Conserative Republican Assemblyman Mike Duvall apparently really loves the ladies…
Ruh-roh! Another gay-bashing, married conservative Republican lawmaker has been caught being pervy – and this time he is a local. Assemblyman Mike Duvall, who is the former Mayor of Yorba Linda, apparently spoke into a live microphone while bragging to another Assemblyman about his sexual exploits with his mistress, who is allegedly a 36 year old lobbyist named Heidi DeJong Barsuglia, and another woman as well, according to the O.C. Weekly.
Here are a few choice excerpts from the O.C. Weekly’s post:
In July–two days after Assembly Speaker Karen Bass and Republican leader Sam Blakeslee put Duvall on the Rules Committee that oversees member ethics–the second-term, conservative, Republican assemblyman sat in a public hearing and vividly described lewd details about his trysts with a female lobbyist whose clients had business before another committee on which Duvall sits.
Duvall, speaking to a relatively mum Republican colleague seated to his left, apparently had no idea his dais microphone became live beginning about a minute before the start of a cable-televised committee hearing. He was captured in the middle of recounting portions of an affair.
“She wears little eye-patch underwear,” said Duvall, who is married with two children. “So, the other day she came here with her underwear, Thursday. And so, we had made love Wednesday–a lot! And so she’ll, she’s all, ‘I am going up and down the stairs, and you’re dripping out of me!’ So messy!”
Duvall–who was twice a president of the Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce, served two terms as mayor of Yorba Linda before entering the assembly in 2006, and is the owner of an insurance agency–continues his tale: “So, I am getting into spanking her. Yeah, I like it. I like spanking her. She goes, ‘I know you like spanking me.’ I said, ‘Yeah! Because you’re such a bad girl!'”
“Their relationship is the worst-kept secret in Sacramento,” a capitol staffer recently told me. “He’s old and fat. She’s hot, blonde and about 20 years younger. He could have never gotten a woman like that before he got this job.'”
But Duvall wasn’t content to just share one adulterous tale at the July 8 committee hearing. He referenced a second, simultaneous affair with another woman. He seemed amused that he was cheating on both his wife and a mistress.
“Oh, yeah, Sher, Shar, Shar,” Duvall said. “Oh, she is hot! I talked to her yesterday. She goes, ‘So are we finished?’ I go, ‘No, we’re not finished.’ I go, ‘You know about the other one [Barsuglia], but she doesn’t know about you!'”
In 2008, Duvall blasted efforts to condone gay marriage. Legislatively, he has proposed bills to aid the insurance industry and government contractors feeding off the state’s massive transportation kitty.
Such thinking impressed certain constituencies. Earlier this year, the man who never graduated from high school received “100 percent” approval scores by the California Republican Assembly, the state’s leading conservative outfit, and the Capitol Resource Institute (CRI), a fierce guardian of traditional family values.
Heidi’s title at work is “Director of Government AFFAIRS” They weren’t kidding. I love Republican Family Values. Hypocrites.
What does Mimi Walters have to do with any of this? Did you need to sleaze up an already sleazy story with that picture. Mimi Walters had nothing to do with this, you should take the picture down.
Mike Duvall should step down for the sake of his family.
We should help him come to his senses(ha!) or donate to the alternative,Democratic candidate John Macmurray.
John Macmurray smashed Mike Duvall in every precinct he walked.
Now is the time to donate, volunteer and get Duvall outta there!
Who is the relatively mum Republican colleague seated to his left of Duvall?
Give the name…COME ON!
Too damn funny.
Duvall sex tape released!
Hey Art, didn’t this pustule just endorse Hugh Nguyen? No Bueno!
Here is a news report video and audio tape of Duvall on a hot mic:×368064
I love this campaign slogan:
Reelect Spanky Duvall (R)! He screws the lobbyist before they screw you!
Spanky Duvall? Pretty good.
Shouldn’t we be talking to Chris Norby about running for Duvall’s seat instead of running for Clerk-Recorder?
Tom Daly was having an affair with his Assistant Clerk Recorder Renee Ramirez. The only differents is he didnt get caught.
Maybe we should wired a mic on Tom Daly so we can get the truth out of him. He is such an old fart.
We all notice how he flirt around wih all the young gilrs at work. We cant stand it when we she him do it. Whe the time is right we will file a sexuall harasement against him.
The other day he took pictures of some of the girls on his cell phone and he laugh about it saying it didn’t matter if he was marry. I wanted is aware of this.
Tom Daly is having an affair with his Assistant Clerk Recorder Renee Ramirez. We can tell at work. The only different is he hasnt got caught. He is alway flirting aroung with the young girls. We saw him the other day take pictures of some of the girls with his cell phone and when they told him he was marry he said so what.
Maybe we should put a mic on Tom Daly.
What a great department head we have at the Clerk Recorder office. We will file a sexuall harasment against him soon.
Only if Norby announces on the Courthouse lawn — maybe he’ll be face up this time.
Art, you are right.
Their are millions of conservatives that don’t cheat on their husbands/wives. They are what represent’s familiy values. Not some politican!
So i dont get why your so prone to jump on republicans who are no different than the dem’s cheating. I dont get it???.
Well i do get it, you Art, see the republicans is a threat to the “undocumented”, “Latino indocrination”.
And what is gay bashing got to do with cheating on your wife??? Lots of gays cheat on their partners!.
Its really stupid this state is falling a part and all you hispanic activist’s, left wingers, ect… jump on a sex scandel that involves repubs. I could not care less, all politicans are prone to wife/husband cheating. Just ask loretta!
This story is being spread nation wide. Because Assemblyman Duvall acted like a hypocrite and when they act like “Ewwww I don’t want gays to destroy my family, they end up destroying their families with their own behaviors.”
#2. Maybe because they both endorsed Sandra Hutchens?
Has he said he does not want gays to distroy families or has he said like the President, he thinks Marriage should stay between a man and a woman. O yeah Obama does not count because he the great gay hope!
Please it really smells bad of “Crap”.
michell ahmen in arts world only reps cheat . he will take as many shots vs them as he can get . if a rep runs a runs a red light . jay walks , or spits on the sidewalk ITS A HEAD LINE ON HERE . a dems does the same thing zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Sorry, everyone of those Republicans who sat with this man are complicit, it’s been said it was the worst kept secret in Sacramento.
Seriously, I would not be shocked to find out that Mimi Walters knew something just as any other Republican from the OC did.
Needless to say, Duvall’s mike mate didn’t report Duvall for ethics violations nor did he ante up any personal shock and awe commentary while listening to a loud mouth homophobic ‘family values’ POS reveal his lack of values.
The listener’s lack of values ooze as much as Duvall’s dripping date.
Michelle Quinn,
You are just a typical Republican always bringing up our President Obama when you can’t defend the actions of your own hypocritical party. Duvall is a hypocrit because he is constantly talking about saving the institution of marriage from gays when he is killing his own with extramarital affairs. When a party runs on Family Values then they need to be held accountable when they don’t practice what they preach. Shame on you and Duvall!
Michelle and great one,
The difference is the hypocrisy. These Republicans run on a pro-family/moral values agenda and just don’t walk the walk.
I trashed “Dirty Gary” Condit a Democrat when his affairs were made public. Condit like so many of these Reeps preached family values and morality.
It’s not the cheating, it’s the hypocrisy.
Let’s wait and see what Mr. Duvall has to say. I’m sure this is a big misunderstanding.
I dont think so!
when i was in Ireland a republican in really meant something!. Here its just a name Dems/repub’s all the same party, I as i have learned very quickly when i have looked in to the Orange Country Supervisors and what they are up too!
So no way, i am not republican!.
So what your saying Mr. Mills that Dems dont talk about family values because they are out screwing around. “well i suppose, at least they are honest”.
And Hypocrisy coming from him, you can’t call all of them hyprocrites, because not all repub/Dems screw around!.
Shame on me for what, so let me give you something
Gays look stupid in wedding dresses!
🙁 Im such a badden!
Sorry for the constant grammer mistakes, i have ADD, cant just do one thing at a time:)
Just like a politican, doing too many at one time…
oops too many things, that is!
Ms. Quinn, if you really are such an old school Irish Republican why are coming off like that gay bashing orange hun Ian Paisley?
Perhaps a new invention is needed, a lock that only the other half can unlock to keep pants on.
An elected official, pants party pervention lock.
We could get rich on something like that, they could all sign a pledge to buy one.
Perhaps that is the wrong idea on second thought, maybe we should encourage this activity.
If they are too busy in the coat room then perhaps they will have less time to think of new ways to spend money foolishly.
Orange County Assemblyman Mike Duvall, R-Yorba Linda, just resigned from office because of reports that he had bragged about having sex with two women who were not his wife.
“I am deeply saddened that my inappropriate comments have become a major distraction for my colleagues in the Assembly, who are working hard on the very serious problems facing our state. I have come to the conclusion that it would not be fair to my family, my constituents or to my friends on both sides of the aisle to remain in office. Therefore, I have decided to resign my office, effective immediately, so that the Assembly can get back to work.”
Read more:… /
One hour ago…..
Assembly Speaker Karen Bass today stripped Assemblyman Mike Duvall, R-Yorba Linda, of his spot as vice-chair of the Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee following reports of a long term affair he has carried on with a female utility company lobbyist.
Duvall, who is married, was caught on tape at an Assembly Appropriations Committee relating lurid details about the affair.
Today, after details were reported on television news and in the “OC Weekly,” Duvall issued an apology on his campaign website. “I made a mistake and I sincerely apologize,” the statement said. “I deeply regret the comments I made in what I believed to be a private conversation. This is a private matter and I ask that everyone respect the privacy of all involved.”
Duvall has also been removed from the Assembly Rules Committee, which oversees members’ ethics issues. Bass said she has directed the committee to look into the matter.
“I am saddened and disappointed in the recent comments made by Assemblymember Mike Duvall. There is no question his comments were inappropriate. … The Assembly has some very important policy work to complete in the next couple of days and we will not allow this situation to become a distraction,” Bass said in a statement.
Read more:…
A Message From Chairman Scott Baugh: Republican Party Of Orange County 2009 Youth Associates Convention
Dear Orange County Republican,
As Republicans we face many new challenges each year. However, one challenge we have faced for many years is bringing young Americans into the Republican Party. This year as Chairman, I appointed Councilwoman Deborah Pauly to lead the OCGOP Youth Advisory Committee, a committee whose sole purpose is to bring young Americans into our party.
In a time when young people have voted for Democrats in record numbers, it is imperative that we engage and focus all efforts towards recruiting young people into our party. This year alone our youth associates have brought forth school board agenda items to make sure the flag is saluted everyday in our public schools and have put together their very own Youth Convention.
I need each one of you as Republican Leaders to encourage at least five young Orange Countians to attend this very important Youth Convention. This is a free event that will take place on Saturday, September 19th at the Nixon Library starting at 8:00am. This convention is geared toward ages 11-20, but focuses on middle and high school students. For more information and registration forms please visit our website at
We need volunteers at the Youth Convention, donations for goodie bags, prizes and event underwriting. I am asking you to step up and support this program, as it is critical to our future.
Thank you for your time,
Chairman Scott Baugh
I hope they offer special training on how to avoid “hot mikes” like the one our little “Hot Mike” found!
Very funny when they get busted…. but the question is why is he “Gay Bashing” that has nothing to do with this, the title should read “Family Values” Republican cheated with two women…..I just saying..
Because EVERY family values gop KNOWS that GAYS destroy heterosexual marriages and that’s why they have to consistently deny them the rights to civil unions.
And sure enough – look what has happened?! Old hot Mic Mike Duvall’s marriage is a mess – most likely because of the evil gay agenda.
ps.. god, what IS it about the GOP and their anti-condom agenda? “Messy!”
You obviously have never been to Ireland. Gays in Ireland dont exactly get the “open arm”, approach on either side Dup,SF,ect…
America is the only country i know that gays have such freedom’s.
Gays getting married is a legal thing with me, because i know scumbags groups like the ACLU would have a field day. Maybe in the future, when all the Sixities far left wingers have left this earth for the big. “wood stock”, in the sky. Maybe gay marriage will be a bit less political and more about love!.
But as far as republicans who cheat, black mark’s family values, that’s just plain stupid!
Because EVERY family values gop KNOWS that GAYS destroy heterosexual marriages and that’s why they have to consistently deny them the rights to civil unions.
Then my friend RV, how do you explain that a large majority of Blacks and Hispancs voted yes on prop 8??.
Is it not true that Blacks and Hispanic’s vote Dem??
Or is it that only the white vote counts against gays??
Does this ever happen to female elected officials?? If not, why not?
How come none of you thought it was wrong when Bill Clinton was with Monica?
If your going to screw around, don’t run for office.
Red….really?…Did you have to hit me with that visual????
Give him some credit…..It was with a good looking woman that was half his age…there is that…
If this keeps up, Gays will not want to get married, in order to protect their relationships!
Assemblyman Duvall,
I am(was) a constituent.
I met you a few times, once outside your office in Brea, where I was with my family, you quickly dismissed me, and my children.
Remember how you told him to move away with distain?
Ironically, Larry, the bum told me: “That guy has’nt experienced it yet. His day will come”.
So it has.
Perhaps we are too focused on what people do under the desk, rather than what they support.
The point is with this particular person is that while they we preaching family values and anti-gay positions, they were playing in the coat room.
Personally, I do not have an issue with how anyone else handles thier marriage, that is between them and thier God if they have one.
I do have an issue with people who try to pass laws against choice, against contraception and oppose other people relationships. Especially when they cannot handle thier own.
Clinton to my knowledge never tried to pass laws to interfere with what people did behind closed doors. While he did have a problem keeping his pants on, he was not a hypocrite.
Bill Clinton never preached morality and never sought to legislate the morality of others.
Again it is about the hypocrisy of these self-described moralists that is the problem.
The bigger story is that Duvall was sleeping with women that represented groups that had business before Duvall’s committee’s.
Immoral and unethical.
Gads, Michelle, how do you ever manage to turn every post into some kind of race issue? Prop 8 will be defeated this next go around, I am willing to bet. MOST people will vote that way and I don’t even need to guess what all colors/races they might be this next time.
Marko, for sure. Marriage already has a pretty dismal record. You’d think the gays would be smart and say,’honey, i’d LOVE to get married, but we just CAN’T – sigh, wink, wink!’
However, humans want what they want, and I think blow hard hipocrites like Duvall denying basic civil rights to others should be countered.
Where’s a comment from Agent Orange?
I did have some good chuckles from the racist, hypocrite, and constantly afraid Michele Quinn, but she is simply an unremarkable neocon who only spews talking points made by other neocons, without any real thoughts of her own.
Come on Michelle and Agent Orange. Is this the best you can offer? That was a rhetorical question because we already know the answer, which is yes.
Michelle, being a republican is not the same as being a Republican and you know that.
Agent Orange, I know you haven’t commented on this post yet, unless you are commenting under a different name.
Michelle, yuor ametpt to use ADD as an ecxsue is not taht fnuny.
It demonstrates that you need to fall back on your limitations rather than overcoming them. Sometimes that is termed as being lazy…..or uneducated.
The hypocracy of the right is now so out in the open it seems like the Republican Party will destroy itself because there are no longer any reasons to consider that Republicans are able to tell or even know the truth about so many things.
And Scott Baugh, your “Youth Convention” is nothing more than youth indoctronation as I am sure you would call a gathering of progressive young people.
Republicans are moving too far to the right and are losing basic and regular core conservative values and putting neocon talking points in place. This is so very sad for Orange County and the rest of our Country.
I did have some good chuckles from the racist, hypocrite, and constantly afraid Michele Quinn, but she is simply an unremarkable neocon who only spews talking points made by other neocons, without any real thoughts of her own.
I am glad you like me:)
And i don’t think i can mind read. So all the thoughts that are coming out of my pretty big head are mine. “Big brain, big head”.
I have never been afraid in my life, except i do take care, now that i have kids!. I am wild,but kids have tamed me some.
Sometimes that is termed as being lazy…..or uneducated.
Yeah i said this, sorry, to say, we can’t all be as lucky as some, who had the benefit of growing up here in this great country!. And yeah i was a pretty bad girl at school too!. Can you tell??.
And i have been trying to improve my spelling, so sue me!.
The hypocracy of the right is now so out in the open it seems like the Republican Party will destroy itself because there are no longer any reasons to consider that Republicans are able to tell or even know the truth about so many things.
Instead of Republican add, Democrat.
I being an observer to this country have quickly come to the conclusion that the left is abunch of rich, hippy nob heads and the right are non-hippy nob heads. I really don’t see a differnce. Except the rich nob-heads have alot of money to push their agenda!.
I am sure you would call a gathering of progressive young people.
white nerds!! or as i would most likely call them,” pussies”.
Republicans are moving too far to the right and are losing basic and regular core conservative values and putting neocon talking points in place. This is so very sad for Orange County and the rest of our Country.
Both parties are moving in the same direction. Screwing over the American People. And the only thing that is sad, is that you and the rest of the so called educated need an uneducated shrimp like me to tell you that!.
I am bright, but God really, how bright do you need to be, to see that your getting shafted!.
rhetorical question because we already know the answer, which is yes.
I think i answered your rhetorical question as no, that is not all i have to offer, i just need to water it down a bit for the sensitive people.
How interesting how he shows only concern for what his actions may do to the business in Sacramento and never once mentions what if may do to his Family. Gee guess they are not improtant.So much for Family Values!!!!!!!LOL