Can Fullerton Councilwoman Sharon Quirk-Silva make it to Sacramento?
Fullerton Councilwoman Sharon Quirk-Silva is going to announce her campaign tonight for the 72nd Assembly District, according to a pajarito.
This is bad news for Republican candidate Linda “Hackerman!” Voters will now have another woman to vote for. And good news for Supervisor Chris Norby, who is the leading candidate to replace disgraced Assemblyman Mike Duvall.
There is some other Democrat in the race already, I think named John MacMurray, but who the heck knows who he is? Quirk-Silva has a much higher profile – and the fact that she is a Latina doesn’t hurt.
Quirk-Silva is also great on development issues. She is a moderate and will offer voters an alternative in case they want to punish the Republican Party for giving them the pervy Duvall.
Good luck to Quirk-Silva! Her entry into this race will make it a lot funner to cover.
You can email Quirk-Silva at this link. Check out her campaign website at this link.
I think MacMurray has run for this seat before, he appears to be genuine, but like you said he lacks any kind of recognition.
This is another example of the failures of Houser and friends. A HUGE opportunity comes up and they’re wasting resources on OBAMA, DEAN and other crazy sH%t, while the MacMurrays of the world are left to strip mall apperances.
Total mismanagement.
The one that I think is ripe is Dirty Garry Millers seat, but the idiots at the DPOC, instead of drafting Dunn, or somebody electable keep Fing around with carpetbaggers.
Wait a minute is this the GOP or the dem’s…..I forget!
“Quirk-Silva is also great on development issues.”
Art, did you mean to say “Redevelopment?”
Wouldn’t redevelopment be part of development?
Heck you’re the Planning Commish! I’m just a blogger; what do I know? 🙂
Thanks to the FFFF blog I have been following Quirk-Silva’s actions in Fullerton. She seems a decent sort.
Redevelopment is government wasting resources by playing developer and local economic micro-manager.
I don’t know too much about Quirk although she voted with Shawn Nelson against a Redevelopment expansion in Fullerton – which goes a long way in my book. Linda Ackerman has already distanced herself (the wrong way) on Redevelopment reform, although I doubt she really knows anything about.
Now we can watch in horror as another loyal dem activist (John MacMurray) is horribly villified and pounced on by Melafat Th Hut and her crew of bad actors (misha Houser, Alicia Berhow, Frank barbaro). John will be immediatley askd to drop out of the race by Melafat and if he doesnt which I dont think he should he will be portrayed as a traitor to the DPOC who left ths guy twisting in the wind last election. Look for Gila Jones to com out and try to get chris norby or linda ackerman endorsed by the DPOC because in her words from the last election where thee was only one democrat runnig againt Tom Fuentes (There are GOOD republicans in office and WE have to work to make sure they get REELECTED.
This statement was made by Gila Jones at the last DPOC endorsement meeting. Look for her to become a traitorous whore again and then spin it somehow.
Didn’t I announce this the day after Duvall resigned?
If I remember correctly the babosos over at the LibOC took a cheap shot at me for doing so.
BTW, Art, your little birdie is quite reliable.
I’m sure Claudio has written his eighth post ripping Lorri Galloway by now…
But as usual our pajaritos are better than theirs!
I had no idea the extent to which the DPOC was in bed with the “ruling party”.
These guys (and gals) should be run out of town.
With so many heartfelt activists in OC, like the Gerda’s and the Bergs, the Saldio’s and the Culligans (the DPOC might ask who???)but these are up and down the street folks that can make a difference and will go door to door for Mac Murray.
What a shame.
“Family Values” California state assemblyman representing Orange County, Republican Michael D. Duvall, resigns for apparently not cheating on his wife with a lobbyist or two. Well you have to take his word for it, or maybe believe that hypocrisy has been bred in. In my opinion the Republican Party has been taken over the most extreme religious right (people who love to push their beliefs on others while trying to take away rights of those they just hate) and that’s who they need to extract from their party if they real want to win. Good Luck, because as they said in WACO, “We Ain’t Coming Out”. He is just another name that can be added to the list of “Republican 2009 Summer of Love”: Senator John Ensign (NV), Senator Paul Stanley (TN), Governor Mark Stanford (SC), SC Board of Ed Chair, Kristin Maguire (AKA Bridget Keeney). But let’s get back to the real problem of political corruption, does anyone think this will get investigated and that things he voted on will need to be affirmed by the remaining members or will nothing happen? Do I hear Tammy Wynette, “Stand By Your Man” playing in the background? I remember not so long ago that other Orange County song favorite, “Stand By Your Tan” (for Tan Nguyen). But that’s another Orange County fool.