at his funeral, then maybe he was not a very nice man. But its never a good idea, to think ill of the dead. Maybe that is an Irish thing!.
Why are you defending this guy? No one else is!
Are you defending him because he gave money to your party? Is that all it takes to buy you off?
So it is not a good idea to think ill of the dead, does that mean you are a Hitler fan too?
I defending him, because your attacking him and i haev already seen your bias when it comes to people that are in the Republican party and he can not defend himself because he is “dead”. So i have no idea who this man is what he did. But Art, your not exactly the man to get acurate info on when it comes to people in the Republican party. Your a hack Art, plain and simple, your like NBC, your breaking new’s is propraganda.
And the fact that he is dead and cant defend himself is why i am the only one to defend his name. Your making yourself out to be an ass@@$H and its not very becoming of your culture. But then again maybe it is!.
And no i dont defend Hilter, i have more info on him and i doubt Mr. Pang exterminated a million + wives!.
Speaking of wives, “was he convicted of murdering his wife?”. If not this is America, one is not guilty until proven so!.
And Republican’s are too politically correct, plus all the Orange Country Supervisors are republican’s and i dont think they like me much by now.
I have my own party its called “The Quinn’s”.
No bullshite in my house!.
And again, sorry for the bad typing!
“brain to fast, fingers too slow”.
I can not keep coming up with excuses for my bad typing/spelling.
I will do much better next time.
Quinns honor!.
Don’t you think that Ken Calvert and the RNC should give back the Pang money to the investors who were allegedly ripped off?
You said, “Allegedly”, then why should alleged ripped off money be given back??.
You said, “investigated”, not convicted of killing his wife.
Its how you word things, that make me suspisous of your attacks on an individual. Even if i don’t know who they are!.
Its all assumptions, not fact, in which you blacken the name of this man who has lost his life.
AHH Art, it’s beneath you!. All because he gave money to a party that he supported and you dont. I would not support the Republican Party right now, but he had every right to do so and not be attacked for it, based on your “assumptions”.
danny pang is no worse than every investment bank, commerical bank and insurance company tha government has bailed out..
the only difference was the PEM Group didnt get bailed out…
if you understand his fund documents that you would know what his obligations where to his investors…
the media really went to town on Danny.
alot of this info is nonsense
The dude was a con-artist and I doubt this guy will see heaven for all he has done trough out his life. This dude is beyond evil. To most Taiwanese (Chinese) money is all they care about.