Our own Travis Kiger met with the Chairman and Treasurer of the Fullerton Collaborative yesterday to review donations to that group from people who might have had business before the City of Fullerton where the Collaborative’s Executive Director, Pam Keller, sits on the city council. He also looked into whether or not the Collaborative had received contributions from developers – people from whom Pam Keller had specifically refused to take campaign contributions.
From the records made available to him, Travis discovered two prominent names: Pelican-Ontario, an affiliate of the Amerige Court project developers, and the egregious Steve Sheldon, pitchman for the massive Jefferson Commons project. Pelican and Sheldon gave $300 and $1000 to the Collaborative, respectively.
Read the rest of “Fullerton Collaborative Received Contributions from Developers”
To Tony,Sean, Art:
A great future post would be one highlighting who the BIG O.C. political campaign contributers are. Both Republican and Democrat and tell us who they gave to. For example…did you know that Lincoln Club Fat Cat Dale Dykema gave over $54,000.00 in political contributions just in 2008!!!!
It would be fun to see who the other big bucks guys/gals are and out them to your local readers.